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Everything posted by Paradox

  1. 25.09.2019 Refueling Gas Stations Link: https://imgur.com/a/tXL5y6l
  2. 22.09.2019 Refueling Gas Stations Link: https://imgur.com/a/fN5mNSe
  3. Then there is no point of doing jailbreak? People do JB for that massive DM
  4. @Joshbond you get HLS bro but dont worry crims will join to it soon
  5. Allow criminals use police cars in PDs while they are not spawned cop, remove all cops from police , remove jailbreak alert , remove br alert, cops cant stop SRs anymore , allow crims join hls too. Lets vote for those too
  6. I agree new SR system is shit good we should get back old one but this idea is no good for me Lets delete cops from server and let crims enjoy.
  7. good luck and @TaJ stop joining every group
  8. HBD alpooo
  9. People call it RP when you do your squad's role but cant take when people protest the president funny
  10. ALT Activity Refilling Stations Screens: https://imgur.com/Ton73Jw https://imgur.com/a8gNqVO
  11. Drug Delivery It was Cloudy San Andreas night. I was checking my emails and i saw one email sent by someone i dont know i clicked the email and i saw new job that assigned for me My job was deliver a package to a car which left to Bone County Airport hangar. I went to hangar and saw a car. I walked to car and saw a note inside that my name was writen at it and some other notes and a bag which was my payment. I started carrying my package to car. While i was carrying the package a National Narcotics Breau Agent busted me with package. He started asking me few questions that what i am carrying whose car is this etc, i gave him no information about my package and told him i am just worker, he set me free but he got the package and left the place and i went back to my base ~Paradox Special Thanks to @NORI999
  12. **SHIPMENT TO MILITARY** When the sun just rised my supperior called me in his office to give me a mission. I was listening him while he is telling me what i will deliver and it was classifield info because i was deliviring cargo to military After that i went to cargobob which loaded with cargos that i will deliver. My first target was Bone County airfield, i went there with my cargobob and loaded cargos to shamal I entered the shamal and started flying to Area 51 while i was flying one military airborne escorted me to Military Base and we landed to airfield, unloaded the cargos to their patriots ~Paradox Special thanks to @Amara and @Berker
  13. HBD nub
  14. Happy birthday faggot
  15. Why not SAUR?
  16. It was fun to see STF at server now we lost another good squad... RIP
  17. @Toxic said in NNB - National Narcotics Bureau: Section I: General Information In-game name: Toxic Account name: texmanskillz Real name: Tex Title(Mr/Mrs): Mr Dear @Toxic Thank you for your interests in joining the National Narcotics Bureau. Your application has been reviewed by the NNB Executive Team, and a decision has been made. I'm glad to announce that your application has been ~[APPROVED]~(lime). Find a member of the Executive team ingame to receive your tests. On behalf of National Narcotics Bureau Executive Team, Paradox
  18. I thought that was joke and i still think its a joke but good luck and hbd ardron
  19. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA check whatsapp sometimes amk
  20. Name: Paradox Username: professorparadox10 Rank before kick/leave: Prvate First Class How long have you in sapa: I been in SAPA for 1 year more or less Who kicked you: N/A Date of kick/leave: I dont know its been while but around 2014 Reason for kick/leave: Wanted to be normal cop not instructor What happened from your side/why did you leave? : I thought instructor is not for me and wanted to try other cop roles Why do you want back in? : To be honest i was thinking to join SAPA long ago but i didnt want to leave my squad since its now group i can join and i think i know basics and tactics now and i can teach them to my cadets have you learned from this? : I learned most of things Who do you want to apologize to? : Well i guess no one because i didnt have any problem with any other SAPA when i left it Why should we give you a second chance?: I cant say why you should accept but i can help cadets with my knowledge so i could be usefull for SAPA
  21. Refueling Gas Stations 18.01.2019 ::: https://imgur.com/a/virgIXl :::
  22. Refueling Gas Stations ::: https://imgur.com/a/29RtlIt :::
  23. HBD traitor
  24. dgko lan at kafas
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