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Everything posted by master

  1. Rewarded! As for the beta access please contact Kain or Brophy on discord.
  2. If I get your point correctly you are saying when you're being chased by 5 cops (since you're talking about driveby lets say 5 max) and you're alone you should be able to run away. I dont think that's how it's supposed to be. You ARE supposed to get arrested when you're outnumbered, that's teamwork.
  3. Who ever voted for Kenny is just trying not to get banned, period.
  4. Added Killer1920 to donator, as for the beta access please contact Brophy. Yet your 500K to be rewarded.
  5. olp added to donator, please contact brophy on discord for your beta access
  6. Rewards sorted, thank you very much for donating!
  7. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4567/donation-chasintlsn-amount-4-00-gbp/2
  8. cash rewarded for the previous and current donation and added your friend to the group.
  9. Cash rewarded, Added to donator group ingame alongisde your 4 legged friend, Yet the vehicle to add, you can post when you decide Added a dozer locked to sparky (the donator)
  10. rewarded!
  11. rewarded!
  12. Sold alongside his other 3 properties
  13. Sorted
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