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Everything posted by Nishki

  1. Nice 7arami @SheraP
  2. Happy birthday.
  3. Happy birthday.
  4. I cancel my bid on the other property and would like to bid on this one 55m.
  5. I can take that as a birthday gift @Ferthis
  6. I would say Yes and No I do not mind it but who wouldn't know what drugs they have? and you can make it optional if needed that would work
  7. It's long gone brother. @SidVicious
  8. We have seen quite few adminsjails and reports against admins over this reason. Criminals killing other criminals by mistake and it might actually lead into an adminjail I voted yes. Generally good idea and might actually fix a lot of trouble.
  9. a new creative idea and actually a nice one +1
  10. Happy birthday have a good one
  11. Stay strong Filex you got this <3 I hope you get better soon
  12. hahaha Ur mother looks like she eated Couscous and animals shits before she gave birth to you
  13. Happy birthday HotPlay
  14. Happy birthday asba bara nayek miboun Tritosh habibi black boy Happy birthday
  15. Best latino in the server
  16. Trolls his online classes with ThC members always
  17. @Zodiyac yo mens @xDarkMan will claim the property instead of me
  18. idk who tf is that but really got to describe the person above him in a perfect way
  19. @Moley
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