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Everything posted by Manny

  1. ^[] ^[Assisting BB BR]
  2. Happy birthday hope to see you annoying Teddy soon
  3. Damn, ran out of money for props?
  4. ^[] ^[Assisting NWA BR]
  5. This is a manual post TXN ID: N/A @Brophy --> Getskillz Donation Amount: 10.00 Vehicle Type: At ThC base , Damaged glendale Username to lock: dubstep14
  6. ^[] ^[Assisting JK BR]
  7. ^[] ^[#1148] ^[Event Type: LMS] ^[Organiser: @Judyes] ^[Winners: @Rapmachin3re] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
  8. @michael said in [SUGGESTION] TURF WAR: @reket Atleast 50% of the map wouldnt be about sniper abuse then? spamming c like idiots to avoid headshot, people turning war on/off to avoid it, players with high ping having the advantage imo Were you from UE? :aaaaa:. and apart from that the c spamming was fixed some what. and tbh currently HS script is working better then it used to ever.
  9. ^[] ^[Assisting CripZ BR]
  10. @immortal said in [SUGGESTION] TURF WAR: @manny said in [SUGGESTION] TURF WAR: @immortal said in [SUGGESTION] TURF WAR: It's over, no need to post here anymore, the solution of having 50/50 or specific zones where HS is enabled there and rest not, should be added, @SAES-Developer , please take care of this section Here a prime example of "i CanT uSe a GuN pLeaSe RemOve, sO i DoNt hAve tO TrY tO LeaRn a NeW sKill TypE as Headshot" haha, are you talking to me? lmao, whatever you've said above, lemme explain our point to your dead brain, we're suggesting a compromise which is having specific zones where HS will be enabled there, and the rest will be without it, we're not saying we're going to eliminate HS, and btw, why you guys are really scared of losing it? Just to your dead brain, when HS was added, turfs became finally something different and fun other than cs spam with m4, and are you all really that scared to keep it?
  11. @immortal said in [SUGGESTION] TURF WAR: It's over, no need to post here anymore, the solution of having 50/50 or specific zones where HS is enabled there and rest not, should be added, @SAES-Developer , please take care of this section Here a prime example of "i CanT uSe a GuN pLeaSe RemOve, sO i DoNt hAve tO TrY tO LeaRn a NeW sKill TypE as Headshot"
  13. ^[] ^[SR] ^[Assiting O BR]
  14. Get better at sniper???
  15. ^[] ^[#1118] ^[Event Type: Last Man Standing] ^[Organiser: 03|Judy] ^[Winners: @koko] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ]
  16. Type: Holding the VIP, and a mass shootout near LV stadium VIP was taken by ChaoS members at 19:24; then the criminal side among with ChaoS defended it there as long as we could until ultimately cops took it from us somewhere between 19:37, but we put up a good fight. Participants: ChaoS members, quite a lot of criminals and a lot of cops. And some more screenshots down below: ::: :::
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