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Everything posted by n0vis0ry

  1. Don't tag me. Thanks
  2. Jebote bog mater. Stop tagging me
  3. uvaj se i uskoro se oporavi. Vidimo se
  4. Happy birthday
  5. Starting bid: 50M Buyout Price: 85M
  6. Your ingame username: n0vis0ry Your ingame alias: n0vis0ry Your year of birth: 1992 Your gender: Male Nationality: German Country of residence: Germany How long you have been playing SAES: Since 2010 maybe earlier Qualities you can offer: Well I can be a very helpful person also I have much experience within the server due to the years I'm playing on it. I'm kind of patience also I'm trying to do my best all the times. I can speak 2 languages fluently and I understand and speak a little of a 3rd one. Your weaknesses: I don't like writing applications also I'm taking things sometimes way too serious and as every human I do mistakes. .You should know the best where I fucked up in my time playing on your server ;). Sometimes I smoke too much. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): CS Do you have Discord Installed: Yes I have. Reason for application: Well I want to help on the server and after all the years I'm playing on it I thought it's time to take a step further. Server Memberships: Cuban Cars HQ LWS ZIP Tuga Thugs Additional information: I'm 27 years old. I'm working in a huge company with 15.000 employees working world wide. In my free time I like to go out with my friends have fun and smoke weed. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Some adminjail and mutes for speaking foreign language in mainchat. Previous (legitimate) bans: None as far as I remember. Do you eat pork: Yes I do.
  7. Address: 2 S&M Road Account name: mongols123 Last seen: 17th February 2020 Screenshots:
  8. Are you all high?
  9. Srean ti roendan i sve najbolje
  10. Hey if you want to post your activities for Cuban Cars please do it here: https://saesrpg.uk/category/177/cuban-cars We have our own section and we're not paying attention to this section. Please create a topic there and link this topic. No need to copy and paste all your activities from here. Regards n0vis0ry Cuban Cars Management
  11. If you really have such a huge problem with cars blocking the roads and the markers at banks feel free to contact any Cuban Cars member. We can clean the scene very quickly .
  12. Starting bid: 50.000.000 Minimum bid increase: 2.000.000$
  13. Sieg heil
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