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Posts posted by Mickey

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    Roleplay #321
    @wolf said in Wild~Angels Media Archive:

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    Roleplay Number: 332
    Participants: @hope , @Wolf1 , Mickey
    Story: in a day,i was Driving around the Base i got call From a guy Called Mickey and he want me to sell Him Some Weapons and i say Sure , Mickey say where Should we meet i tell him i will meet you in ThC Base after 1 hour we arrived to the Base ThC we waiting 3 minute until he came and open the Gate after it We Started Working i Showed him Weapons and he say i trusted Our quality after i showed him Weapons i let him test Nades after he Tested The Nades Mickey go to Car to take The Money and i say to Him Sure after it he give Hope The Money after it we started helped him unload the Huntley after we Finished Unload The Huntley we Left the Base and We Give the Money to HQ after We Give money to HQ we go to Take Rest .
    Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/3gegd2oya/184e36f6/

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    Roleplay #318 (This is the second part of the adventures of Morgan and Bella, for the first part, see here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/34/the-company-media-archive/273?page=14
    Title: Ravioli, Ravioli

    Mickey as Morgan Baker
    @bubble as Bella Longbottom
    @iTaze as Vincent Ravio
    Hunter as bodyguard CJ
    Beko76 as bodyguard Tyler



    Morgan and Bella sit in a car in front of the Alahambra club

    So we go in, locate the bad lad, you use your womanly attributes to make him talk and after your signal, ill write him into history.
    Vincent Ravio. The bad lad is Vincent Ravio. Hes wearing a blue suit so shouldnt be that hard to spot him. Also, you go in from the backdoor.
    You wont be let in without a proper body check if youre entering with your briefcase.
    How do you know? Maybe they will, maybe theyll think Im a musician or a bartender. Alright, ill use the back door.
    Sure. Lets go now.

    Bella and Morgan leave for the club. Bella gets in with no problem through the front door and spots Vincent sitting in the corner. She pans over the club and sees Morgan, who has entered through the backdoor, hitting on a partygoer.
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    Ugh, men

    Bella makes her way to Vincent and sits down next to him, aiming her little spy gun on his crotch. Bodyguards stand where they are, frozen into their positions. Morgan makes his way upstairs and puts together his sniper rifle and takes aim
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    Dont make any sudden moves, tell your guards its going to be okay as long as im alive.
    CJ And Ty, its okay. Now what the fuck do you want?
    Just some information How do you keep winning? No one is that lucky.
    I just am that lucky. I never lose, I trust my guts.
    Bullshit, even my dog can smell right through you. Now how do you keep winning? Who helps you?
    I have some friends who have access to the tools to alter my bets.. A quick call and everything goes silky smooth.
    Who do you call?
    None of your business.
    Say goodbye to your crotch then.
    You have a traitor in your gang. thats who I call. I dont know his name though.
    Now laugh with me.

    When Bella laughs loudly and Vincent too, its a sign for Morgan. Morgan takes the shot. He misses.
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    Bella empties her pistol at Vincents crotch. A gunfight ensues, people in the club dont hear the firefight over the loud music.
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    Bella kills both of the bodyguards and runs towards the exit.
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    Morgan jumps off the balcony onto the dancefloor. He moves towards the exit until he notices two bouncers moving towards him through the crowd.
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    Morgan hesitates for a second, but then still decides to shoot the two bouncers
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    Morgan catches up to Bella and they bail the club to their car. They hear police sirens approaching from the distance.

    Lets get out of here!
    Fuckin' A!

    The End

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    Roleplay #313
    Title: Back in Black

    Mickey as Morgan Baker
    @bubble as Bella Longbottom
    @CrazyMan as David the police officer
    @JoseFrags as Jose the police officer
    @Swiggity as Svjatoslav the police officer
    @Krotti as the picture editor
    Mrkvoid as Bart the police officer

    Two of the organization's hand extensions, Morgan Baker and Bella Longbottom, decided to meet up at the 10 Green Bottles bar after a failed gig. Morgan stepped into the bar to see Bella playing on the arcade machine.

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    Hello, Bella, about time i see your ass again.
    I would smack you right here, right now, but
    we need to talk about our future as partners.
    Whoa, partners?? I'm not yo--
    As in coworkers. Sit down and shut up.
    Uh, yeah, sure. I knew that.
    So, after the failed gig at the city planning department alt text things didn't work out all that well. But I have an offer, a good one.

    Uh-huh, what's the deal.
    Assassination. Vincent Ravio.
    Oh! I know him, a cool lad. He comes to our betting palace
    almsot every night. Wears the cool blue suit. He's als--
    I forgot how much you talk. Why are you like this?
    And because of who did we fail the last gig?
    Um... I-I don't remember...
    Yes you do. It was you. You fell asleep
    instead of guarding the IT-room from guards.

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    Oh come on! You killed all the guards! It got so messy.

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    Let's not forget about my Ford we had to trash, yet again because you couldn't keep your eyes
    Oh come on, the chase was the best part of this pile of shit!
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    Now remind me again, why would I want to do this job with you?
    Because he keeps winning all the bets.
    We'll soon be in bankruptcy if he continues.
    And is there payment for this?
    Yes, but we'll discuss that after he's dead. Deal?
    Uhh.. yeah.. sure.. I guess.
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    The End

  4. @rabygon said in Things I don't like (hate) about SAES:

    d all that but what I don't agree on is the looooooong applications. This is an RPG not a "recruitment simulator".

    Man, how are you going to fill out job applications in real life? These applications take like 10min max to fill in and if you aren't up for it then find a g/s/c that has a short application format or better yet, find one without an application format. You wouldn't do that though because the memberbase of these organizations are shit and there you have it, you need to have a proper recruitment system so you won't take every retard in.

  5. @joshbond

    You just don't see it, do you?

    It doesn't matter what was the interval between you kicking them and you being booted, nor whether it was possible for you to speak with Sam or James. It's the decision you made, if you had no chance to speak to them till the next day then why still do it? Wait for them to be present and tell them, the world won't end.

    How are Sam and James supposed to read your mind? You didn't even bother telling them.

    ''I was going to speak to Sam as soon as I got online the next day'' You're supposed to do it BEFORE you make the decision, not AFTER you make the decision if you want to avoid such bullshit.

    You've proven to me anyways you're stirring up drama because you want to have fun and really have no solid arguments to defend yourself with. You're like a teenager who always wants to argue, even though he doesn't even stand for the ideas he's fighting for.

    Time to grow up.

  6. It doesn't matter if they were welcome back or if they got any other benefits from that kick, the problem is in the communication error you had with your leader. Also explain to me, how is getting more members making a squad more inactive?

  7. I fail to understand why are you dissapointed in his decision, arrogance maybe? You kicked 12 members without informing anybody because you were too tired to do it, yet you weren't too tired to undertake the process of kicking a dozen members. Sam did the right thing and you should take a moment to look at the communication error you created, maybe you'll understand then.

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