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Everything posted by Paradox

  1. HBD nub abuser
  2. wtf pera and birthday?
  3. hbd safp
  4. It could be better if you prepared your topic and creat it after it. Anyways GL
  5. @Nemesis unban him we need spy #justice4tamsou7
  6. Event Number: 53 Event Type: NRG Tube LWS/G6: Ramos Date: 01/09/18. Prize(s): 1M Winners: Wolf1 ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/ZEFbXgd
  7. Application Form Real Name:Grkay Nickname:Paradox Age:19 Gender:Male Location:Turkey Tell us more about yourself (at least 2 paragraphs):Hello my name is Gurkay, i am 19 year old boy who likes games i would like to play good games but sadly i have potato PC so i cant play any i dont have anything to tell about my self thats all i can say How long have you been playing on SAES: RPG for? More than 4 years Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?Nope Please list your current group memberships on the server:IAC-TMH-KTN- What are your strengths (at least 2 paragraphs)?My strengts are i am calm guy i wont get mad for everything especially when someone fucks up RP. My strengts in game is i am good roleplayer and mature guy i wont troll in any RPs What are your weaknesses (at least 2 paragraphs)?I said 'i am calm i wont get mad for everything' but when i get mad noone can stop me that is the my worst weakness Do you have access to TS3 or Discord?Yes , i have them both How many hours do you play on average daily?around 12 hour How often do you visit the forums?Usually i visit forum Roleplay (out of 10):9/10 English (out of 10):9/10 Driving (out of 10):10/10 Answer the following questions Why do you want to join Lucksn Company?First of all Lucks'n Company's role is unique in server and i believe Lucks'n Company can have future and i can enjoy with members Did somebody recommend that you apply to LC? If so, who?Yes,Carter gave me idea to apply Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?Yes Ofc In your own words, define roleplay:Roleplaying is act out or perform the part of a person or character, for example as a technique in training or cop/crim In your own words, define DM:Deathmatching is breaking rules and shooting people for no reason In your own words, define teamwork:Teamwork is the best way to succes something it's working with a friend with in cooperation and succesing it
  8. Good luck lads
  9. Happy birthday skerdick
  10. Kool Times Newspaper Photographers edition : I got permission by a Naval Sergeant and took photos of Naval base where they allowed me Screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/rNDZw5R
  11. Here PART 1 Nickname:Paradox Age:19 Gender:Male Current Groups:IAC,TMH Rate your English (1-10 scale):8 Have you ever been banned (state why):Nope. PART 2 What job are you interested in? (Reporter/Photographer/Security):Photographer Why are you interested in joining this division: Because I'd like to take photographs or places and work it out along with the group as well. Why do you want to be part of KTN: Well KTN is news group and unique in the server and that makes KTN a good choice. State why should we choose you over other candidates: Because I'm a skilled and mature guy, I won't bring any trouble to KTN but on the contrary put all the time and will I can into the group, as well as helping.
  12. Happy Birthday bad ass dmer
  13. Can i get my minigun pls ty
  14. nipple
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