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Everything posted by KARIM

  1. since the post is useless, I want to send my regards to my father, my mother, and my friends & my boyfriend.
  2. who the fok dont play dinosaur
  3. @Bartman said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: would suggest yes if crimes gets money everywhere at br @Pump said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: You want this to happen, You should add a prize to criminals who kills pigs from outside (not corridors) so it can be fair ^
  4. @Brophy
  5. @James said in Bank Robbery Rule Change: let me correct you even if you have obtained six and more stars in BR , kill arrest you still send him in jail and receive money if you can kill-arrest while you have +6 stars whats point of new updates ? machines ?
  6. KARIM


    don't be stubborn and biased because you only think is right Care over the players make them feel being heard, Listen to their feedback and opinions even if they differ atleast give it a try and have a proper chat without measuring whos dick is the biggest or make a fool out of someone. ::: :::
  7. its same everyone should be allowed to kill the cops whos buying from machine in brs not only gang that robbing this make no sense, all what kain did is replacing klay with machines and changed drug(speed) name to " eNeRgY or cOlA " gtfo pls
  8. @VayraN My idea is when you enter in the marker, system will ask you Manual Or Automatic
  9. Starting price: $5.000.000$ Minimum bid increase: $1.000.000
  10. @Vennelle ( i think you can drop ur shotgun via /dropammo all ) also as i said its for crims & trainees only and btw i forget to mention that the point of this suggestion is to drop specific ammo not whole ammo which means you can sell/give your own weapons/ammo with the price you want. ![alt text]()
  11. @Vennelle yeah dont allow them bs they will abuse g/s weapons
  12. @Vennelle didnt get what u mean exactly but i said NOTE : Disallow it from g/s so they cant abuse their spawn weapons, its kinda usefull for both sides
  13. " remember that you can drop/sell only with your own weapons so theres no abuse here "
  14. i want to suggest the ability for cops ( trainees/state trooper/warden trainee) & criminals ( armdealer.... ) to dropweapon via /dropweapon if im not wrong the script is already exists or its disabled ::: ::: also its already exists for trainee only and he can dropall weapons as u can see here and i want it for trooper/criminals ::: ::: NOTE : Disallow it from g/s so they cant abuse their spawn weapons, its kinda usefull for both sides pls read it carefully and leave your opinion below btw i forget to mention that the point of this suggestion is to drop specific ammo not whole ammo
  15. @Sanfara i suggest you to delete this before brophy see it, im pretty sure he will change server name to dm instead of rpg
  16. @jonathan959 said in Bank Robbery Rule Change: that would be considered DM and u can not kill someone outside a BR because he is "suspicious" , he is just selling drugs he has nothing to do with the br, even if he is a cop or crim he is just selling if this counted as deathmatch then why the fuck the gang that robbingbank can kill him ?
  17. @Ammar said in SWAT's "paramedic" class: If the spawn doesn't have nightstick then it fundamentally was not meant to arrest. Don't try to justify it by piling up some lame excuses. indeed
  18. 31
  19. @VayraN said in Decrease Jail Time: I don't think it's really needed to be decreased, Why? Irl people stays by years in jail and they are not getting jbed i agree with your idea, 7 or 5 mnts are nothing it should be 1 year like irl since this is RP SERVER
  20. @Patrol said in [SWAT's "paramedic" whats the success rate on BRs ? 90 % im pretty sure its not 90% atm.
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