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Everything posted by Manny

  1. Damm was a really great squad, rip.
  2. @Petrow well, sometimes a word "fun" is nice also, imagine some cops sniping who knows where from
  3. Kill arrest everywhere??..?? Its annoying asf in banks already.
  4. Make a poll and #MakeDeagleGreatAgain
  5. Night
  6. Well sugestion is pretty good
  7. fucking idiot monkey portuguesse noob
  8. Yess please no offense to people who scripted the nametags, but sometime it literally makes my eyes want to bleed and also it gets laggy just put it so we can activate the old ones
  9. Ohh yea i remember this concept from samp rp shit. Its cool +1
  10. Yes please add it, its way better in my opinion
  11. 18
  12. GL boys
  13. Name: dubstep14 Username: dubstep14 Team betting on: OC - 2m Amount: listed above
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