Aye, this is cool. People would be "forced" to engage with these groups if they want to pay less. +1 Edit: I wanted to develop this a bit more so here it goes.. I think probably one of the arguments that would be used against this suggestion would be the fact that the economy is inflated and most people don't care where they go spend their money. -- To this I'd like to say that even though that people do have a lot of money, there are always new players that want to buy shit and are asking for money on main chat. Another thing is that when the economy gets taken care of (as I am expecting with the release of SAES 2.0 someday), this will probably be a good enforcement for the server RP and Group wise. Ofcourse it all depends on the players, but I think by making people ask for a modshop to open would make it easier for RPs to happen.