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Everything posted by Nishki

  1. Will add me to LWS soon ;)))
  2. Story: Me and a crew member went to the city to make a gun shipment as we deilivered the guns and went on a nearby resturant to grab something to eat some impounder took our and tried to steal it without us noticing he drove off but as we shot his wheels he stopped and started apologizing but us "The pirus" never forgive we took him with us using our car back to our secret spot with with his eyes covered of-course we started toying with him beating him slowly as he starts bleeding and he says that somebody sent him as we took all the information needed and ended up in killing. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Kdva7Qj
  3. Dear @XxNetroxX I've met you and you sound like a nice guy you still got alot to learn but I'll make sure you get the best out of us as a gang and as a family but you're Accepted for the record. ()
  4. @Chief Come ingame for our activity instead of this shit
  5. Account Name: bluelive122: icon name: City hideway 4
  6. Inactive pirus members
  7. New AA recruit <3
  8. Still wondering why did he get denied from TT the 2nd time i reall ywant to know TELL ME ZEI!
  10. Super rude but in an honest way.
  11. Best of luck.
  12. Event Number: 60 Event Price: 1.000.000 Event winner: Xpooks Screenshots: https://imgur.com/undefined
  13. Event Number: 59 Event Price: 1.000.000 Event winner @Lily Screenshots: https://imgur.com/undefined
  14. Event Number: 58 Event Price: 1.000.000 Event Winner: @Pump Screenshots: https://imgur.com/GC164D9
  15. Event Number: 57 Event Price: 1.000.000 Event winner Pranzo Screenshots: https://imgur.com/undefined
  16. Well I spoke with you and asked you some few questions about knowledge and all of them and you seem like you're a good guy so far. I will give you a shot inside The Pirus let's see what you got. Accepted for the record.
  17. http://prntscr.com/os8pdo
  18. Roleplay Number: 76 Story: As we gon from the meeting I get a call from one of my friends that one of our members has been jailed as I get shocked and I try to call our leader he doesn't pick up the phone I call him over and over until somebody picks up and I hear gun shots. And I tell myself that I have to leave the city as soon as possible to be safe as i meet up with the gang mates and explain everything to them as we move on to the next step and get our items and weopons to and our cars to leave city to be safer and meet with our allies in the reef. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/4rhA0uZ
  19. Event Number: 55 Event Type: Chicken Shooter Event Price: $1.000.000 Event Winner: @Kubreit Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/fvz69Z6
  20. Event Number: 54 Event Type: Last Man Standing. Event Price: $1.000.000 Event winner: @Reus Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/undefined
  21. Roleplay Number: 75 Story: As a guy being watched from crops that don't affect me but it does gain me more customers by knowing how much of a good dealer I am the more the cops speak about me around the city. There was this one night I was walking around and started getting phone calls from lots of customers. As I was arranging with all of them there was this guy called Sam He started speaking weirdly and asking for me some personal information. As I close the call and block his number yet somehow he can still call me I answered him and he said it's only a matter of days until we get you! I started getting worried threw my phone in the water and ran away to my out of the town department starts working on how will I get to know who is this guy called Sam I left a text to my boss telling him about what happened just for him to be prepared for anything. As he asks for the gang to regroup for a special mission he said we will be going to do in the future. ScreenShot(s):https://imgur.com/undefined
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