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Everything posted by Nobodyknows

  1. Hope you doing good munni nagu!
  2. This property belongs to an admin, so your request isn't valid.
  3. This property belongs to an admin, so your request isn't valid.
  4. This property belongs to an admin! Therefore your request is not valid.
  5. This person is not inactive. You searched for the wrong account name, shouldve done /seen bas260 and bas260 is not inactive.
  6. This has been requested by @SNome already. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4520/inactive-business-in-ls
  7. username:Lamzaone Last seen: 29th october 2018 screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/KZfi4Pe
  8. This Property was already requested earlier by @Wizax
  9. This is an automated post TXN ID: 76665752EW792851B Donation: 10.00 GBP Requested rewards: A freeway, Donator spawn and VC beta access for me(Vadim#4526) and @Zoom-In(Zoom-in#3616) Donator spawn to : Me(Thatthug) And Zoom-in(Sannwiiner)
  10. Username:fatihgo Inactive since: 29 October 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OgmjMWT
  11. Your ingame username: thatthug Your ingame alias: Nobody Your real name: Vadim Your year of birth: 1995 Your gender: Male Nationality: Estonian Country of residence: Estonia Language skills: Estonian, English and a little bit of Russian. English Proficiency: I think my english is pretty good so i would say like 7/10. How long you have been playing: I have been playing since 2014 with some inactivity periods. Your strengths: Experience Maturity I say what i think of something/someone pretty quickly. I like when things are how they are supposed to be so i think i'm pretty strict. Your weaknesses: I can get mad at something/someone pretty fast. Somewhat lazy I'm usually impatient if i do have to wait after someone. Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES) : SAHA Teamspeak Installed: Yes Discord Installed: Yes Do you frequently get involved on Discord: From time to time. Reason for application: Well i thought that i've been in the server for quite a long time now, and there really isn't a lot to do these days so i thought i would want to try to join SAHA to be more useful and that would probably increase my activity as i do want to play the game but there just isn't much to do. So mostly i want to try something new, be useful and gain another experience on this server. Unique qualities you can offer: I think the unique qualities i could offer are the experience i have received from playing the past 4 years on this server, the interest i have had in buying props and maybe the knowledge i have gathered on it. Server Memberships: I'm part of the Rebels MC where my rank is Secretary and i'm also part of San Andreas Interceptors where i'm a trooper. Additional information: Working as a constructor in Estonia, specifically building houses. I finished high school and then went on to Finland to get paid more money than you would get in Estonia but then i came back and now i'm here. I'm also doing paperwork for the same company that i work as a constructor for. In my free time i mostly play MTA, but i play other games from time to time also. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: A few mutes for not speaking english in main chat, and a few adminjails for something i've done with fully understanding F1 Rules. Previous (legitimate) bans: I haven't been managed to get banned in the time playing SAES. Are you a muslim? : No i am not a muslim. In fact i'm an atheist.
  12. In-game name: Nobody Username: thatthug Age: 21 Nationality: Estonian Previous bans/punishments: No bans, I think no kicks or adminjails. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: I think i would actually be suitable for the role because of the fact that ive been trading and buying props for quite some time also i get along with most of the people and i'm pretty active aswell both in-game and forums. I've been playing saes since 2014 and i think i've got the experience to be a good saha.
  13. Thank you all for joining the ride! https://imgur.com/a/4XRsiZW
  14. Last seen: 22nd september 2018 username: squad3 https://imgur.com/a/co2gDct
  15. 21
  16. accountname:Muric123 Inactive since: 16th of October 2018 screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8S8WsM1
  17. Happy birthday Andrei! Hope you are ready to get dmed.
  18. username: gome Last Seen: 13th of September 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ODQ6K3A
  19. Username: sukisg Last Seen: 25th of august 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8nm8EZx
  20. Ingame name: Nobody Ingame username: thatthug Previous organizations and leaving causes: MMC 3x (1) got kicked for behaviour reasons, 2) Left because i didnt agree on something HQs decided 3) Died ) BS 3x(1) kicked due to inactivity 2) left for the cop side 3)left becauseHQs weren't active) OC 2x (1) left to help create HSMC 2) Left to create my own MC) AA(Left to help create WMC) MI6 (left because i got bored of the cop side) And many more i just do not remember them all, I have been in too many organizations. Define Underground Empire: Underground empire is an underground syndicate. Mostly making profit through criminal activities. Underground Empire is known for drug and weapon trafficking also money laundering. Also making money through casinos since UE owns practically every casino in Las Venturas. Some members of UE are known politicians and businessmen. What binds you with Underground Empire: Well when i was in MMC all i did was hang around UE members, and i knew that if something happened to MMC i was gonna try to join UE but due to some issues with an ex member of UE i didnt think i would be able to join until now. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a criminal offense in the area of criminal law committed by the members of a organized group or criminals, for the purpose of carrying out illegal activities. Organized crime is mostly used to make money or profit.
  21. missclick
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