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Everything posted by Nishki

  1. Role Play Number: 80 Participants in the RP: Lorch and I. Rp Scenario: As I speak with one of the governmental staff he asks me to get in his car because he has some Important questions he started asking me about the most violated places and where to find them I started explaining it to him and tried to help him as much as I can. We went to the LVPD as he starts looking at the most wanted criminals as we cops couldn't find a certain hidden crew he starts digging deep into the case going to places and starts investegating using my help we worked together took us 2 days no sleep no rest just work. As we find one Plane in the airport that was not supposed to be there as he said Leave it for now I will call you when I get set so we can go again. Screens: https://imgur.com/a/0PivQI9
  2. Date and Time: 28th of August 2019 Evening. Number of Members online: 4 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/z3Mt3KB
  3. Date and Time: 28th August 2019-Morning. Participants : Albie and I. Screenshots: http://prntscr.com/oygp06
  4. Event Type: Race to MC top Event Number: 101 Lws: Karim Date: 8/27/2019 Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: Honer Screens: https://imgur.com/CzeMlTA
  5. Participants:CIA*|Nishki and @Lightning Date: 8/27/2019-afternoon Screenshots: https://imgur.com/Ei9EpcN
  6. Participants: CIA*}Nishki Date: 8/27/2019-Morning shift. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/xLI3EKn
  7. Leads lots of amazing groups.
  8. @TaJ said in Central Intelligence Agency - C.I.A.: In-Game Name: Nishki Username: bluelive122 Age: I don't know myself Nationality: United Arab Emirates. Languages: Arabic English Spanish Total Server Playtime: 1690 Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: Will let the HQ's Know if needed. Current/Previous Groups: 1/Governmental Staff 2/Investment arms cooperation 3/ Al-Munazama 4/ Black eagles security 5/ Cluckin bell Have you ever been banned, if yes, why: Yeah I was drunk that night and I have no idea what have I done On a scale of 0-10, rate your English skills: 9 out of 10. ROLEPLAY INFORMATION For you, what is C.I.A.: Honestly for me CIA is a squad full of intelligence mostly at investigating, developing, technology and having intelegant researches What unit would you like to join in the future, and why: I would like to be a Directorate of Operations since I think it's mostly what fits me. What is our main role: Gathering information. What can you bring to the squad: Activity and humbleness. OTHER INFORMATION Any other information you wish to specify: Nothing. Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who: Yes friends from other Squads did. Why did you choose C.I.A.: Honestly had some time speaking with the HQ's and the Leader himself and I felt thrilled to be part of it and grow up with it. Taj is gay requested by @GirlyPrimis
  9. @Thing Not left. And Yeah he's an honest guy and really is much better than he sounds.
  10. Radio
  11. Carrots
  12. Name: Mohammad In-game name: Nishiki Age: 19 Sex : Male ;)) English proficiency: I'd say 9 out of 10 Native language: Arabic Other languages (s) : English and a bit of Spanish. Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No, When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: A really long time ago I'd say either 2011 or 2012 Total gameplay (hours) : 1680 Close to that. Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): 6 or 7 Average FPS: Never really check it but I never get Fps drops. Average ping: 81-100 Previous organizations and reasons for leaving: I'd rather speak about that with the HQ team if needed. Are you an active user of Discord? : Yes, I am. SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX): Intelligent squad that mostly focus on High wanted and know criminals and are always there to fight against threats. B. Define marker arrest: Marker arresting is waiting exactly on the other side of the door Shop or whatever the place was and arrest the wanted criminal over there before he even gets time to move. C. Minimum arresting level: Wanted level is 10. D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: 1/ Do not DM 2/ Do not avoid getting arrested. 3/Do does not cause drama on the chat. 4/ Always follow the server rules. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: The server is known as an RPG server. It shows how mature and respectful you are to the other players that you actually give them an actual moment to live. Either go on with the RP or either by Force. SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: My name is Mohammad I am from the United Arab Emirates but I live in Saudi Arabia for family issues. I did live in this world for 18 godamn years and I didn't get to enjoy any of them. I study Gastronomy and culinary arts since I am a great fan of cooking and such stuff. I am the kind of guy who has a bad image without the people getting to know me in my life I've met lots of people who used to hate me but when they did sit down with me and actually got to know me we turned out to be best of friends and that's pretty much all. II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: My strengths are as follows: 1/Eager to learn. 2/ Communication and Role-Playing skills. 3/ Fitting into the certain gang/squad quickly and positively. Weaknesses are as follows: 1/ I am kinda Inpatient 2/ Can't land planes well 3/I get emotional over silly stuff III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: It has the best HQ team Mature Friendly and organized talking about the members I've met a lot that is super nice and are best of friends even some sHQ and such. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: Honestly, you know the squad is full of my friends not all but many. As you know when a squad has lots of friends that know each other in it it becomes much better for the people when the way they work together and such. That's why I think that I will fit well and find myself like I never did before there. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: Yes, First of all looking at me as a guy from what you hear in the server "Nishki" Damn that guy this and that and all I know. But during my meantime and hanging out with the Members If I get the chance to hang with them all I will show them that I am not that bad of a guy and all and I know my history with G/S and such is not that good it's just being where I don't want to be and get mistreated and all of this and that. Like if you put yourself in my place you would understand how it feels. Retard test: https://imgur.com/tItGBnv
  13. Shit
  14. ex thc fox cripz and every gang
  15. Agenda
  16. Reggi is gay @Adistar this one is for u
  17. Run
  18. Happy birthday @Jay Have a great one! Enjoy it!.
  19. ha-ha
  20. Lmao i am speaking about Roonie @HasomY
  21. A mature guy and really professional at role playing.
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