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Everything posted by master

  1. Shamal in LS Airport, and locked to yosoooo,luuucian,mohamad14,karim07 as per donator request. Donation reward Icon added.
  2. Changed the Landstalker and Super GT wrap to wrap1. (Donators request, as he does not want to have a custom wrap anymore, therefor his two wraps only cost him 10 )
  3. And added to donator group
  4. Sorted, added all the vehicles listed above (Shamal, Maverick, Landstalker, Huntley, DFT, Hotring Racer 3, Freeway, Turismo) and locked them to milanali and hakar2001. Maverick and Shamal were added in LS airport as requested.
  5. Joshbond's comportment toward players when he was Staff Joshbond after reading Gengar' post
  6. Fugitive's latest pictures after getting banned.
  7. @Joe said in Use of exploits reminder: @Halo said in Use of exploits reminder: Frank, Royal and now Gengar? :/ One of those is not like the others. Racism at its finest
  8. I had no intention to reply to anyone here but seeing your post joshbond,... I couldn't help myself but laugh. You claim that Lance and some other members did not like you and that's why you were removed. If Lance and 'those other members' had such great influence as you say then you would have never been in the Staff team in the first place if they didnt want you in. May I remind you you were the most reported Staff member back then. The amount of reports you had against you in your short run is still more than the amount of reports I have against me, Tombaa, Bone, Magnus, Kenny (you name them all) all combined in the 9 years we have been here. And those reports were issued by players, not SAES members nor SAES HQ. You were a fine player but once you got your pannel you totally changed. You became the most hated Staff member and player in general back then, you used to call people name and insult them in order to provoke them, and once they reply you mute them. Most of what you did was spawn staff and wait for someone to say something non-english in chat so you can mute them for hours. You used to jail people for punching your car. You used to spectate people you didn't like 24/7, waiting for them to do anything so you can jail them. You have had more than one chance to work on your attitude, but you always failed, and enough was enough. I personally do not have any problem with you now, but back then, you were the worst, so please don't try to be a victim now.
  9. Just a little correction, he donated 10 GBP in total. Removed a SuperGT locked to maxismuz4141. And removed a shamal from LS airport locked to maxismuz4141 (requested here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4099/freezoom-donate-amount-5-00gbp/2), as it was not supposed to be there (was supposed to be removed in this donation change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4235/freezoom-reward-change/2). Added one Police LV locked to maxismuz4141 in LSPD.
  10. Added 1 Police LS in SAI base locked to kalevipoeg, and cash rewarded also.
  11. Out of all the nice VW GOLFs you picked this crappy looking one. Doesn't even look like those nice antique cars if you ask me. And I dont see the need for a fancy high definition car interior if we cant really make use of it.
  12. The true definition of being retarded is when tamsouh keeps changing his nick due to his awsome reputation, and then comments on how others are changing their nicks for the same reason he is.
  13. If you add Sousse to the poll it will have more votes than Tunisia
  14. Sorted. Added a Stunt plane and a Dodo in TT base locked to mhster,dopeblizz,rudis,vagoti Added a Shamal in SF airport locked to mhster,dopeblizz,rudis,vagoti Added a Shamal in LV airport locked mhster,dopeblizz,rudis,vagoti
  15. Sorted
  16. @Thing said in goodbye, Black Syndicate: @Mohamed-Mostafa said in goodbye, Black Syndicate: You are weak players BS, you gave up and you didn't try to do the best for your family Rest In Peace. This is the most disrespectful and dumb comment I have seen on this topic. Let me be really honest with you Tamsouh, you have achieved absolutely nothing on this server so you should not even dare to say anything to these guys who have kept this gang stable for years. The only person who is weak is you since you are not even able to stay loyal to one organisation. Anyways, my comment on this. Loved BS at the start with the Croatian boys. Had a bit of beef with them in the end but never disliked you guys in any way. Sad to see you go but every gang has its end and yours has come. Better to close it than letting it die slowly with demotions etc. He did achieve something. Most retarded player of all time.
  17. Money rewarded and added the account polawski to the donator group. No vehicle added as the donator said he does not want any.
  18. When you create a giveaway topic to get likes, and still end up with this .. Radrick right now..
  19. Filex on SAES Discord
  20. Added a Maverick and a Shamal (both locked to zebronel,hylander) in SF airport as per donator's request, including a donation reward icon so you can spawn nearby your vehicles. All rewards sorted, again, thank you for your donation!
  21. Its been about 30 minutes and i'm still waiting for his question, for real.
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