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Everything posted by TripleX

  1. Turfing FC [s=] [/s] SR's [s=] [/s]
  2. Address: 4 Tuckedaway Terrace Account name: gamerforever Last seen: 23 august Screenshots:
  3. Address: Yarse Jewelry Store Account name: gamerforever Last seen: 23 august Screenshots:
  4. AA :p
  5. Username: xxxtriple Age: 21 Country: Tunisia Languages spoken: Arabic, French, English, Italian(A2) and Deutsch(A2) From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 8 How long have you been playing on SAES: Since late 2019 In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins is the oldest gang in the server, it's been taking place since 2011 and always based in SF, they took over all the ammunations that's why they are known with selling high quality guns. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): -OC: Issues with the gang leader as far as i remember -UE: I left cause i decided with few of my friends to create our -own gang, I tried to join em back but i found a close door -TBD: Unfortunately didn't last long , RIP -Z: It was a really good one but things got mixed, being DE and in a gang is pain in ass so i had to pick a side -FBI: More than 2 years.. I must say i had my favourites moments there but I aint enjoying at all ,instead im just raging and getting more and more stressed. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: n/a Name 3 Bankrob rules: -Max 2 BR's per day -You can't defend behind the glass when it comes to SF/LS/LV banks -You can't make a solo BR Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: -You can't assist them by defending outside the bank -I can't crack or kill defenders during their BR Name 3 Turf rules: You can't use your prop in order to get to zone faster You can't use other class to assist in a turf war such like cop or medic You can't use special groups to assist your gang What is Roleplay?: RP is acting a role like in real life What is Deathmatching?: It is killing/Damaging players or their vehicles for no reason Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I handle it my way, I have a talk with the guy and then use my panel ;v You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Nothing i just keep driving Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Well yeah i did hang few times and i was chilling a bit lately in base with few members Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Well I'm known as TripleX , I joined SAES in 2019 i spent most of my career in cop side where i almost got everything but i ended up sacrificing all of what i've done to switch to dark side precisely AA
  6. Sorted
  7. Sorted
  8. Well I'd agree when it comes to defending outside so since the last BR's updates there is no 10 official squads needed therefore only few responding and making it harder the thing is it will be more challenging if the defending outside gets removed like you saw in those videos i were with curvy and sou only 3 of us responding we couldn't pass the 1st door meanwhile it could be more fun for both of us and more challenging if we keep the "Bank" rob inside the Bank @Crash we can't kamikaze tbh since official gangs members spawn as trainees and bribe everyone so no one is wanted and it will count as DM
  9. User is an admin check this out: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members Request denied
  10. Sorted.
  11. Activity Type: VIP Rescue. FBI Members Involved: @TripleX @Wulf @Bean Date: 04/12/2021 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  12. Sorry sir Proton, already requested https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30057/inactive-ls/1
  13. Sorted.
  14. Sorted.
  15. Sorted.
  16. @cheer said in House Removals: Account name : Lynch1 Icon name : LS East Beach House Account name : Lynch1 Icon name : 2 Hillsea Road Account name : Lynch1 Icon name : 14 Shipview Terrace Account name : Lynch1 Icon name : Jcesar Appartement 2 Done.
  17. Sorted.
  18. 7 days with no bids, archived.
  19. Activity Type: Stopping SR. FBI Members Involved: @TripleX @JojoDb @Steven Date: 12/10/2021 Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  20. Sorted.
  21. 7 days without any bid, archived.
  22. I might be a little bit late but yeah .. Imma start with @sherap2-0 .. How on earth you find it fun to ruin other players fun and gameplay ? It's obviously everyone is against you while you still act like Rambo against everyone else For god sake stop with that attitude and mentality Also you been saying get a proof of me spawning as another class to avoid a br Here you go Mr.Sherap, you are literally asking another cop to respawn to avoid a BR which ofc you find it fun and make us cops usefull on the server: I hope you finally refrain on being a retard and grow some balls and let everyone enjoy the game, thank you Back to subject, I been a cop for almost two years reducing the amount of cops required to start a br or making the 5-10 minutes thing is bad to be honest to us we all know the fact sometimes only 1-5 cops responding to BR's which makes it less challenging to both sides so i'm against it In another hand since i went to the dark side and tried it few days ago and I've seen how much pain in ass it takes to get the 10 cops and gather up to start it therefore I'd say every PC/Squad member should count no matter what he is spawned as. PS: you crims should be faster you take 15min's+ gathering in AP and expect cops to not know about it -_-
  23. 7 days without no bid , archived.
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