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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. looks like u played dinosaur for quite a bit of time petrow kek
  2. happy birthday old man
  3. hbd (tt)groove, have a good one
  4. @Juby said in Show us your setup: i see you watching summit waiting for that drop :grin: , good setup tho
  5. newborn kittens yet to pick a name for them
  6. rip u annoying cucks now i can freely ride with 2stars. it was a good run while it lasted
  7. hbd ya boti :kissing_heart:
  8. happy birthday u swedish fuck, have a good one @hRL :kissing_heart:
  9. F, just like that months of work is gone
  10. @protonyt i have invited you on discord i want a banner
  11. good shit u got there
  12. hls entering the bank: everyone inside the bank: why do i hear boss music
  13. oh no why im even spawning as a trucker i thought the payment will get better the more deliveries i make
  14. happy anniversary slugs
  15. hbd gamer
  16. killarrest shouldn't be removed because its a good idea but it shouldn't be available for everyone instead why dont we make a class only used by who has the procop diplomat everything will be accessible for this class (kill arrest,flashbangs,50% of armor) u will start using this class when the first safe of the bank gets cracked and you will be spawning inside the bank and ofc the killarrest will be removed for everyone else besides DE i think...
  17. @Blade it looks like the leaves seem to be dead in the second picture
  18. happy birthday u fat fuck
  19. hbd pal, have a good one
  20. Jagwar


    only a tunisian can do that 83 punishments in such short period of time, goodbye
  21. this sounds interesting hopefully u succeed and bring back the old mmc i had good days in this gang, wish u best of luck
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