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Everything posted by KARIM

  1. ~[Event Number 120]~(#33990b) Event Type : LMS LWS/G6 helper(s): @Star (LWS) Location: G6 Prize: 2.500.000$ Winner(s): [NNB]Louis ScreenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/Cja49eb :::
  2. Starting bid : 10.000.000$ With carspawn. Close to LSPD "few meters" /bank/Jail. With a big parking. SOME SS : ::: :::
  3. ~[16/02/2019 -LS BANK ROBBERY #244 8/8]~(blueviolet) ~[16/02/2019 -LV BANK ROBBERY #245 8/8]~(blueviolet)
  4. Those DE/DEN wannabes who are part of any criminal organization or criminal gang will have a ~[harder]~(red) time to join and swat have a easier time to join ! :relaxed:
  5. ~[E]~(green)vent Number: 195 ~[E]~(green)vent Type: Barfight 1v1 ~[L]~(green)WS/G6: Ramos ~[P]~(green)rize(s): 1.000.000 ~[W]~(green)inner(s): Faho ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/urBrqml :::
  6. Type: Race Flag. Particiants: Issou,Garcia,Joker,Me Location: Around SF Winner & Prize: ::: ::: Type: Race Flag. Particiants: Issou,Garcia,Joker,Me Location: Around RC&LV Winner & Prize: ::: :::
  7. user : chernobyl lastseen : 16 jan 2019 Ss : https://imgur.com/a/47HzMYE
  8. user : ming123koh lastseen : 25 dec 2018 ss :
  9. user : dingir lastseen : 1 sep 2018 ss :
  10. ~[08/02/2019 -LS BANK ROBBERY #234 8/8]~(blueviolet) ~[08/02/2019 -LV BANK ROBBERY #235 8/8]~(blueviolet) ~[09/02/2019 -LV BANK ROBBERY #236 8/8]~(blueviolet) ~[09/02/2019 -SF BANK ROBBERY #237 8/8]~(blueviolet)
  11. ~[Event Number 119]~(#33990b) Event Type : Airbox 1v1 LWS/G6 helper(s): Ramos (LWS) Location: LV Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): ICE|Spectre. ScreenShots: ::: ) :::
  12. ~[Event Number 118]~(#33990b) Event Type : Chiken shooter LWS/G6 helper(s): Ramos (LWS) Location: CS Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): [CDC]Bechkam ScreenShots: ::: :::
  13. ~[Event Number 117]~(#33990b) Event Type : Find the car LWS/G6 helper(s): Ramos (LWS) Location: LV Prize: 4.000.000$ Winner(s): [TT]SniperLye ScreenShots: ::: :::
  14. ~[Event Number 116]~(#33990b) Event Type : All vs All barfight LWS/G6 helper(s): @Sparrow (LWS) Location: LV BAR Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Faho ScreenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/urBrqml :::
  15. @CptJones @yuts116 ~[Accepted.]~(green,lime,green)
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