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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. Merry christmas everyone :)
  2. Ye, although it wont make any difference if the interior marker is still behind base gates or if the gang/squad choses to have a billion gates in their interior. Overall I still like your idea.
  3. I dont feel like cops should have a keypad to guess the code. I believe this would be a huge disadvantage, correct me if wrong. Perhaps instead there could be a huge marker like the ones to start a PBR. At least (for example) 10 cops have to be in the marker in order to trigger the panic gate, which will then also open very slowly. Lets say at least 2 minutes before they can enter the panic route. Maybe criminals should also get a notification once cops triggered the gate so they can try to anticipate on it? Overall I like your suggestion.
  4. This is an automated post TXN ID: 21T31066EG586230D Donation Amount: 10.01GBP :hype: Vehicle Type: DFT-30 Vehicle Colour: N/A Specify any upgrades: Please give it the shader "gaymen" as obviously it fits me perfectly. Usernames to lock: xpro Where you want it placed: Cuban Cars HQ in San Fierro, like as in the screenshot below.
  5. Secretly in love with me @Kim
  6. Jasper


    still waiting for you to buy me McDonalds pik
  7. ~[ Jasper's Portfolio]~(orange) In-game nick: Jasper Accountname: xpro Rank: Architect Number of Cons: will be updated soon
  8. Greetings, Please post your employee portfolios in this section. We have made a format for you to copy and post events, roleplays or patrols. Follow the forum rules as stated below: Title should be Employee Portfolio: <nickname> Every activity must be posted separate, refrain from posting multiple activities in one post. Do not post in other topics. Use the activity format as stated below, do not use your own. ~[ General Information]~(sienna) Nickname: Account name: Age: Country of residence: Time spent in Cuban Cars(~): Current role (Mechanic, Impounder, Mentor): Roleplay Name (If used, else leave blank): Current Journy in Cuban Cars (min. 100 words): Forum Event Preset Event Type: LWS/G6: Participants: Prize(s): Winner(s): Date: Screenshots: Forum Patrol Preset Participants: Date: Actions Taken: Screenshots: Forum Roleplay Preset Participants: Date: Roleplay Situation: Screenshots:
  9. @Yoko_Kurama said in Desert Eagles Live Recruitment - 10.8.2019 (18:00pm): Good luck @Jasper All I see in this topic is kanker, pls dont tag me
  10. Jasper


    kanker @Hassanson why men
  11. This is an automated post TXN ID: 5GD20754F70268151 Donation: 20.00 GBP Requested rewards: Vehicle 1: Shamal Location: Las Venturas Airport Username: xpro, diefish ( Primairy Color: #5e2e26 ) I would also like to have a donation icon there. Vehicle 2: Reefer Location: Los Santos East Docks Username: xpro, diefish Please put the boat on the right side of the docks. I would also like to have a donation icon there (approved by Shaun)
  12. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 120,00 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? the 17th of December 2017 Why do you need this change? It's been a while since i've changed things and my current donation locations are messed up Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/54678-donation-jasper~-amount-301/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/68825-donation-jasper-amount-350/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/69224-donation-jasper-amount-700/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/75987-donation-jasper-amount-1300/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/78073-donationjasper-amount-700-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/80928-donationjasper-amount-900-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/94413-donationjasper-amount-5700-gbp/ https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8759/donation-jasper-amount-20-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/97331-jaspers-reward-changes/?tab=comments#comment-1794231 https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/95597-jaspers-donation-veh-change/?tab=comments#comment-1771401 https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/93698-jaspers-rewards-location-change/?tab=comments#comment-1745042 https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/87178-jaspers-reward-change/?tab=comments#comment-1628746 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Shamal Location: Los Santos Airport, my donation icon can be tracked if needed ('Jasper likes Turkisians') Interior: N/A Please delete the donation icon as well :) Vehicle 2: Tractor Location: Las Venturas, personal property ('2 Ninja Sword Street') Vehicle 3: Infernus Location: Las Venturas, personal property ('2 Ninja Sword Street') Vehicle 4: Forklift Location: Las Venturas, personal property ('2 Ninja Sword Street') Interior: Yes, please replace the current interior with interior #25 Vehicle 5: Towtruck Location: Las Venturas Impound station, main floor on the left side Vehicle 6: DFT-30 Location: Las Venturas Impound station, main floor on the left side Interior: N/A Vehicle 7: Hermus Location: Cuban Cars garage San Fierro Interior: N/A Vehicle 8: Bullet Location: Los Santos, my old personal property which is now sold to another player ('5 Wankers Lane') Interior: Yes, please remove it completely. Vehicle 9: DFT-30 Location: Las Venturas, near LV X at a huge appartment area Interior: N/A Vehicle 10: Police Cruiser (~[Vehicle is already removed]~(red)) Location: Los Santos PD, outside parking area Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: RC Bandit Location: Las Venturas Airport Parking (Property owned by Nico [diefish], 'Airport parking company') Username: xpro, diefish ( Nitro 10x, Primairy Color: #5e2e26, Secondairy Color: #000000 ) Vehicle 2: RC Raider Location: Las Venturas Airport Parking (Property owned by Nico [diefish], 'Airport parking company') Username: xpro, diefish ( Nitro 10x, Primairy Color: #5e2e26, Secondairy Color: #000000 ) Vehicle 3: Hotring Racer 3 Location: Las Venturas Airport Parking (Property owned by Nico [diefish], 'Airport parking company') Username: xpro, diefish ( Nitro 10x, Primairy Color: #5e2e26, Secondairy Color: #000000 ) Vehicle 4: Bandito Location: Las Venturas Airport Parking (Property owned by Nico [diefish], 'Airport parking company') Username: xpro, diefish ( Nitro 10x, Primairy Color: #5e2e26, Secondairy Color: #000000 ) Vehicle 5: Huntley Location: Las Venturas Airport Parking (Property owned by Nico [diefish], 'Airport parking company') Username: xpro, diefish ( Nitro 10x, Primairy Color: #5e2e26, Secondairy Color: #000000 ) Vehicle 6: Damaged Glendale Location: Las Venturas Airport Parking (Property owned by Nico [diefish], 'Airport parking company') Username: xpro, diefish ( Nitro 10x, Primairy Color: #5e2e26, Secondairy Color: #000000 ) Vehicle 7: Stallion Location: Las Venturas Airport Parking (Property owned by Nico [diefish], 'Airport parking company') Username: xpro, diefish ( Nitro 10x, Primairy Color: #5e2e26, Secondairy Color: #000000 ) Vehicle 8: Turismo Location: Las Venturas Airport Parking (Property owned by Nico [diefish], 'Airport parking company') Username: xpro, diefish ( Nitro 10x, Primairy Color: #5e2e26, Secondairy Color: #000000 ) Vehicle 9: Go-Kart Location: Las Venturas Airport Parking (Property owned by Nico [diefish], 'Airport parking company') Username: xpro, diefish ( Nitro 10x, Primairy Color: #5e2e26, Secondairy Color: #000000 ) Vehicle 10: Wayfarer Location: Las Venturas Airport Parking (Property owned by Nico [diefish], 'Airport parking company') Username: xpro, diefish ( Nitro 10x, Primairy Color: #5e2e26, Secondairy Color: #000000 ) Please put the 10 vehicles as stated above on the left side of the parking, which i'm looking at on the screenshot below. If possible please keep one parking spot space between big cars, bikes and rc can be next to eachother. If prefered, find me and/or Nico in-game to sort it properly :) Interior: N/A
  13. The property is next to San Fierro bank. Starting bid: $25,000,000
  14. Happy birthday mate :)
  15. happy birthday man!
  16. @Crash said in Lower prices for special modshops: @Jasper why you racist against ALT? Go truck n00b
  17. @Tut-Greco I understand your point, but with the current economy I don't think 5-10% won't change much to the current situation. I do however think it should not go past 25% discount though.
  18. Good day, This has been on my mind for quite some time now but never really felt like suggesting it until now. As Director in Cuban Cars i'm thinking of many possible ways to get the group more activity. The suggestion below might be one of 'em. Lower prices in special modshops (e.g. Cuban Cars modshop) Every modshop in San Andreas has the same price and thus the special modshops (like Cuban Cars, raceTECH and Cunning Stunts) aren't really 'special' anymore. To increase more interest in our modshops, why not make our prices lower? I'm pretty certain players would have a lot more interest in using our modshops rather than the public ones, so this will definately generate more activity for the group. For Cuban Cars this would mean our members have to spawn as mechanic to open the garage for players. For raceTECH, if they approve this suggestion for their modshop as well, I would recommend requesting a gate in front of the modshop. My thought of a lower price is around 25% discount. To show some numbers, here's what the prices would be compared to eachother: I'd like to hear the community opinion about this. @Cuban-Cars @raceTECH @Cunning-Stunts @The-Motor-Heads-TMH (fuck u taj)
  19. gefeliciteerd kerel
  20. See you later man.
  21. Dear citizens of San Andreas, It has come to our attention that several civilians are not aware of how the impounding system works. In this topic we, the Cuban Cars Management, will teach you how to unimpound your vehicle. Has your vehicle been impounded? How do you know? As soon as the vehicle gets impounded, you will receive a message on the top of your screen. It will show you exactly which vehicle has been impounded and in which city. In this case, my NRG-500 has been impounded in Las Venturas. If you're not online or not paying attention to the game, and your vehicle has been impounded, you will notice this in your safedisk. When you open the disk, the vehicle will have status 'impounded' and you will not be able to respawn it: To figure out where your vehicle has been impounded you will need to try to park it. It will give you an error message which includes the city where your vehicle has been impounded. You now have all information you need. Whilst heading towards the Impound station, stop by an ATM and get yourself $50,000. That is the fee you have to pay to get your vehicle back. How do I unimpound my vehicle without a Cuban Cars Impounder? Several civilians think the only way to get your vehicle out is by asking a Cuban Cars Impounder, this is not right. You can get your vehicle out by simple entering the vehicle. This is how it works. Head towards the Impound station in question, and go search your vehicle. Try to enter your vehicle by either pressing 'F' or 'G', you should receive this screen: Press confirm, pay the $50,000 fee and enjoy your vehicle again! How do I unimpound my vehicle for a lower price? In Cuban Cars we are happy to provide you a cheaper and faster unimpounding service. When your vehicle has been impounded, you can always reach out for an Impounder and ask him to unimpound your vehicle. He will tell you the price you have to pay. The most common asked price is $30,000, but this can depend on the situation. Our Cuban Cars Impounders are very trusted and are expected to deliver a good service for the civilians. If you have any problems regarding unimpounding, you are free to PM any of the HQ's.
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