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SAES Community Staff
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Posts posted by Legend

  1. @xJuDe Dear Applicant,
    First of all I'd like to thank you for your interest in joining our group. We had to discuss a lot to make sure you deserve to be one of us but as you got more than 2 weeks to show your interest in game you could have joined at least one of those activities. However you didnt do anything with us and we don't know anything about you, therefore you are ~[DENIED]~(red,yellow,orange,red,red,red,magenta,teal,blue,cyan,orange,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,orange,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,orange,orange,orange,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,orange,orange,red,red,red,red,orange,red,red,red,red,orange,red,yellow,red)
    feel free to reaply in 2 weeks if still interested.

  2. @laminee Dear Applicant,
    As I see you are active enough and ready to spend your time for PoS activities. However we need those members that's why we decided to proceed with you to the next step which is your in game test. Your application is ~[accepted.]~(lime,green,teal)

  3. @RadiO Now we can see that you really try to show your best and make every effort to join us. I'm glad to inform you that you have passed the application stage and have to meet any HQ in game to receive your tests, good luck. ~[ACCEPTED.]~(lime,green,teal,green,cyan)

  4. @Rowdy35
    Dear Applicant,
    You have passed your application stage and now have to meet an HQ in game in order to get your test, good luck.

  5. @lil_borivoje
    Dear Applicant,
    you took part at some of our activities and RPs and it seems like you're good enough to join the group. Im glad to infor you that you have passed your application stage and your in game tests and you are now one of us. Keep in mind to become full PoS member you have to pass your probation which is hosting 2 RPs and 1 Event in a week.

    PoS HQ Team.

  6. alt text
    RP Number #23
    Roleplay Title: Checking out an old cemetery
    The Story: This time one of the warlocks came to lead the priests to search for something useful at one of the oldest cemeteries around SA. He got a team of few priests and they started the move from RC church. It was not that long way, as Ghost Town was not that far from their church. Once the priests came to the cemetery they started looking for something useful for PoS. They spent a lot of time there and actually one of them found a book, that seemed to be a book full of new spells that the warlocks have never known before. They got the book to rc church and the one leading the group asked them to go on the job by trying to find someone to translate it, as that was a language that no one of them knew.
    Participants: @Legend @prophet @RadiO Batya, Ballas
    Date: 13.01.2019
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/KojKnOY


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  7. @lil_borivoje
    Dear Applicant,
    your application seems to be written for our old topic and rp type, as now things have changed. I would recommend you to read our new topic to be sure about that what is this about for now, but actually I can't say that your acclication isn't that suitable for our new role, that's why I'm glad to inform you that you're on ~[PENDING]~(orange,purple) now, try to help PoS taking part of our activities, good luck.

  8. @Rowdy35
    Pretty good application, It seems you are an experienced player which means you got enough chances to be part of the group. The thing is that you didnt attend our activities and we would like to see you helping us, to make sure you deserve to be PoS member. Good Luck.

  9. @RadiO ~[PENDING.]~(orange,purple)
    Dear Applicant,
    We would like you know more about you in game, try to spend some time attending our activities, that might raise your chances to get the positive answer.

    Regards, PoS HQ Team.

  10. alt text

    General Information
    Group Name: Priests of Sodom
    Group Tag: PoS|nickname|Rank
    PoS Color Code: #250000
    Our Motto: -
    Date of creation: 12.01.2019
    Group Bank: 80.000.000$
    Group Founder: @Legend @Prophet
    Link to our discord channel:
    PoS Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5281/priests-of-sodom-media-archive
    Use RC>Civil>Priest to spawn as PoS or RC>General 1 for Warlocks and Top Branch
    Recruitment Status: CLOSED
    THIS IS A GROUP so you don't need to leave your G/S/C in order to join us.
    ~[NOT ABOUT RELIGION AT ALL!!!!!]~(red)
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    The group dates back to medieval times. Back to the time when mean people used any opportunity to get stuff under their control, a bunch of warlocks was content with their own stuff. Things however had changed a great deal back then. The crew had found a magic spell which made them immortal. The curse which they had to suffer. The spell they used made them so powerful that they couldn't let things go the way they'd used to do. The team craved to rule things on their own. It gifted them a chance to influence kings. They enjoyed the one they had and used it to the full. Centuries have passed, and still if rumors are to be believed the shadow group exists and intends to come out of the shadow and get back in the race.

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    We can do RPs, Events and Sermons which are:
    Role play. Priests of Sodom are the priests who by day pretend to be the ordinary clerics and when no one sees try to find more spells and magical objects for more abilities. By nights the curse has them turn into the ghosts and feed on human fears as that gives them strength to live on.
    Events. You can do whatever you want, that doesnt have to be related to our role.
    Sermon. Is an activity when the members meet for a sermon which is hosted by a shepherd.
    About our ranks and treir roles:
    -Magnus - Leader, (owner)
    -Magister - Vice Leader/ Leader while Magnus is away
    -Warlock - Sub leader/ vL while Magnus is away
    -Top Brass - HQ
    -Priest - Regular PoS member
    -Neophyte. Those people who have just joined, newbies.

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    1. Don't insult anyone

    2. Follow all the F1 rules, don't break them and don't act like that retard.

    3. Always wear the group tag when spawned as PoS

    4. Respect all the members within the community

    5. Be mature and respectful all the time

    6. Listen and follow all the High Ranked members orders

    7. Try to be as useful as you can

    8. If you have any problems with any member of the group tell that to the HQ Team, no need to fight

    9. Try not to spawn wanted

    10. You are not allowed to speak any language in group chats or during an rp or anything but english

    11. Have fun and enjoy your time being one of us, after all that's just a game

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    Magnus: @Legend @Prophet
    Magister: @Energizer
    Warlock. @Tema
    Top Brass:
    Priest: @iani @Terry @Nikki_ @Tapi @QieZZ @lil_borivoje @Cornelius @Staifi
    Neophyte: @Harb Ballas @Rowdy35 @RadiO

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    -horkent 70.000.000$
    -Matvey 20.000.000$
    -Batya 20.000.000$
    -q1ezz 10.000.000$
    -Absent 10.000.000$
    -Staifi 9.000.000$
    -Balla$ 5.000.000$
    FOX Sam
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    Personal information

    Ingame name:

    Account name:

    County of residence:

    Primary language:

    Other languages that you can speak:


    Ingame information

    How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG:

    Have you ever been banned? If yes, then why?:

    How much time you play per week?:

    Your English skills ?/10:

    Your RP skills ?/10:

    Are you part of any group? If yes, list those:

    G/S/C you are currently in:

    Why do you want to join PoS? (Give us few sentences please):

    What is our role (in your own words):

    Have you had any experience of roleplay with us before?:

    Tell us about yourself please:


    Once you apply for PoS you will get one of the following answers:

    ~[ACCEPTED.]~ means that you have passed your application stage and have to meet any HR member for your ingame tests.
    ~[PENDING.]~(orange,purple) means that you need to spent more time hanging with PoS or that we are not sure about you yet.
    ~[DENIED.]~(red) You failed the application stage and must wait at least 2 week to re-apply for it.

    If you got the positive answer and passed your in game test you are not the full PoS member yet, You have to wear PoS*| tag and get one week to pass your probation stage which is hosting at least 1 Event and 2 RPs per week
    Keep in mind there are some rewards for the hard-workers.

    Also we would like to apologize for re-starting the topic but we had to do it since our role, backstory and some other details have been changed, our media archive will stay as the activities posted there still are suitable for the new role that you can check now to make sure.

  11. RP Number 18
    Roleplay Title: setting a cross
    The Story: Today some of our members noticed that something was actually wrong with our RC church, there was no a cross...I don't know how could that happen that the priests missed that someone just stole it but I only know that we had to fix that. That is what our members did, they went to a graveyard as there's someone could help them, had a deal with one of its employees, then got another cross and put that back in the same spot it was placed before.
    Participants: Legend, Prophet, Batya
    Date: 09.01.2019


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  12. RP Number 17
    Roleplay Title: gettin' a book needed
    The Story: Today PoS were pretty serious about gettin' a book that another church owned it. We came to the church it was in and prepared everything to take it and get out of there as soon as possible. Some of us were ready to drive us away once the book is taken some were pretending to be the passers, and one of us walked in, found that what we needed and run out we to bring that to our own church.
    Participants: @Prophet @QieZZ Legend Batya Ballas
    Date: 08.01.2019


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