All Load Trucking Motto:We Ship & Repairyour Shit!
[FoundedNov, 9th 2010]
Company Background
In 1925, All Load Trucking was founded with the main goal of offering a safe and secure way to transport goods around the state of San Andreas. Business was booming. Clean, legitimate, and safe. But in the 1930s the Brown Streak Railroad moved into town, stealing a large chunk of All Load Trucking's customers at every turn. Shortly after all of All Load Trucking's contracts were taken from them, ALT turned to the wrong side of the law, by offering guns, drugs and other illegal delivery services, giving All Load Trucking a bad name. In the past few years Brown Streak Railroad has derailed too many times due to ageing railroad systems, loosing the trust of their customers. Last year, Brown Streak Railroad went up for sale. However no one chose to buy their company because of the poor conditions of their tracks. With no one to transport goods, the squads and companies on San Andreas returning to All Load Trucking to re-sign contracts. Currently we are rebuilding our company into the billion dollar company it was before.
Why trust any joe with small trunk space for cargo, when you can have us take a 53' trailer for you! All Load Trucking offers a large fleet of trucks, including trucks from Kenworth, Peterbilt, International, Scania, and more! These trucks are modified and designed to take a beating from cops and gangs. The load will be there on time and safe, or you get your money back, guaranteed! We do our best to maintain a great picture for the Community. If you don't like something, I don't like it as well.
All Load Trucking was founded in November 2010. Back then SAES server was a totally different world. There used to be more role plays than scripts. You and your group role played with others. All Load Trucking was no different. Our only means of income back then was deliveries. We have had some epic role plays back then.As time went on we earned our first skin job. Mechanics. We had to maintain our growing fleet of trucks somehow. Very quickly the word spread and we began to sign contracts with the squads and gangs of the server. About this time, "Trucking" finally came to be, and it was a dream for ALT and civilian truckers.From time to time, you may see an ALT member with the job tag <off>. This is to show that they are off duty and are enjoying a day off (even if that might mean there holding up a store). They still follow the rules and will roleplay when asked to.
[ALT Roleplay Possibilities]
Mechanic Division Roleplays:
1.Repairing cars around San Andreas
2.Cleaning the road of damaged vehicles
3.Fire Department Assistance
4.General Vehicle Maintenance (Oil Changes, Tire Pressures, etc.)
5.Large Vehicle Repairs (Engine Swap, Transmission Swap, etc.)
Trucking Roleplays
1.Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads (Mt. Chilliad trucking runs)
2.Delivering Goods in Bulk(53' Van Trailers)
3.Delivering Liquid bulk(53' tank trailers a.k.a. Cuban Oil trailer)
4.Getting pulled over for inspection of logbook, truck, weight, etc.
Our Jobs:
Trucking it up
Filling gas stations
Repairing public vehicles
Helping freelance truckers
Plane deliveries of any type
Levels and Ranks
[Level 5 The Leader & Founder]
[Company Owner <CO>]
[Level 4 Vice Leader & People in-charge]
[Vice leader <Vice>]
[Chief Operations Officer <COO>]
[Field Manager <FM>]
[Yard Manager <YM>]
[Level 3: ALT Division Managers]
[Manager of Mechanic Division <MMD>]
[Manager of Trucking Division <MTD>]
[Manager of Delivery Division <MDD>]
[Manager of Fuel Division <MFD>]
[Level 2]
[Advanced Truckers <AT>]
[Advanced Mechanic <AM>]
[Advanced Delivery <AD>]
[Advanced Fuelman <AF>]
[Honorary <VIP>]
[Level 1]
[Trucker <T>]
[Mechanic <M>]
[Delivery <D>]
[Trucking <T>]
[Level 0 - Un-Official members being trained]
[Probation <PO>]
[In Training {it}]
Every division has their own rules! They are shared in our MOTD, so make sure to read them all. They can be changed, or removed, with or without notice, but with only a "Board Meeting Vote" By the active share holders
Company Rules:
Server rules must be followed at all times
Server laws must be followed at all times
Company rules must be followed at all times
No ads or color binds in the main chat box
No spamming ads or binds in the other chat boxes
No deathmatching
Admins word is final
No jail breaking as emergency services
Being rude/cuntish/or other wise mean will result in a demotion
Don't use nades for evil acts
No partaking with other gangs turf wars while spawned ALT
If wanted while trucking you must RP with server squads when requested to
No ordering members to break rules
No pretending to have a higher level than you really do
Tags are required, period
You MUST Follow any orders given to you by a high ranked member.
Armed members may bust unless there is a contract in place
Warning system
Breaking any rule will get members a warning, the warning system is the following
1st warning = Cant partake in company rps and events for 1 week
2nd warning = Loss of level and position for 2 weeks
3rd warning = Kicked from the company and blacklisted
ALT Management and Member Lists (
Areas that ALT members, can be found hanging out:
All Load Trucking Head Quaters (West, Red County)
ALT-Mod Shop (Full engine and Roadtrain experts)
Bone County Refinery (CubanOil trucks)
ALT Contract Requests:
We all know that in-game can be a pain sometimes to get a contract started. If your clan wants to start a contract with All Load trucking just post a little about your group with your clan's backstory, what you can do, what your clan wants to do in the future. An ALT-HQ Member will get back with you as soon as they get a free moment. If you wish to make a personal Contract with ALT, then we can do that too. Just follow the link below to get things rolling. ALT lives for roleplay!
~[If you wish to apply for a position with ALT,follow this topic but before that please don't forget to check rules .]