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Everything posted by Miltingary

  1. hapy birth day
  2. Address: Los Santos Gift Shop Account name: rana Last seen: 9th march 2020 Screenshots:
  3. Address: San Fierro Library Account name: xicesmashx Last seen: 9th march 2020 Screenshots:
  4. Ingame name: Miltingary Ingame username: mehmet1106 Previous organizations and leaving causes: ICE: I'm leaving it. ICE started get too many admin jail monthly, it already was closeable. CripZ: I'm leaving it. A few important CripZ member leaved a CripZ. CripZ lost own family setting. C: I'm leaving it. All members just talked arabic in CC although we warned. FBI: I'm leaving it. I was stay inactive MIT: I'm leaving it. I was so bored in COP side. I had a fight with a few members. Z: I'm leaving it. I was stay alone usually and I didn't find family setting. X: I'm leaving it. Same reason with Z. and indifference of Headquarters. O: I'm leaving it. A few incidents happened. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire was founded on 1866. Due to the war, many soldiers could not find work and their families were massacred. John Dixon, Edward McFarlane and Judah Davis started doing illegal work to get rich. And they meet other business peoples. What binds you with Underground Empire: Usually I get along with UE members. I like serious, strong and mafia style.I feel qualified enough to join UE. What do you know about organized crime: Making a previously planned and decided criminal activity.
  5. hapy bird day
  6. Store Robbery 30.01.2021 ::: :::
  7. Store Robbery 14.01.2021 ::: :::
  8. Type Of Activity: Trucking Mt.Chiliad from Red County Farm. **Date: 13.01.2021 Participants: N/A Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Participants: N/A Date: 13.01.2021 History: Miltingary waked up, wear his outfits, he have his breakfast and he take shower. Out of the home, he got into his car, and get way for work. He get her truck and dealed for work, like as ever. And he started to working. But this time, works didn't go well. He accident with her truck and he had to go hospital. Miltingary sleeping in the San Fierro hospital now. Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Store Robbery 12/01/2021 ::: :::
  11. Participants: @MrSolrac - @Rooster Date: 11.01.2021 History: Miltingary was coming home after work. It was a calm day, everything was going normal. He eats own food and sleep. He wakes up and prepared himself for going work. He got into his car and get way for going workplace. Miltingary's boss was wait him in front of the door, and he was want to talk something to her. He offered him an offer, Ofcourse Miltingary accepted this request. Miltingary was get 50 thousand offer, he need to do load extra %15 illegal, and need to climb Mount Chiliad. Immediately he get into him truck and does final preparations, he was ready to move, and he get on the way. He was in Whetstone way, and he to notice cop from back the his truck.The cop said "We got notice about your loads, we need to search your loads." and Miltingary had to accept. Cop was find a extra loads.Miltingary objected to cop but, he can't escape from arrested. Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Event type: Chicken Arrest Event prize: $1.000.000 Winners: @Nordd Lws/G6: @Stoner Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Address: Anti-nazi Store Account name: mohamad14 Last seen: May 1th 2020 Screenshots: good link click here
  14. Address: Liquor Store Account name: mohamad14 Last seen: May 1th 2020 Screenshots: Good link click here
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