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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. Display Name: Jasper Username: xpro Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/54678-donation-jasper~-amount-301/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/68825-donation-jasper-amount-350/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/69224-donation-jasper-amount-700/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/75987-donation-jasper-amount-1300/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/78073-donationjasper-amount-700-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/80928-donationjasper-amount-900-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/94413-donationjasper-amount-5700-gbp/ https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8759/donation-jasper-amount-20-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13270/donation-jasper-amount-10-01-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10167/donation-jasper-amount-20-00-gbp Total number of Donation Points: 159
  2. If you wish to join CC, I suggest you should remove all your copied activities. We are not idiots.
  3. @Ryler You could have simply PMed the SWAT HQs on forums or through Discord. Making this public just to make the incident visible for SWAT is a dick move tbh. He has been punished already so theres no need to pillory him even more. If you only PMed Element and he doesnt respond to his PMs theres still other HQs to try, and if that doesnt work you can have a chat with a GM privately.
  4. Obviously the recent changes to the bankrob script played a big role into the decrease of players. However let's not forget that just before Covid the player peak already faced a huge decrease as well. One of the big reasons for this was, and I'm sure still is, the lack of updates. There are several suggestion topics open since 2018, like why? If the idea is not going to happen, just say so and archive the topic. The community keeps waiting for a miracle, and eventually even give up on suggesting things because they know it will never get introduced. Scorpyo did a really good job when he got promoted to Contributor/Developer, with a lot of bug fixes and some cool updates. But what happened now? It's ok if you guys are working on something else, but maybe take us through and give us some little teasers from time to time. I'm sure it motivates people to stay tuned into the server for coming updates. The old Dev team used to do this quite often in the past, which resulted in people constantly speculating what was going to be the new update. And also keep your eyes open for potential new contributors. I'm sure there are many players, including myself, willing to contribute to the server in their way, with either scripting or mapping. Even if the potential isn't as good as your 'standard', he or she can learn from your standard and all the feedback, and could eventually grow to actual Developer for the server. It's obvious that you cannot do everything with such a small team, so use advantage of your community. As for the Gang Management: I think the recent reward changes for squads is a good way to trigger more activity in the police side. So far it had a good effect with 3 new squads. Some of them were already in the make but needed this little push and support from GM to finally get going. What might be a good idea is to fluctuate the level requirements once in a few months, based on actual player count. It doesn't make sense if a gang needs 40+ active members to become level 5, if the player count is only +/- 120. And then maybe the maximum level shouldn't be 5 anymore, but 3 or 4. And it's not like we can attract many players to this game, as the new generation is born and raised with GTA V. They would much rather play on buggy asf FiveM than installing this almost 17 year old game. After all I don't wanna end my post with negative things. I am still enjoying this game and server, just like plenty of others, but just bare in mind that if there are not going to be any changes soon it will definately not help increase the activity.
  5. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 150 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 14th of July 2019 Why do you need this change? It's been quite some time since my last reward change, I would like to update everything again with new vehicles. Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/54678-donation-jasper~-amount-301/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/68825-donation-jasper-amount-350/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/69224-donation-jasper-amount-700/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/75987-donation-jasper-amount-1300/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/78073-donationjasper-amount-700-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/80928-donationjasper-amount-900-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/94413-donationjasper-amount-5700-gbp/ https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8759/donation-jasper-amount-20-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13270/donation-jasper-amount-10-01-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10167/donation-jasper-amount-20-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/97331-jaspers-reward-changes/?tab=comments#comment-1794231 https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/95597-jaspers-donation-veh-change/?tab=comments#comment-1771401 https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/93698-jaspers-rewards-location-change/?tab=comments#comment-1745042 https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/87178-jaspers-reward-change/?tab=comments#comment-1628746 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10166/jasper-s-reward-changes ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed It appears that the "Turismo" from my last reward change is missing. It doesn't show up in /dvm anymore. Perhaps someone removed that one by accident. I only have 12 vehicles currently placed as showable in /dvm, whilst I can have 15. Thus there will be more added than removed. In total 9 vehicles placed at LV Airport Parking should be removed. RC Bandit RC Raider Hotring Racer 3 Bandito Huntley Damaged Glendale Stallion Go Kart Wayfarer ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Police Dodger Vehicle 2: Police Dodger Vehicle 3: S.W.A.T. tank Vehicle 4: F.B.I. Rancher Location: LSPD Vehicle 5: Police Dodger Vehicle 6: Police Dodger Vehicle 7: S.W.A.T. tank Vehicle 8: F.B.I. Rancher Location: LVPD Vehicle 9: Police Dodger Vehicle 10: Police Dodger Vehicle 11: S.W.A.T. tank Location: SFPD Vehicle 12: Shamal Location: LSAP I would also like to have a donation icon at this shamal. All vehicles should be locked to myself: "xpro"
  6. Securing San Fierro bank T.R.A. Agents present: Alfred, Cappo, Axestos, Bora, Fenter, Sunrise Date and time: 11-04-2021 Screenshots:
  7. Securing store robberies T.R.A. Agents present: Alfred, Cappo, Axestos, Fenter, Sunrise, Jasper, Blue (VIP) Date and time: 11-04-2021 Screenshots:
  8. Securing the V.I.P. from possible threats T.R.A. Agents present: Cappo, Fenter, Bora, Sunrise, Jasper Date and time: 11-04-2021 Screenshots:
  9. I have been a cop before, I really enjoyed it and honestly I still do. I think it would be good for cops to have more ways of earning their money. Obviously our main focus should be putting wanted criminals locked up, but at some point I actually want to chill for a bit and still earn money. Money transporter is a good example and a very good start of making the cop side more attractive, but what saddens me most is that such job had to include a criminal part. You can get jacked, thus you need to be fully armed, thus still cant really chill. I'm not sure what type of additional job for police would fit, but I'm pretty sure with the current active clan members, contributors and with this community there sure as hell can be at least 1 good idea. I also think neutralizing turf wars and bankrobs would be a good addition. (Bankrob could look same as current PBR, if cop enters cracking marker after door1, the criminals cannot continue BR anymore). Maybe also changing the way storerobs work. If eg a cop enters the SR marker, the % will not go higher no matter how many criminals are on top. Right now 1 cop doesn't affect the 30 criminals on the roof. This will force the criminals to leave the roof and attempt to kill the cop, with all possible risks. Just a little input which I believe would be cool, and would most definately increase my chance of switching side.
  10. @drot said in Addition to marker protection: Marker protection disappears once weapons are used by the person who's entering, that was included in the last change. If it doesn't work that way then something went wrong. Well I dont know when these changes were made but I caught multiple criminals still doing it today and I got the message that they were still under protection. However it doesnt quite solve the issue yet, because criminals would still be standing in the marker and thus still cannot get arrested (if cop walks towards a tazed criminal he will enter the marker instead). Correct me if Im wrong.
  11. Hi, Sadly I am fully aware that this might result in yet another cops vs criminal discussion, however I still would like to address this issue. Over the past months I've seen a lot of criminals using the marker protection in their advantage to kill police. By entering/leaving a marker they have immunity, which means Police cannot kill nor taze them. Yet they can move and shoot with their guns. This results in the Police getting killed without being able to do anything. Ofcourse this goes also the other way around, Police can taze or kill criminals while being in marker protection. However I do not see that happen as often as with criminals. To me it seems ridiculous that this is even possible (for both sides!). So my suggestion is to disable weapons while having marker protection for all classes.
  12. GUI design is meh, but that could be a simple adjustment. I cant check your script properly right now but heres what I noticed in your video. Before making the script definite, make sure that the script can run bug free and that all possible abusable bugs are protected, such as: Amount in edit box, make a check to see if the input is a valid number (no minus, no decimals, no weird symbols) Check if person is still alive and standing in the marker Possibly more, just think about it carefully. And as Velo said, check and take player money server sided, not client. Other than that good work, the more you try the more you learn :)
  13. Should be with any type of vehicle, like the ones owned by gangs and squads. I think the respawn script is bugged since the vehicles are frozen on its spawn position. You can damage the vehicle, but it wont regain health at a vehicle respawn since its frozen and thus the position hasnt changed. I dont know if its intended to be like this, maybe someone from the Dev team can confirm. @SAES-Developer
  14. Happy birthday mate!
  15. Happy birthday cunt
  16. #activity 5 This afternoon we went back in time about 15 years to the classic happy hardcore songs.
  17. #activity 4 Throwing a party at LV X with some classic hardstyle and hardcore bangers!
  18. I personally would find it very annoying to have another pop-up in my screen. Maybe make this optionable through M > Settings. Then I'd vote yes.
  19. Happy birthday men
  20. Gefeliciteerd pik
  21. It would be cool if the GM's had access to an in-game panel where they can just see all activity logs done by a certain gang, just like the gangs can currently see through /gang > logs. Remove all unneccessary logs like invites / warnings, and make them only see bankrob and turfing logs. This would mean posting bankrobs and turfing on the forums is no longer a must. Only activities which should still be posted are roleplays and events, unless some way the Devs can implent a future of tracking those in-game as well. Other than that, I understand your frustration but I have to agree with what teddy said above.
  22. @Ferthis said in Planet Coaster giveaway: False @Jasper you dirty Oosterhout nub :(
  23. 076 you know it Ferthis
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