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Everything posted by TaffyC

  1. Happy Birthday dude. <3
  2. Happy Birthday SAM.!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. happy birthday raecherrr
  5. Happy Birthday Dude.
  6. happy birthday my friend.<3
  7. In game name: TaffyC Account name: kartalcocuk Discord name: TaffyC#9241
  8. Happy birthday newbie
  9. Happy birthday fake hostess
  10. Happy birthday ibne hilmi
  11. Additional Information ................................................. What is your Real Name: Mehmet Can Age:20 Country of residence: Turkey What other languages do you know? : Turkish and English. Rate your english skills : 8/10 Please tell us a little bit about yourself, (Write minimum 50 Words) : Primarily,My name is Mehmet Can.I am from turkey and i am 20 years old. My favourite team is Beikta.I have got many hobbies such as,playing football,dancing and singing a song.I have been in different countries.For instance,Mexico,Amsterdam,USA,Cyprus and last but not least MALTA because of study.I am studying in a Bilgi University.Furthermore,my departmant is International Trade and Business.I have been playing SAES:RPG since 2015.However,i was inactive 1 year ago due to University exam.Therefore, my hour was deleted.This year i came back... ................................................. In-Game Information and Motivation Part What is your Ingame NickName: TaffyC Account Name: kartalcocuk Do you have discord ? :Yes,of course.I have got a discord. How many day hours do you spend in-game in a day: Generally,i play this game 7-24 if i haven't any significant work. How long have you played on MTA and SAES : I have been playing MTA for 6 years. Have you ever been banned or jailed by SAES admin/staff (if so please write the reason) : I have never been jailed by SAES admin/staff. Previous gangs/squads/:(explanation of why you left/ or kicked) : RDMC,GJMC,VA,,LMN.[These gangs were deleted and i only kicked from RDMC due to adminjailed.] What would you say your weaknesses and strengths are? : In my opinion,i haven't got any weaknesses but,maybe driving can be.On the other hand,My shooting skills and RP'ing skills are my strengths and generally i do practice in order to improve my gaming skills in MTA. This is where the effort goes when you want to join, why do you want to join HHMC ? : First of All,i have got a many friends in HHMC.I would like to member of HHMC.Since,Majority of HMMC' players are very qualified people and experienced people.Also,the members who are in HHMC includes teamworking and family atmosphere. As a result,i I promise that I will help you a lot about everyting whatever you want. For what reason we must accept you, and what you can offer us (Please write more information here because this part is important) : Firstly,as i said above i am a qualified and loyal person, as i have been in many different groups and many different gangs.If you accept me, i will be succesfull person and indispensable member in this group.
  12. Happy birthday dude
  13. Hbd razakkk
  14. Such a nice topic good luck bro
  15. Happy birthday
  16. HBD have a nice day
  17. Happy birthday mate...
  18. Hbd amigooo
  19. Hbd dude
  20. In-game Name: TaffyC Account Name: kartalcocuk Which boxer would you like to bet on: TaffyC How much you want to bet[Maximum 5M]: 1m
  21. happy birthday mate....
  22. Happy birthday bro :)
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