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Everything posted by Manny

  1. ^[] ^[LV Bank Robbery - (22/1/2022)] ^[] ^[]
  2. ^[] ^[STOREROB] ^[]
  3. ^[] ^[Assisting CDC SF BR] ^[]
  4. ^[] ^[TURF WAR] ^[(21.1.2022) - Taking (RF & Z) Zones] ^[Before] ^[] ^[After] ^[]
  5. ^[] ^[TURF WAR] ^[(16/1/2022) - Taking Z Zones in LS] ^[Before] ^[] ^[After] ^[]
  6. ^[] ^[TURF WAR] ^[(16/1/2021) - Taking Z Zones] ^[Before] ^[] ^[After] ^[]
  7. ^[] ^[TURF WAR] ^[(15/1/2022) - Taking RF and Z Zones] ^[Before] ^[] ^[After] ^[] ^[]
  8. ^[] ^[TURF WAR] ^[3.1.2022 - Taking RF Zones in SF] ^[Before] ^[After]
  9. ^[] ^[TURF WAR] ^[(2/1/2022) - Taking Z Zones in SF] ^[Before] ^[After]
  10. ^[] ^[Store Robbery]
  11. Damm sad to see this, as yall were one of my most favorite and fun gangs especially having this itchy kid @BurakO that i had to insult every 2nd day.
  12. Well i tried the vent thing as a criminal and cop , and in my opinion its just neutral to both sides. Criminals use it as more spot to snipe the hallway , and cops can use it to make a move on the ''control room'' and its pretty easy to defend it anyways so im okay to keep it.
  14. ^[] Chaos Society is a criminal organization that has as a goal to hijack top quality objects that are highly protected by the law forces. We are well known to take over territories like strongly secured zones & squad bases and take everything that we can, while actively fighting anyone that is willing to stop us. We do love to riot and we're never scared to do it. The organization also helps any fellow criminal organization that plans big hits towards the police side and the government. Hijacking is our priority, rioting against the cops and assisting fellow criminals is our passion. We also do abductions, whenever it's needed. We do offer our skills to clear areas (such as turfs) from cops while being completely neutral to the ongoing wars. Our role is to help our fellow criminals in highly dangerous operations, as we consider ourselves experienced enough to do that. The group is also highly interested in exchanging, selling and distributing drugs and guns, we like to secure deals, as well as to take part in them. The organization is well experienced in hostage-taking, murdering and hijacking. In short, we are not interested in regular robberies, we are interested in abducting highly important people, taking over territories and claim them as ours, as well riot against the cops. We are not scared of any special police forces, we are not scared to enter the jail to let our brothers in arms go out. Every cop group, squad, or anything related to being a cop is considered our enemy. Chaos Society has a good amount of tags, thus we let our members choose the one they like the most. Usually, we go by [ChaoS]; Name|CHAOS, etc. Our members wear it pretty much whenever they wish to. We use our ranks as tags mostly when we roleplay (basically rank . Name). Discord: https://discord.gg/Qj3n8SEmsZ Media archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22638/chaos-society-official-media-archive?page=1 The group has been officially found on 26.10.2020. Officially recreated on 18.8.2021 ^[] The beginning... from the sea to the dirty land... Months after the death of the sea owners' group of the areas around Los Santos, the most of the old pirates, the pirates that spent a great amount of time in the open seas, the pirates that fought some tough special forces, the pirates that were well known with their great characters, as well as amazing skills on the battlefield, now had to get completely on land and try to continue their "business" there. Of course, those well-experienced criminals know how it feels to be on land, as they did a great number of criminal activities there, but they aren't used to stay on the land for too long... till now. A good amount of the old pirates found some other things to do, some died, as they were getting chased by the law forces, a few of them succeeded in escaping and positioned themselves in quiet places all over the map. The start of the business. A pirate, known as Cappo made it to Red County, where he was safe. He patiently waited for the situation to get back to normal, while he was figuring out what to do. After a few days, an old pirate contacted him privately, named Xavier, they met in a quiet place, inside the forest in Red County. Both of them had to start a business, a business that has to be positioned on the land, unlike the last time, also a business that would bring enough cash to each of them. They agreed to work together again, slowly they started calling some of the people they worked with in the past, as well as some other people that they knew... Things started slowly progressing, they liked it this way, working slow and quiet till they gain some power. The death of their previous organization shocked them a lot, so they had to take everything into their hands and develop their business on land. The start of the new organization. The two criminals found it surprisingly easy to get a small crew of people to support them and thus open a brand new organization. Those extremely well-experienced criminals knew that they had to stick together to stay alive and that's what they did. The fresh organization started by basic stealing here and there, keeping their actions low, so they do not get noticed, though the larger it gets, the biggest hits it does. After quite a short amount of time, the organization gained a great amount of fresh blood, lead by experienced criminals. All of them are now ready for bigger hits, all of them knew that they are capable of doing a lot of quality robberies and criminal activities. The organization's members aren't scared of jail either, when they have to get inside and let a fellow brother in arms out, they do it not only successfully, but loudly as well. The organization had its warehouse positioned in a quiet place in San Fierro, where they hid their guns, drugs and also some of the things that they successfully hijacked. For now, the organization doesn't produce any drugs, all they do is protect the criminals from the law forces that are chasing them. Due to that help, the organization gained a good amount of drugs, that were given as a "thanks" for all the work. Chaos Society's Warehouse in San Fierro. ^[] ^[] There are just a few rules that we follow, but we believe that quality is more important than quantity. We respect freedom. Here are some of the rules that we follow. More rules could be found in our private sections. Follow the F1 rules. Respect everyone as much as possible, despite their rank. Never force a roleplay. Be active, use your brain and common sense. Always pay attention to our Discord server and the forum's topics. Don't be a cop, if you wish to become one of us. We're a completely criminal group. ^[] First of all, as it's written down already, you have to be a criminal to join the group. Cops will not be considered. Currently, the only way to join the Chaos Society is by following the application format Post your application on this topic. Once you've done that, you can join our Discord and do activities with our members. We do private voting and if you've done well there, you'll be added, logically, if not, you'll be denied and encouraged to apply after an "X" amount of time. Always be patient. Application Format: **In-game name:** **Account name:** **Nationality:** **Current gang:** **Current groups:** **How long have you been playing in SAES?:** **How active are you in SAES?:** **Why do you wish to join the Chaos Society?:** **What can you offer to the group?:** ^[] ^[~[K]~(#085c4a)ingpin (Leader)] ^[Manny] ^[~[C]~(#035a4b)onsultant (Vice Leader)] ^[Xavier] ^[~[U]~(#085745)nderboss (HQ)] ^[Niklaus] ^[Markuss] ^[Rykila] ^[Poodlyz] ^[~[N]~(#1abc9c)otorious (sHQ)] ^[(vacant)] ^[~[C]~(#0b8b71)aporegime (Captain of Soldiers)] ^[Hessan] ^[~[S]~(#0c7d66)oldiers (Base of the group)] ^[Crank] ^[Cha] ^[Curny] ^[Pain] ^[Dinaz] ^[Nishki] ^[BurakO] ^[Andrew] ^[KinGSmoke] ^[Aveyro] ^[Killer] ^[PerroLoco] ^[~[A]~(#3df1cd)ssociate (Freshly joined members)] ^[Tema] ^[Garcia] ^[Scofield] ^[DarkSideR] ^[Joakito] ^[~[H]~(#f1c40f)onorary] ^[Cappo] ^[Adistar] ^[Lincoln]
  15. Congratz @Teddy
  16. I kinda don't want to write a paragraph, so i keep it short. When the old jail was still a thing i participated as a cop and criminal in a big jailbreak IN my opinion both were fun and also a thing noone needs nowadays also is that you could get hella money for being a cop in one. But i think the old jail with the route to the roof would be good enough since cops have 3 entrances still and criminals still have a chance of defending
  17. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
  18. ^[] ^[Assisting GSF BR]
  19. ^[] ^[BANK ROBBERY IN LS 8/8]
  20. ^[] ^[Assisting CripZ BR]
  21. ^[] ^[Assisting Z BR]
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