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Everything posted by jpslimmen2

  1. END date will be tommoraw
  2. Start bid: 1m bid increase 100k Happy bidding! images:
  3. starting bid: 2m bid increase 100k Happy bidding! images:
  4. Starting price: 5m Bit increase: 500k Happy bidding images:
  5. Sold to me @Crash can u close?
  6. @Lucifer i just copy and past it in a text file on my pc. Thats the best way for now
  7. @ferthis interessting
  8. Nice tool!! but is it possible to put the client lue and the server lua in the same file? Cause now when you convert it you have 2 files and if the client file isent loaded the breakable object that are set to unbreakeble will still break.
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