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Everything posted by Nishki

  1. Nobody asked for a dog's opinion ^
  2. Happy happy birthday @FXY enjoy your day amigo
  3. Welcome Jojo a cool one finally!!
  4. ik ben downie bone happy fooking birthday <3
  5. Plus he's giving his suggestion either state a good reply or fuck off instead of posting meaningless shit
  6. I mean It's cool but lets say you throw a nade a big group of criminals and cops some crims die and some cops die but some stay alive "Report petrow killing criminals"
  7. What Faysal said is really convincing and interesting a rec can be made for a short period for gangs to be made at if they were convincing enough then they can start working after being accepted by the GMs if not then yeah less gangs.. but we can leave it open for the cops always for now till they get back on the track. Plus adding new scripts as some people have already stated is a fantastic idea
  8. @Keo hahaha Ur mother looks like she eated Couscous and animals shits berore she gave birth to you
  9. @Keo hahaha Ur mother looks like she eated Couscous and animals shits berore she gave birth to you
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