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Everything posted by Scorpyo

  1. Department Of Justice new discord : https://discord.gg/sDUSSgv
  2. We hosted some activity this night, including a roadtrip that went very well! Roadtrip: ::: :::
  3. @Licano said in All Load Trucking - Media Archive: ^[Late night emergency] I think I said it once but still I think I cant avoid repeating it over and over again. One of the best feelings while working is the calm you got at night. When you know youre all by yourself, none bothering you with any minuscule thing that could come to their minds. I enjoy working as a team, but when I love to focus on the things I do, and what could be a better possible way of focusing than being all alone at night. None. Of course, Im not that antisocial, I always do my night shift with my loyal friend, Reginald. An old known than came to this company at the same time I decided it was time to use my time to do some productive things for the society. Maybe the same feeling of trying to do things outside the routine inspired him to come and try his luck in this company. Reginald is an experienced mechanic (he had some background before coming this company), while Im a young pilot. Even thought our tasks do not match, we are able to do great duos at our jobs. He can always give me good ideas, and the same way back. Anyways, I think Im just wandering in my words without going straight to the point. It was a Wednesday night. Reginald and I were doing basic tasks in our desktops, filling some formularies and making sure everything we made earlier at night would be recorded. The time we got into our shift and all these smalls things we were delegated to do. In my case, some short deliveries to near airports, in case of Reginald, some small reparations that had to be done in some of the truckers trucks. ::: ::: At that time, you dont really expect to get any important task given, mostly because always the important things happened at day light, most of the cases the night is like a pause for the human beings. Like pressing the pause button in a game, letting everything else to the wait for the first sun lights at morning to continue with the things that needed to be done before going to sleep. But of course, theres always exception to every rule. The companys phone rang. Im not used to hear it at that time of the night, so my subconscious left it on hold for several seconds, maybe thinking it was Reginalds phone waiting for an answer. With the constant ringing and Reginald pointing at the phone I realized it was the companys one. I took the call. The first thing I heard was a deep man voice, somehow desperate asking if by that time there any available helicopter was ready to get used. I couldnt even introduce to the man on the phone. I quickly answered there was. Not soon after I gave my response, the man started giving me some indications. As I said before, you dont really expect an important task waiting to be done at that time of the night, neither I was when the agitated man explained me what was going on. Apparently, some young racers decided it was fun to race to the top of the Mount Chilliad. Seems that things didnt go as they expected. One of the guys had an accident during the race and got badly injured, while the other racers quickly escaped from the scene, maybe fearing theyd get any kind of punishment for illegally racing, as if it wasnt already bad enough having a injured partner. Im pretty sure, you as I was in the moment are asking Well, thats such a shame, but none of ALTs business at all, were no paramedics. Thing is, with that bad weather, and the poorly equipped whetstone hospital, the emergency services couldnt get on top of the mount to pick the guy up quickly enough to not let him die in there. So basically, we were asked to get him down there to the nearest hospital where they could treat him as fast as possible. In situations like those, theres not really much to say, either you become an unempathetic prick or you become the hero you might not be, but people need. I hung the call, took my jacket and started running towards the helicopter yelling at Reginald to come with me. The decision was made. ::: ::: In the way there I was able to explain Reginald what was going on, he couldnt believe me what was happening, and even thought it was someone playing a joke on us Until we got to the top of Mount Chilliad. We saw a car in a really bad shape, a guy lied on the ground and some puddles of blood all over him and a guy already there. Reginald ran to the guy on the floor, while I stood on my feet for some seconds without believing what I had in front of me. The guy was dying in front of me and I couldnt figure out what I could do for that guy. He was so much in pain that I knew trying to get him with me in the helicopter would be such a hell for that poor guy. The guy that was there before we arrived was Crash, a Cuban Car mechanic that was nearby when he heard the accident. He went as fast as he could to check what was happening, when he saw the guys accident and the rest of racer fleeing. He was the one making the phone call to the emergency services, he was the one who got a request from the injured guy to take care of his almost completely destroyed Cheetah, and also, he was the guy yelling at me to wake up. I shook my head and went with Reginald to start the task I was given by the emergency services guy. I almost felt the pain of the injured guy through his screams while I was trying to move him to the helicopter. He was pretty bad. Reginald and Crash gave me a hand with him, we got him inside the helicopter, but Crash also told me about the task he was given, and he needed to accomplish it. I respect his decision, even in a situation like that, he was able to maintain his word and even with all the things happening, he wanted to take care of the injureds guy Cheetah. I guess the only thing a man has is hist word, and he cant ever break it if he wants still to be considered as a man. I couldnt wait to get the injured guy (which later gave me his name, it was Scorpyo) to the hospital, hence I gave a fire extinguisher to Crash in order to put down the flames that were consuming the vehicle, and asked Reginald to stay with Crash while I took Scorpyo to the hospital. ::: ::: I really felt bad for that guy. He had none to relay on but some strangers that came out of nowhere to help him, he had some broken bones, were in a really bad shape at that moment and his car pretty sure wouldnt make it without having to spare on it a couple thousands of dollars. He was in the worst situation a guy from his age could ever be. No family to relief his pain, not knowing if he would make it alive to the next day, and even if he made it, not knowing if he would ever be able to drive his beloved Cheetah once again. After leaving Scorpyo in the hospital, I went back for Crash and Reginald. When I got on there, I saw the battle against the flames was won. There was a bunch of scraps that used to be called a Cheetah, but Im pretty sure that in that state, the only name it has was just scraps. The helicopter had enough room to take the scraps with us, just to give that mechanic a hand and help him saving that vehicle in his garage until he was able to figure out what to do about it. Im not that much into mechanic, hence I know almost nothing about what had to be done in that situation. Thats why as soon as we reached the garage, I left Reginald and Crash do the rest of the work, at least when I did all that I could to help that unlucky racer. The diagnosis wasnt good at all. From all the things I could understand was that they had to change almost every piece of the car in order to make it usable again. It was no easy task, but my friend Reginald is really insistent, and he wouldnt let go such an opportunity to test his skills, the same I can say about that Cuban Cars mechanic, I think. I watched the time and realized it was way too late for us to keep working, it was time to click on that pause button I talked about before, my brain and body couldnt take more the passing of time. Reginald and Crash agreed with me and after they were done with the diagnosis, decided it was way better to take a break before starting the hard part of his job. Getting that scrap back on its feet. ::: ::: @Licano as ALT Probationary pilot @Reggi as ALT Probationary mechanic @Crash as CC Mechanic @Scorpyo as TMH Racer
  4. ~[D]~(#438a00)ate and Time: 09/12/18 - Afternoon ~[N]~(#438a00)umber of Members Online: 11 ~[S]~(#438a00)creenShot(s)/If Any: ::: :::
  5. ~[D]~(#438a00)ate and Time: 06/12/18 - Afternoon ~[N]~(#438a00)umber of Members Online: 11 ~[S]~(#438a00)creenShot(s)/If Any: ::: :::
  6. @Cappo said in Public Event Hoster spawn: @Scorpyo said in Public Event Hoster spawn: Stop repeating the abuse idea ( im sure they will keep talking about it in the comments under me...) There should be requirements for the spawn of course and changes on the scripts yes, simple ideas like you need to have at least 2000 hours to be able to use the spawn, restrict the ads to a certain number per minute, can't have more than 2 public events at the same time etc ... However for the LWSs raiding this post, yes most of you are useless, in 85% of the time LWSs only use the spawn to make events for their organizations or friends, at a certain point i didnt find any available LWS for like a month lately, and we rarely even see someone who uses /checklws those days. So either give valid arguments or you can stop talking about the abuse idea and LWS role whatever. I agree with you in some aspects. Now, I agree if there are some requirements in orser to spawn, yet I'm against those ideas like "Ih, you gotta have 1500+ hours, or even 2000+ in order to spawn". That's the mistake, don't judge the others from the amount of hours they got, if that's get implemented, that would lead to useless judging. I agree if there are reuquirements, but I am interested what they could be. Furthermire, as I stated earlier, wouldn't be easier if G6 and LWS gain more members? I mean more members that are willing to help out and to host events. In my opinion, that's a better choice, then adding a brand new spawn, that would cause troubles. Replying to the first part, im not judgin anyone, its just to not let newbies that are new to the server just use the spawn to fuck arround, or what else would you suggest for that
  7. Stop repeating the abuse idea ( im sure they will keep talking about it in the comments under me...) There should be requirements for the spawn of course and changes on the scripts yes, simple ideas like you need to have at least 2000 hours to be able to use the spawn, restrict the ads to a certain number per minute, can't have more than 2 public events at the same time etc ... However for the LWSs raiding this post, yes most of you are useless, in 85% of the time LWSs only use the spawn to make events for their organizations or friends, at a certain point i didnt find any available LWS for like a month lately, and we rarely even see someone who uses /checklws those days. So either give valid arguments or you can stop talking about the abuse idea and LWS role whatever.
  8. @Legend said in Public Event Hoster spawn: Well, most of people are gonna upvote for it because they dont know enough and dont know how do things work. And filex, u say that it cant be abused in any way... didnt you think that everyone's gonna be advertising every 5 seconds?? 2nd.. they can break events of each other and such, also what about lws and g6? And even ceo, what's the sense of all those groups if we just get a spawn like this.. There can be a simpel ads limitation of max 2 ads in a minute, thats a first. Second, break events of each other ? huh ? what ? Also as i said in the post above, if this happens, it wont be the first nor the last addition that breaks other groups main role. Anyhow, it can simply not have all the functions that LWS/G6 got, if that makes it any better in your opinion.
  9. @Filippo said in Public Event Hoster spawn: @Ikzelf said in Public Event Hoster spawn: Nobody is forcing to you to join there event. As i said its in a different dimension you arent bothered by it unless you join it. And if they abuse what is stopping you from leaving that event? @Ikzelf you will see some new kind of abuse on the server that will fuck it up around Mhm like what? How can someone abuse in a random dimension ? Unless another player warps to his event, which is something that no one is forced to, there shouldnt be any other kind of abuse @Spentou said in Public Event Hoster spawn: Its like you gonna ruin the taste of an LWS. So its okay to ruin the taste of an ALT or a ZIP by making a public spawn ?
  10. @Silence said in red bar at login panel: @Scorpyo Only way internet could affect this is if he actually has no internet connection when clicking login. Your password does not get hashed and salted by your own computer. So no matter how many times you click login, it won't hash it more. It gets hashed and salted server-side in a method once credentials are sent. And that only happens once when clicking login. After that, then through another method it gets compared to the actual hashed value stored in the database. Your password will always be hashed the same way no matter how many times you click login. Either Noisyboy didn't have internet connection whilst clicking login, or it was a typo. @Scorpyo said in red bar at login panel: @kipt said in red bar at login panel: That has nothing to do with the internet connection lol You either have the username and / or password misspelled or you enter the server using another PC and then switched back to that one. In that case, the hashing, from the password, gets changed / bugged (who knows) and doesn't get recognized, so all you have to do is rewrite your password, which I believe you already did since I'm 11 hours late to the party. It does have something to do with the internet If you are lagging so bad, and keep pressing the login button, once the server receives the login event, password hashing will be done as many times as you pressed ( i guess, from my experience ), so it will be bugged for sure.
  11. @kipt said in red bar at login panel: That has nothing to do with the internet connection lol You either have the username and / or password misspelled or you enter the server using another PC and then switched back to that one. In that case, the hashing, from the password, gets changed / bugged (who knows) and doesn't get recognized, so all you have to do is rewrite your password, which I believe you already did since I'm 11 hours late to the party. It does have something to do with the internet If you are lagging so bad, and keep pressing the login button, once the server receives the login event, password hashing will be done as many times as you pressed ( i guess, from my experience ), so it will be bugged for sure.
  12. Roleplay # Personal Roleplay #3 Participants: @TaJ Description: This evening, i recieved a call from a TMH mechanic, he said that he was going to have some launch at the pizza shop in LS when he got chased and bitten by a dog. I got the required tools and responded there as fast as possible. When i arrived there, first thing i did is that I stopped the blood circulation to prevent infection. After that i managed to clean the wounds, bandaged them then took him to LS local hospital to sew them there thank god it wasnt too serious. Screenshots : ::: :::
  13. Event: Hunter Shooter LWS: Reggi Winner: Element Prize: $1.000.000 Album: ::: :::
  14. Event: Rhino 1v1 LWS: Licano and Reggi Winner: Element Prize: $2.000.000 Album: ::: :::
  15. Patrol #183 Personal Patrol #15 Participants: None Patrol duration: 30 Mins Screenshots : Here
  16. Event #27 Personal Event #3 Type : Land On My Ambulance Host(s): Sam Prize: $500,000 each Winner : Flusha and Moley Screenshot : https://imgur.com/a/6PojYRh
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