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Everything posted by FireSnow

  1. Adress: 3 Cock Road Account name:bernasx123 Last Seen: i dont know exactly ScreenShot: ::: :::
  2. FireSnow

    Bye bye!

    Nishki wut the fuck are u saying bro ? ): ): ):
  3. Name:Spider Username:kaka02 Team Betting on:CDS Ammount:2M
  4. Event Number:17 Event Type: LMS Event Price: 1.000.000$ LWS & G6: [FOX]Alex Event Winner(s): ICE|Raiden|PVT Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  5. RolePlay Number (49) @wolferx said in ICE|Immigration & Customs Enforcement Media Archive: ~[Date:]~ 26/6/2019 ~[Type Of Activity:]~ RolePlay ~[Main Characters:]~ @spider ~[Story:]~ fake cover ? today i was working in a searchpoint so i was there and a man come so i tell him that im going to search him he leaves his car and when i search him i havent find anything so i tell him to open his car trunk to see if there is something in there. the result was negative but before he goes i asked him if his trunk is made from a real plastic he answer by yes and when i check it i found that there is a fake cover of trunk and i remove him and i found a packet of cocaine hiding i tell him to put his handsup and i take him to ICE deppartement to know who gives him those drugs , first he say no cause if he tell me the drug dealer will kill him , i try to make him say by making him calm doing so he said that his name is @WiTTi01 . i decided to put him in jail tell i find the frug dealer. ~[Screenshots:]~ ::: :::
  6. Roleplay Number (48) @Lion said in ICE|Immigration & Customs Enforcement Media Archive: Date: 26.06.2019 Main characters: @FireSnow Story: when im gonna to helth my self and im see a crim going to eat me too i need to eat when im joint to Pizza house i see the crim want to kill the pizzaboy im stop him and give him a wanted and tell him u are free to go Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Event Number:15 Event Type: Chiken Shooter Event Price: 1.000.000$ LWS & G6: Corn Event Winner(s): Raf Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  8. Event Number: 14 Event Type: Knock me from NRG-500 Event Price: round1:500.000$ round2:500.000$ LWS & G6: Jim Event Winner(s): Bartman / Raiden Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  9. Roleplay Number: 46 @Razak said in TST - The Strike Team | Media Archive: Attenders: @FireSnow~[Story:The gang members were on board a large car when they were followed by police. A group of police tried to cross the road leading to Lase Vantere, I was seen by a person carrying a large quantity of high quality drugs. Luckily, I received a message of this. I rushed and loaded the car and went to the place where they told me. No one from the organization escorted me because they were in secret operations. When I reached the heart of the event, He carries the drugs and I start by rubbing I was watching him all the time and I noticed that he was arranging the drugs and he was not aware that the gang members he was dealing with were pursuing a special patrol to oust them. After that the police succeeded in arresting the criminals and driving them down, and I also succeeded in stopping this smuggling. After all this, the criminal was taken to the court for investigation, and the evidence and pictures were taken. The criminal took his penalty and decided to fined him a fine and life imprisonment SS:https://imgur.com/a/sbzdXyt
  10. In-game Name: Spider Real Name: -Abduallah Age: -16 Country of Residence: -Algerie What made you applying for The Pirus?: Bcz its a active gang and The~Pirus have Good membres . What is the main role of The Pirus?: Arms smuggling and gun shipment Let us know a bit about you: known as Spider ingame but my real name is Abduallah im 16 years old boy from algeria , Oum Al Bawagi Exactly i love hanging with my friends , studying at high school , playing vedio games i play like 7-8 hours in saes everyday im fully free nowadays. Do you have access to Discord and a properly working microphone ?: yes i have Why shall we give you the chance to be one of us ?: -i can offer all my efforts if i be part of it, and im a patient player who can help his team to be the best
  11. ~[Woow Good Luck with Level 2]~(red,red,red,red,red,red,red)
  12. RolePlay Number:#118 @Raf said in SAFP - Official Media Archive: Main characters: @FireSnow , @SoulFly and @Diesel . Story: When I was guarding the road, two young men drove by. They hit them and asked my friend to block them from the front and put the stingers on the road. The contestants stopped and started shooting at us but we did not give up and we took our weapons and fired. The criminals were wounded, we took them and treated them and then took them to the base. We spoke with them and took the identification cards. So we brought them to prison and yet we knew they were dangerous criminals who had escaped from prison before. And now the case has been solved. Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: Spider Real Name: Abduallah Account name:kaka02 Nationality:Algerien Rate your English Skills (0/10):7/10 Current Organization:N/A Current Group List: San Andreas Taxi Service Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10):8/10 Talk about your RP experience:i have a huge Role-Playing experience due the fact that i was teaching people how to RP properly i, also i really love to be creative in my Rp's and i don't write a scenario or anything i love to live the moment and act just like real life. Write a short RP story related to rebels:Jamal Al-Gadhgadhy as known as the "The desert butcher" is one of the most brutal and savage rebels tho he wasn't always like that he used to be a straight guy with quite a few troubles in his life but not much until on his 17th anniversary everything changed. some of the governement assassins slaughtered all his family members got their heads ripped of savegly in front of his eyes at that very moment Jamal's life took a detour towards the rebel life and his goal was to kill to feed his hunger for blood then joined some of other rebels to contintue in the path of chaos. Add a photo of a rebel please: ::: :::
  14. @FireSnow Has Been ~[Kicked]~(red,red) From RCB Bye @PaBLo
  15. happy birthday broooo @Tritosh
  16. EVENT Event Number:#2 Event Type:1v1 Sniper LWS/G6:@Star Winner(s): Prize:1.000.000$ (SS): ::: https://imgur.com/a/EnLQFNL :::
  17. EVENT Event Number:#1 Event Type:Race To MC Top LWS/G6:@yoko Winner(s):@Petrow Prize:1.000.000$ (SS): ::: :::
  18. @Flexman said in Racing & Cunning Brother's: Nickname:Flex Username:Flex02 U Are ~[Denied]~(red,red,red,red) And U Dont Know Anything About Rules
  19. @The-Best1 said in ICE|Immigration & Customs Enforcement Media Archive : Date: 12/06/2019 Main characters: @Spider Story:On a beautiful day, I left the ICE base going to Arrest Criminal's , im see a racer drive a crazy Drive im stop him and im tell him to give me the ID and he tell me im drive faster bcz i want to gonna to my friend he drive 120km/h im give him a wanted and tell him next time i will take u to prison 5 years and take him to prison 5 months. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/bNOiEKb :::
  20. Dear @NeoNas Ty
  21. @Hash said in Racing & Cunning Brother's: Applicant Main Information: Nickname:HASH Username:olp ~[Accepted]~(lime,lime) Welcome To RCB Family Joint Our Discored:https://discord.gg/tU2UGq
  22. Dear @Orten09 Thank's
  23. @misterX said in Racing & Cunning Brother's : Racing & Cunning Brother's Nickname: Culter Username:louaiflex04 U Are ~[Banned/Blacklisted]~ From RCB ,Dont Post AnyThing Here !
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