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Everything posted by Sparrow

  1. Welcome to my LWS Events topic, Here you will see the latest events i've made, Enjoy! About me: My real name is Amir and i'm 16 years old i'm born in tunisia,sousse, I've started playing video games at the age of eight the first game i played was GTA Vice city and then two years later i started to play GTA San andreas when my uncle gave me this game as a present of my birthday i really loved it and i couldn't stop playing it, Likely my brother showed me MTA:SA which is an online version of GTA i was a newbie back in time and i was playing mainly in race servers... In 2015, I saw my brother playing on SAES:RPG and i really loved the server i asked him if i can also play with him and that's how i started my career in SAES...I also play alot of other games such as LoL,Skill SF2, Dofus, FIFA 18 ( usually with my friends).. however, i'm an intellgant person and understanding im also a hard-working person, That's all about me.. Event format: Event (#X) Event type: LWS/G6: Prize: Winner: Screenshots: Additional Information: Total money spent on events: 83.500.000$ Total events: 34 Sincerely Yours, Sparrow.
  2. #520 Event Name: Last Man Standing LWS/G6/CEO: @Brondy Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(S): ToB|Rubik Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QafGInF
  3. Dear Applicants, First of all we would like to thank you guys for your interests in joining The Company. The High Council and the Board of Directors has come to a conclusion and presents you the application results of the 10th October 2018. @Sw3dy Thanks for choosing us,However we think that you dont fit into our organisation and you should start to stop breaking the rules and we cannot trust you like that, for now you are ~[DENIED]~(red) @NubBob @BlaZZey tested and invited, Welcome aboard! Yours sincerely, Sparrow Coordinator.
  4. Dear Applicants, First of all we would like to thank you guys for your interests in joining The Company. The High Council and the Board of Directors has come to a conclusion and presents you the application results of the 30th August 2018. @ItzSpicey We would to thank you for applying for us, But however we are quite not sure about you for now you are ~[DENIED]~(red), Feel free to re-apply in 4 weeks. @BlaZZey Thanks for applying for us, But we want to see more efforts from you, Prove that you are worthy to be a part of us, For now you are ~[Under-Review]~(silver), Good luck. @Nova6-9 @Beast you guys showed good efforts ingame and you proved that you are worthy, Contact any HQ for further instructions, You are ~[PENDING]~(yellow). @skywalker123 @Iamzod @niqe Tested and invited,Welcome aboard! Yours sincerely, Sparrow Coordinator.
  5. Good luck mate!
  6. #503 Event Name: Rustler Shooter LWS/G6/CEO: @Castiel Prize:2.000.000 Winner(s): xxtimboBG Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BGw7i9L
  7. #500 Event Name: Last Man Standing LWS/G6/CEO: @MatizZ Prize: 3.000.000 Winner(s): OC|>Mrwan Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CpjZLPn
  8. #499 Event Name: The Grim Reaper LWS/G6/CEO: @Dufabo Prize: 2.000.000 Winner(s): [AA]koko Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XExQOq5
  9. Rest in peace faker, I'm really sad for hearing this...
  10. Afternoon activity
  11. Event Name: Rhino Shooter Prize: 1.500.000 LWS/G6/CEO: @koko Winner(s): Slavage Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WyZpQbR
  12. Turfing Before After
  13. #484 Event Name : Knock me off from my NEG LWS/G6: Koko Prize : 500.000$ (3 winners) Winner(s): Waffstar/Clash/Rikki Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/L9oPIAI
  14. #483 Event Name : Hydra Shooter LWS/G6 : Koko Prize : 1.000.000$ Winner(s): OC|>Seth Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/F6kKJ9i
  15. Morning Activity
  16. #482 Event Name : Last Man Standing LWS/G6 : Koko Prize : 3.000.000$ Winner(s) : Stardust Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fLXJp09
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