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Everything posted by TripleX

  1. hbd best leader ! enjoy it men
  2. Date : 04/03/2020 Activity : Patroling around SA // Stopped a PBR 0/8 // Stopped SR's Screenshots :
  3. Date :03/03/2020 Activity: Patroling around SA // Stopping SR's // Stopped a JB Screenshots:
  4. i'm totally with it, but honestly if crims will be inside the mapping i think it gonna be hard to defend it especially if many cops rush together and spam flashbangs but i'm still agree it will be much fun than the current store rob mapping
  5. Date :28/02/2020 Activity: stopping some SR's // Patroling around SA // Responding to BR's nd PBR's Screenshots:
  6. Activity: Stopped a BR 1/8 // Stopped some SR's // VIP Date::26/02/2020 Screenshots:
  7. Event: Fallout Reward: 1.000.000 $$ LWS: matthews Winner: kleinvagina Screenshots
  8. Activity: Patrolling/stopped a jailbreak and we raided some SR's Date::16/02/2020 Screenshots:
  9. Activity: Raiding TT base/CLO base /Stopped a BR/Patroled around LS / Stopped a JB. Date: 15/02/2020
  10. Activity: Raiding TT base(we could arrest all of the TT's in their base)/Stopped a PBR/Patroled around LS. Date: 01/02/2020 ::: :::
  11. Activity: Raiding CLO base.. Date: 28/01/2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfeL_boRfaQ
  12. @VayraN you ain't arresting a normal criminal.. also lately arresting clo is not that big deal sadly, and if you are aware of getting hsed by them it's so easy "DONT CHASE THEM" me as a DE eventhough i know that crims are always more than cops and i know it will be hell hard to hs i'm with this suggestion i want to have some fun around and it may increase DE/CLO activity cause once admins made the hs script in SF/Bayside many started turfing and assisting there
  13. @Zwolle said in HS back for CLO & DE: its not easy to hs someone but it gives more fun to play , for both sides as you can see ppl was recording video while arresting clos now we are a useless group @Kain @kenny @Brophy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u10He0KuNz0 i totally agree! it would be fun cause hs is kinda useless we use it only in wars which happens like once or twice max per month i hope hq's agree aswell
  14. -Stopped Bloodz BR/SR and patrolling around all SA, with all available FBI present. ::: :::
  15. -Stopped Z BR/SR/JB, with all available FBI present. ::: :::
  16. sorry for telling you this raaef but you can't get that prop it belongs to an admin
  17. well, since i could raid br's as DE and could attend br's as Z i can state the real reasons which make gangs face much troubles during their br's which results a failure in sometimes. first of all, without kill-arrest every gang would make 8/8 so forget about removing it. it's all about two things it's true kill-arrest isn't realastic and a bit pain in the ass but the true two reasons are: -the special groups, in general gangs call 1 clo but u see atleast 1-3 de's and 3+ hls's -also that from 20 criminals in the bank rob i believe that only 5 defending, in every br u have to find that 5 are afking 5 selling others just runing around and some others standing/dancing or fucking around in safes room. talking about br's, honestly cripz is the well organised gang in br's everytime i join em u dont see anyone messing around they even all defend in the first room except two cracking and one defending the safes room. what am saying it has never been a question of kill-arrest nor anything else it's if all the criminals inside the br if they defend it will be balanced for both sides i believe if atleast 15 crims spam cs/m4 no one would pass a corridor and it will be hell fun so you can feel like it is a real bank rob not a simple criminal activity
  18. @Nico for sure they will be rewarded xD like if they make the gang which robbing em fail, they get money like the vip, if they secure it they recieve money
  19. i was too lazy to make a topic, even to ask an admin if it's possible or no i had this idea i hope u guys like it since gangs could gang rob each other before, despite making this back again cause for sure it's fun.. why official squads even official groups(if they wants to join for sure) can't be robbed aswell ? it's like every squad has it's money, so like every gang they get a safe in their base which every player can reach it and be able to rob it(via cracking) and with the same rules as gr's. So it would be such another activity for gangs and also for official squads they defend it by killing or arresting since they are lacking activities. ps: it's just a suggestion i dunno if saes dev may do it or no
  20. Title: Exchange deal Date: 1911.2019. Participants: @Axestos @Raider @khalil @Mongols-MC Story: @Organization-Zero made a good exchange deal lately. While TripleX was chilling and having fun, he recieved a call. It was 100% buisness. He didn't know who was calling but TripleX thought he is popular so he organised a meeting to discuss this deal and know what is about. The day they came Triplex knew some of them, they are the mongolos they are controlling Red County, it wasn't friednly at all we got directly into buisness so we went inside our meeting room and they wanted to make an exchange deal they were looking for something unique no one except us can make it. He wanted a similair bike as "Bazuka" 's bike he is so respected from the mongolos he was one of them, actually he was mongolos's road captain. His bike was amazing and you can't another one in whole San Andreas a bit similiair to his. Ballas, the one who was leading the mongolos back to that day took a picture from his pocket and showed it to me so TripleX knew why he wants it so bad. Then Axestos took it, he told me it gonna take a while like two weeks but for sure we are able to do it he was glad that we were able to make it and give a hand but of course not for free. In another hand the Zebra was looking for something costly and we are in need to since he wants this bike so much and won't find anyone else except us to make it TripleX decided to make this shot worthy so he asked for 200KG's of hand made "Cocaine" he didn't expect that because it's a big amount but the bike was priceless so it took from him few seconds to tell me "See you in two weeks". The bike was so hard to be made as he wants it didn't look as easy as we thought many items are missing and some thought that we won't make it but we made our best and went to many stores to get the needed stuffs it was hard to find and costly but we could make it it in two weeks, so TripleX made the call to organise where to meet and to make the exchange. Once we arrived , he couldn't take his eyes away from the bike he said" That's what TripleX was looking for" he was happy, but he still made sure of it and checked it so well, same as us we made sure that the "Cocaine" is 100% hand made, Raider checked it and taste and it was all good we got the the package in our towtruck, we both were feeling good with the deal and we made sure that we will re-meet and maybe make some other kind of buisness. Pictures: ::: :::
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