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Posts posted by Rasta

  1. @SheraP said in [SUGGESTION] Marker abuse / Jail system:

    @ElRastaMan17 said in [SUGGESTION] Marker abuse / Jail system:

    @Tut-Greco But I think we both agree that allowing cops to standing still on a marker with protection and shooting towards criminals its only going to make things worse.
    Re-mapping the current jail should be one of the solutions imo. Adding another corridor so criminals need to split and dont camp only one marker idk

    Why would it get worse?

    are you really asking me this? If you feel like cop side is unbalanced imagine having a cop on marker taking no dmg while killing arrest criminals, does that make sense to you? do you think that would be balanced?

  2. @SheraP said in [SUGGESTION] Marker abuse / Jail system:

    Crim side: Waiting for the final solution, criminals don't need to benefit right now. Crim side already benefits from the number of players:

    First of all, suggestions should be made to balance the servers gameplay and not only benefit one side. It's not peoples fault if there are so many criminals on the server, maybe its because people like that more than cop side so no need to unbalanced the gameplay only for those numbers because if you get like 20 crims at a jb its already too much. You already have HLS and DE help so dont cry for a marker where you got a warning for abusing it.

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