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Everything posted by Sparrow

  1. Username: knobhead Last seen: 21/06/2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HxIeSZp
  2. Patrol #60 Personal Patrol #1 Participants:[SAM*]Sparrow Amount of healed individuals: 50 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/qIxgtwJ Patrol #61 Personal Patrol #2 Participants:[SAM*]Sparrow Amount of healed individuals: 40 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/Cw7Ttcw Patrol #62 Personal Patrol #3 Participants:[SAM*]Sparrow Amount of healed individuals: 35 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/7ZKnNSN Event #7 Personal Event #1 Type:Knock Ambulance race from CLO Base to MC Top. Host(s):[TST]John[L] Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner :Z|Pazoo ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/umYj3mZ Online activity (20/07/2018)
  3. (Note: Bachwa told me to post this event in Z's media archive since he is busy...) Event Name : Tube Race LWS/G6 : @bachwa Prize : 4.000.000$$(ThC & Z) Winner(s) Team : [SWAT*]Revonex Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/smeTcYr
  4. Event #370 Event Name : Tube Race LWS/G6 : @bachwa Prize : 4.000.000$$(ThC & Z) Winner(s) Team : [SWAT*]Revonex Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/smeTcYr
  5. Username: slaine97 Last seen: 17/07/2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VikX0iw
  6. Personal Information. In-game nickname: [ThC]Sparrow In-game username [your login]: kajs54 Your real name: Amir Your age: 16 and half. Your nationality: Tunisian Your timezone: GMT [+/-]: GMT+1 How often do you play every week?: Everyday English proficiency (Out of 10): To be honest, I would rate it 8/10 Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absences & forum time too): I've started playing in SAES:RPG at the summer of 2015 What organization are you CURRENTLY a part of?: I'm currently in The Company. What are your previous organizations?: -SAPA -FBI -MI-6 -The Omert. -The Outfit. -CripZ What server groups are you CURRENTLY a part of?: -InvestArms Cooperation -San Andreas Medic Previous server bans WITH reasons: The first ban i got is for multiaccounting, I've showed to the admins an evidence that me and my brother are two different people but there was an admin who didnt saw the message and banned us without knowning about it. General Knowledge of SAES:RPG & raceTECH. Explain what park killing is and why it isn't allowed.: Park killing is ramming or parking a car on someone It's forbbiden in SAES because the player won't be able move and you can kill him. Explain what deathmatching is and why it isn't allowed.: Deathmatching or DM is killing/shooting someone without any reason , It's not allowed here because SAES is a roleplay server Explain what avoiding arrest is and why it isn't allowed.: Avoiding arrest is killing yourself with a grenade or jumping from a high building when a cop is trying to chase you,It's not allowed because it's not fair at all. When was raceTECH founded?: 2012 Where is raceTECH base located?: in Los santos, Near LS docks/Airport. Have you read our group rules prior to applying?: Yes, i did. What will happen if you cheat during a racing event?: Louis will hunt you down, and stick his dick up your nose. What is the first thing you should do before roleplaying as raceTECH?: You must turn up for raceTECH roleplays with a 0 star wanted level. Have another rT member or friend spawn as a cop if you are in need of a bribe. What is rule 5 of the raceTECH rulebook?: You must be active. In your opinion, what do you think is the most important raceTECH rule?: Respect the SAES rules and clan members and obey your group members & high ranked, When you are spawned as RaceTech. Additional Information. What interested you most about raceTECH?: I really like raceTECH role , also i'm good at racing and roleplaying. Would you see yourself as more of a role player, racer, or event host for raceTECH?: I'd like to see myself as a event hoster & a Racer Why should we pick you to be a member?: Well,I'm an active player in this server and i have a good knoweldge about RPing and i'm really good at racing , Do you own a vehicle in real life? If so, what is it? [N/A if you don't drive]: N/A What is your dream vehicle to own?: GT Mustang 500 Screenshots: (Open spoiler) ::: Race flag (#1): RaceTECH Member(s): Glayd Participants: Note/Curvy/Scorpyo/Glayd/RubiKiller/Pryani4ek Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Un5M1tS Race flag (#2): RaceTECH Member(s): Glayd Participants: Scorpyo/Glayd/RubiKiller/Sicario/NubBoobs Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JQEPRmx Race Laps (#3): (@RaceTECH Racing track) RaceTECH Member(s): Brondy/Glayd/Zombie/Nemesis Other Participants: D0peeN/Sparrow/Note/RiseAgain~/Denox/Blue/Ramby/Silence/KaizerMikael Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9ryh7YE Race Laps (#4): (@RaceTECH Racing track) RaceTECH Member(s): Glayd/Brondy/Zombie Other Participants: Sparrow/D0peeN/Silence/~RiseAgain/Blue/Note/Ramby/KaizerMikael/Kaylum/Nerkin Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XtYtihq Drag Race (#5): RaceTECH Member(s): N/A Other Participants : D0peeN/Sparrow Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NsLLPwA Race flag (#6): Other RaceTECH Member(s): Castiel Participants: Sparrow/Note/D0peeN/Nicus Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/m5vj0jw Race flag (#7): RaceTECH Member(s): Castiel Other participants: Note/Sparrow/Blade/Denis/Brnjo/EissA/GodIkki/Flora/Djappa/Arkantos/Ammar Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Ok3tdJk Race flag (#8): raceTECH Member(s): Castiel Other participants: Ugli/Nemesis/D0peeN/Sparrow/Stig/PulaR Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wwjncR6 Race flag (#9): raceTECH Member(s): Castiel Other participants: Castiel/Destruction/Staifi/JoseFrags/Stig/Sparrow/D0peeN Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kBXKE5E Race flag (#10): raceTECH Member(s): Castiel Other participants: Sparrow/Ammar/GanJa/majsta/Gary Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UwFkPPq Hanging around (#1): raceTECH Member(s) : Nemesis/Glayd Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Yg2eyG5 Hanging around (#2): raceTECH Member(s) : Glayd Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/FrDNziq Hanging around (#3): raceTECH Member(s): Nirjhor_ / Castiel Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QwhqFE1 Hanging around (#4): raceTECH Member(s): Nemesis Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/g8cYBnz Hanging around (#5): raceTECH Member(s): Matthews Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/aPpr9nv Hanging around (#6): raceTECH Member(s): Glayd Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5iyIV6U Hanging around (#7): raceTECH Member(s): Ntruder SCreenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YjMbQ9I Roleplay (#1): Participants: Glayd & Zombie & Dom (RaceTECH Members)~ Note & Sparrow (Team1) ~ Denox/Djappa/RiseAgain/Nerkin (Team2) Story: Today, on the afternoon we have recieved a call from two well known racers around SA and they informed us that their two infernus needs some upgrades on the engine,wheels,etc... So we took the two cars into our garage and we started taking a look and examining the engine of both cars and checking it anything needs to be replaced or removed , So we split into two teams, I started checking the car's engine and the other mechanic Note was checking if there is any oil spoils or any broken part , Meanwhile Zombie was in charge of replacing the wheels with new and better ones, Me & the other mechanic started removing the Old engine (V6) and we put it on the box and we exchanged it with a new and a turbo engine called V8 Elite, We were too tired but we didnt stop or gave up , So we countined , After installing the New engine we made sure that the engine is connected with the other parts , We decided also to help Zombie replacing the wheels and checking the Air pressure and making sure its 32. After finishing these two parts , I decided to remove the useless things on the car to make it more comfortable and Lighter, After i finished my tasks , I wanted to help Mechanic.Note on Closing the gap which spoils the oil And he told me to bring for him the Swedish developper from RaceTECH Tools box , We finished our work for like 1 hour and we decided to test it , We were totally amazed and so happy to see the new changes on the car and to satisify Our customers,Thanks for our efforts the car became much better,Faster and lighter. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tQvkcSo Event (#1): Event type: Race (Bayside>LS Docks). Prize: 1.000.000$$ G6/LWS: Dufabo Winner: 215|Kaylum Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0bmMpZA Event (#2): Event type: Carshow Prize: 1.250.000$$(1st)/ 750.000$ (2nd)/ 500.000$(3rd) Winners: Rowdy (1st)/ Ramos (2nd)/ Strong (3rd) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4R8zqOu Total Activites: ~20~ :::
  7. Event #367 Event Name : King of the Drugs LWS/G6 : @PulaR Prize : 1.500.000$$ Winner(s) : Rocker ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/dN5zSYQ
  8. ~[Our first sucessful GangRob :ok_hand: ]~(black,silver) ::: https://imgur.com/a/JiO4s8H :::
  9. Patrol No:7 Participant: @Access Amount of healed individuals: 40 Minutes. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/a3vtU7f
  10. Patrol No:6 Participant: Mr.Smith Amount of healed individuals: 30 Minutes. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/FizvtNz
  11. Event #364 Event Name : Kamikaze my Securicar LWS/G6 : @Tut-Greco Prize : 1.000.000$$ Winner(s) : Ha$$oni ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/CRjeVw7
  12. Event #363 Event Name : Maze LMS LWS/G6 : @Zombie Prize : 1.500.000$ Winner(s) : SpEEdY ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/fi4ReFa
  13. Patrol No:5 Participant:@Bozi Amount of healed individuals: 35 Minutes. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/14ywgEJ
  14. Event #361 Event Name : The Deadly Trucks LWS/G6 : @PulaR Prize : 1.000.000$ Winner(s) : LILY_77 ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/VmkTzRi
  15. Event #360 Event Name : NRG Parkour LWS/G6 : @M7mod Prize : 7.000.000$ Winner(s) : Koko ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/qALu8Sp
  16. PART 1 Nickname: [ThC]Sparrow Age: 16 years old Gender: Male Current Groups: I'm currently a probie in IAC. Rate your English (1-10 scale): To be fair, I'd rate it 8.5/10 Have you ever been banned (state why): I got banned twice, the first one for multiaccounting where the admin who banned me forgot to check the message i sent where i proved that me and my brother are 2 different people, The second i'd rather keep it private. PART 2 What job are you interested in? (Reporter/Photographer/Security): Reporter. Why are you interested in joining this division: Well, i'm really good at roleplaying especially in doing articles about somethings that going on and i'm open minded person. Why do you want to be part of KTN: Well, i found out that the role of this group is amazing and suits my imagination and I always had that dream to be a reporter and doing some articles and doing RPs i also find it is something that can revive a dead role and make it more interesting and resonable to join. State why should we choose you over other candidates: To be honest, i'm a experienced player in this community and i have a good knoweldge and an imagination that simulates to the real life and i'm really good at writing essays and stuff like that , That's why picking me up over the other candidates will be a great idea. Best Regards,Sparrow.
  17. Event Name: Last Man Standing LWS/G6: @Duracell Prize: 1.500.000$ Winner(s): Colorbia Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OFGLSYR
  18. Patrol No:4 Participant:@Zombie @JoseFrags Amount of healed individuals: 30min ScreenShots:https://imgur.com/a/wNNkuhI
  19. Patrol No#3 Participants: @Glayd Amount of healed individuals: 1 Hour and 10 minutes. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/Zpzvnhs
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