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Everything posted by Nobodyknows

  1. Today we reached our record of members online at the same time which was 11. https://imgur.com/a/V14KFXu ~ CMC - Born on a mountain, raised in a cave. Biking and fucking is all I crave. - CMC ~
  2. @reborn said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive: Participants: Overdose Crime, The Chosen Few MC, SWAT, SAFP In order to keep the post as small and organized as possible, all descriptions of the event takes place underneath each picture in this picture folder: The sideways drug deal... https://imgur.com/a/G7nIQ7E Many thanks to the volunteers, this RP was fun to work with!
  3. @jakel Your application is ~[pending.]~(yellow) Find a HQ+ To receive your tests. @mr-joker Your application is ~[under-review.]~(silver) Hang around with our club members and show yourself. @ORKUN500500 Your application is ~[denied.]~(red) You can re-apply in 1 week.
  4. @flooki Stop posting here, you're ~[denied.]~(red)
  5. @flooki Copying someone elses application gets you ~[denied.]~(red) Don't bother applying again.
  6. @freezy ~[denied.]~(red) Don't bother applying again.
  7. Also thanks everyone! we appreciate it!
  8. @freezy that's just not our application form. ~[denied.]~(red)
  9. @jamal Hello there, your application isn't bad and we saw you in game, our members seem to like you therefore you have been ~[accepted.]~(lime) Meet Bazuka in game for a little interview. Welcome to the club! Nobody, President of The Chosen Few MC.
  10. Today our day started off with activity. We did a roadtrip, we went to a bankrob, we met with our brothers from Overdose Crime. You can see everything from the pictures. https://imgur.com/a/MafpBQo
  11. Thanks everyone! We appreciate it.
  12. @flex said in The Chosen Few MC: Woah, another MC club? Hell yeah! I wish you the best of luck from the bottom of my heart! Hell yeah another MC! Thanks! @soulfly said in The Chosen Few MC: GL Thanks!
  13. The Chosen Few MC https://discord.gg/caZ2xxs
  14. The start of a new era. Today we had our first day as an MC in San Andreas. We had a road trip, we visited the other MCs base. We showed ourselves. Here are some pictures aswell! https://imgur.com/a/cjJu2a4 ~ CMC - Born on a mountain raised in a cave, biking and fucking is all we crave. - CMC ~
  15. Cant edit there.
  16. Username:ameerfr Last seen:24th of may 2018
  17. @tut-greco I have no idea how the editing works here so I'll just reply. username:mrdemonio Last seen: 15th of June 2018
  18. https://imgur.com/a/CwY1HhI
  19. https://imgur.com/a/QIVcu7U Edit: username:mrdemonio Last seen: 15th of June 2018
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