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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. @Skerdi Hello Skerdi. To answer your question, you need at least 20IQ to understand the meme. Also thank you for proving the point, you don't even know the only active-active member of O. feelsbadman
  2. Mickey


  3. @nullX You know, if you wish to see the pussy of the woman on Nemesis' profile picture, you should contact either Kodiak, Mohd or Ace.
  4. @Fugitive fuck off this is a meme topic
  5. @Arctic
  6. Happy birthday Rover, thanks for liking my memes
  7. Go die Filex
  8. The Forgotten has been forgotten, @Filex
  9. Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Vajuta klahvi F1 ja loe serveri reegleid, reeglid leiad siit: #Server rules# Do not avoid arrest: ra hoidu vangistusest ennast ra tappes vi serverist lahkudes. Do not Deathmatch: ra deathmatch'i teisi mngijaid. (Deathmatching= Teise mngija phjuseta tapmine) Do not Deathmatch Emergency: ra tapa meedikuid, tuletrjujaid ja teisi psteteenistuste ttajaid ilma phjuseta. Do not kill cop who is not chasing: ra tapa politseinikke, kes ei aja mitte kedagi taga. Do not Deathmatch unwanted criminals: ra tapa kriminaale, kes pole tagaotsitavad. (Tagaotsitavus on mrgistatud trnidega) Do not attack cops in hospital: ra rnda haiglas olevaid politseinikke. Do not attack criminals in hospital: ra rnda haiglas olevaid kriminaale. Do not marker kill in bankrob: ra tapa pangarvi ajal inimesi, kes on alles interjri sisenenud ja on ukse juures oleva markeri sees. (Marker on sinist vrvi allapoole nitav nool) Speak english in the mainchat: Palun rgi mainchat'is (T) ainult inglise keeles. Fixed Estonian
  10. Oh, the hypocrisy. You know what Joe? You win.
  11. Hey @Tut-Greco, surprised how your not-thought-through statement from the last post could lead to such a dumb picture below it, then I remembered. I fixed your banner for you. Peace Tut, remember. It's just simple banter ;)
  12. @Tombaa Why not both? :o
  13. Dear @Mohd, I am sure that the situation with your cracking team has affected the BR performance of your gang in a negative way, if you need help with paying off that 50 million debt, ThC is willing to negotiate with you :) Have an awesome day
  14. Soulfly, I am happy to see that you got your gang back and that you got to fulfill your wish. You weren't being treated in the best way these past weeks, but in the end it all turned out well! :) I wish you all the best on your future endeavours.
  15. thanks for accept -_-
  16. -Part 1-Personal information: -Nickname: Mickey -AccountName: magicalman -Real Name: Maik -Age: Yes. -Nationality: Estonian -Primary Language: Estonian -Your english skills:/10 9/10 because nothing can be perfect, but I can speak good enough to be an international terrorist. -Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES: -How long have you been playing MTA: Uh, I started in March 2013 -How long have you been playing on SAES: September 2013 -How many hours do you play in day: hm, 2-13 -Previous gang/squads?: FBI, SAPA, TST, RDMC, SS -currently gang/squads?: ThC -previous gang/squad/groups: SS, RDMC, TST, SAPA, FBI and Alzheimer Group -Part 3-Questions: -Describe Roleplay: Roleplay is when you take a character for yourself, like a truck driver called Mahatma and you start driving a truck and living your life as a truck driver. -What does mean DM: When you shoot somebody just because they exist. -Strengths: I am a pro racer and i've won my every race except for the one where a guy called Limonov took part with Darth Vader spawn and whooshed past me 500kmph -Weaknesses: I am a bad police officer -why should we accept you: Because I believe in miracles. I am a simple man, I see a miracle and I try to realize it. I look past all the other mistakes and search purely for the miracle, miracle here is this group. -why do you want to join us: I consider myself to be an inconspicuous person who goes unseen in crowds. I would be the perfect addition to your crowd of professional terrorists, I could do inflitration missions for you and fulfill my deed infront of my Caliphs. (RP) Thank you for reading my application.
  17. @Element Come on, you can do better than kissing LWS' ass. They're doing fantastic for what tools they've gotten, instead of being a pain in the ass with your negative attitude, maybe give them tips to help out? Have a more positive attitude, you can get far without kissing ass.
  18. @james said in see ya in my birthday: I HAVE 32GB (4x8GB) DDR4 AND I STILL PLAY SAES AND NOW YOU HAVE 2GB RAM THINKING TO LEAVE SAES? Fake Australian
  19. @nyx_ Actually we should begin from people like you who are triggerhappy and make every RP a shootout. Not every RP has to end with guns drawn, besides, have you ever thought about the cop roleplaying as a cop with an attitude? Play along, geez.
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