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Everything posted by FireSnow

  1. Best Of Loook <3 <3
  2. Best Of Look <3
  3. Best Of Look @PaBLo
  4. 1.Personal information Nickname:Spider Ingame Username:kaka02 Age: 16 English proficiency:8/10 Spoken Languages:Fransh,English,Arabic Roleplay skills: I played as a criminal for all my career since 2016, i'm so good Criminal. Previous Organizations you joined: I was in Xwolf (1 years ago), ( tested by L!on ). Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: WA or Wild Angels The role is to kill and assassinate suspicious people of all classes. Or to kill people for money. In addition to carrying out an ambush of targets and stealing people. They also rob, deceive people, sell drugs and smuggle weapons Previous punishments/bans and reason: N/A. Why you wanna join us?: Because i see that WA are so active in the world of Saes and i can said honestly that all members of WA are so brave criminal and i want to become like them. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I'm loyal , patient and i love teamwork and i consider myself a good teamworker and i think that with me the gang will grove more , i am a good marksman and i'm also good to drive! 3-Additional Informations Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : I know Vincy very well and Karim , Vincy recommended me to apply for you. What are your strengths: Driving , Shooting , Teamworking and Strategies. What are your weaknesses:Lag,Fps.... Something else to add?: Thanks for your time , i hope you'll enjoy my apply! See you in game.
  5. Personal Information In-game name:Spider Username:kaka02 Age:16 Nationality:Algerien For how long have you been playing SAES:RPG?:Im Start Playing SAES:RPG in 2016 How many hours a day can you be online?:9h Previous G/S/Gs and time spent in them (List all of them, no matter how many): Xwolf Leaving/Kicked Causes (Explain briefly): im out Xwolf Because The gang has been Breathed Important Questions Why do you want to be apart of the Rebels MC?: because here members good and pro and are help me in my hard times/ and ineed to joint because here leader and vice leader Adelan . Explain our Role and what we do in San Andreas:Rebel MC is The Rebels Motorcycle Club is an outlaw motorcycle club,Conquering Lion" is an abbreviation for "The Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah", one of emperor Haile Selassie's many titles.and ineed to joint to help and play with are members. Do you own a Freeway?:Yes,he has Freeway What does Roleplaying seem to you?:It seems to me that this gang has many roles that are distinct in various fields Are you willing to sacrifice time and effort towards our family and why:Yes, I am ready because a group of its members have gone out of their own hands in my difficult times and willing to help the gang in everything Add a picture of your favourite bike to even be considered:Iam good player and i want to joint to the gang to help and spend beautiful times with here members
  6. Distinctive Questions. Ingame name:203|Spider Username:kaka02 Country of Residence: Algeria. Spoken Languages: Arabic in first class, English and French. Date of birth: 26/7/2002. Date of the beginning of your SAES career: First day i joined SAES i think it was 2016 when my in real life friends invited me to play this online game. Previous organisations: NSWC/xWOLF. Miscellaneous questions Define The Companys role in one sentence: The Company's Getting over San Andreas in the business, and (Selling / Transposrting / Escorting ) Weapons to all the ( Criminals/Gangs) over SA map. You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? : Well first of all i would like to say that i will meet him for that accident, then offering him to arrest me or just to forgive me by withdrawing the report. If it does not appreciate, i will request (Staff/Admin) who's dealing with these reports to tell him the real accident how it is happend. You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? : I doubt the car shield could save me. Then after that i would hide under the driving wheel and opening the door slowly, even the airbag could help a bit. After the getting-off the car slowly, then i would run fastest as i can. There is a guy where you had several disputes with. Causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? I would not do anything about him, in first case i will try to fix it up with him. And as they see him can be in the family, ofcours they will not be wrong. I wont make drama or making him bad between us it will be peaceful because he's already one of my family. And never being bad with him.
  7. Thnx @Filex @Siirtuga
  8. I was on a tour with a gang The Company in the plance Bon county . We decided to steal and steal a bank in an area and on the task of robbery came a group of police. But thanks to our large number, they could not catch anyone from the group. Membres: @Scorpyo @Blue @Sinster @Filex @Tuned @KingStone @Rondaw @Zodiac ScreenShot:
  9. In the first I went and @mimyy opened jail Screenshot: When we finished Jail we went open SR ScreenShot: @SPiDeR_and_@mimyy
  10. @Filex give me application The Question
  11. Best Of Look<3
  12. Thnx @PaBLo
  13. @Mc.Arthur In Jail Break
  14. Dear Mr.WiTTi ~[Denied]~(red) - You application is poor or you don't have enough skills. You can apply again in 1 week.
  15. Total of Roleplay: 0 Total of Activity: 0 Total of Event : 0 Roleplay n^: Date: Story: Screenshots: Activity n^: Date: Type of activity: The main characters: Screenshoot: Event n^: Date: Type: LWS/G6: Prize: Winner: screenshoot:
  16. ...
  17. ~[Welcome To HHT Hell_Hound_Trailer]~ Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSKg4gHHFmA Media Archive:https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7281/hell_hound_trailer-media-archive Discord:https://discord.gg/GqDj5H
  18. Welcome Back Gang Hell_Hound_Trailer
  19. Welcome to Hell_Hound_Trailer HHT| Leader Arthur Gang Tag: HHT|<Nick>|** Gang Panel: Hell_Hound_Trailer Gang Cash: 10.008.000 Change Later Gang LVL:0 Color Gang:#ff00cc Gang Created: 2019/03/19 Total members:8 Rules: FORBIDDEN TO PLAYERS 1)Team Freand (HRMC) resolved for good reason 1)Team kill (Rebel & Sons) resolved for good reason 2)Ask for money, help allowed for eour own benefit 3)Insults without a valid reason are prohibited 4)Spam and flooding is prohibited 5)Advertising of servers and other is forbidden 6)Do not disturb players 7)It is fobidden to speak other langueges except Arab and English ALLOWED BY PLAYERS 1)Play to Criminal-(Carjacker In all City) 2)Arrest the clan players 3)Obscene language is allowed 4)Test player is allowed 5)Know F1 Rules 6)Dont Kill Gang Member 5:Dont Do (/sure) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Ranks desciption>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Level 5 / 4 [-L-] - The Leader (Leader of the organization) [-VL-]- Vice Leader (the 2nd man in command) [-HQ-] - Head Quarters (the head quarters team of the organization) Level 3 [-OB-] - Veterans (a loyal assassin who have done so much for the organization) Level 2 [-BH-] - Bounty Hunter (professional sniper who never misses his shot) [-SH-] - Shadow (the hidden death that leaves no traces) [-TR-] - Terrorist (unstoppable killer) Level 1 {E} - Expert Assassin (a professional assassin who is expert with all sorts of weapons) {T} - Technical Assassin (a professional assassin who is expert in Heavy weapons) [-R-] - Silent Assassin (a professional assassin who is expert in silenced weapons) Level 0 [-H-] -(a new member who is still under training) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<player>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OFFICIAL MEMBER: -Boss (Level 5) *Arthur -Vice Leader / Major General(Level 4) -Boss (Level 3) -WiTTi -OB (Level 2 -R(Level 1) -H Halper (Level 0) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<testing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[ACEPPTED]~(lime)- You have been accepted by the gang. Find a HQ member for the in game tests. ( Look the roster to find one HQ ) Good luck! You have ~[Pending]~(orange) in gang ~[Denied]~(red) - You application is poor or you don't have enough skills. You can apply again in 1 week. ~[PASSED]~(lime) - You have been invited in our gang, you passed the in-game tests. ~[Banned]~(green,olive,sienna,sienna,sienna,maroon,maroon,magenta,maroon,maroon,maroon,maroon) / ~[Blacklist]~(maroon,sienna) - You apply to much times in our application with status Denied. Or your application was very negative. Do not apply again in this Topic. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Application>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You must have Application: <Prescribe before the person [HHT|| For example:[HHT|><L!on> or [HHT|<Arthur Age: Nationality: Do you already have any friends in [HHT|< Gang?: Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: What unique qualities can you offer to [HHT|< Gang? Additional information about yourself: Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): Why have you left the above?: What server groups are you currently a part of?: Previous server bans and reasons (include links):
  20. Event n^:McArthur Date:2019-03-19 Type:1vs1 Sniper LWS/G6:Worker:Raf Prize:1.000.000 Winner:CripZ jedyes1
  21. Event n^:McArthur Date:2019-03-19 Type:Chiken Shooter LWS/G6:Worker:ICE|RAF|R Prize:1.000.000 Winner:Olaf
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