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  1. Participants: @buddler District: LV Shift period: 08.01.2020; 12:22 - 13:23 Server Time Number of vehicles: 16 Healed Players: 7
  2. @dhiamlaih said in [ APPLICATIONS ] Kicked or left sapa? - Reapply here: Name: Liyones Username: dhiamlaih Rank before kick/leave: Cadet Do you have PC: no How long have you been in sapa: 3 weeks Who kicked you: @buddler Date of kick/leave: i forget , but around 4 months Reason for kick/leave: i forget , but maybe because i was acting like kid. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : i forget . Why do you want back in? : i improved myy self and i will be good man and respectfull , i promise SAPA i will be respectfull and i will not do that again , and also i want back because i want learn more things to be good cop. What have you learned from this? : that was lesson to me , i learned to do not act like kids next time and be respectfull and not be serious because it's game. Who do you want to apologize to? : i apologize to SAPA instructors for my bad shits . Why should we give you a second chance?: i improved my self and im sure i will be good man and im sure i will not do that again , trust me . Marsello, I dont think that you had enough Time to improve yourself and rethink your Behavior. I also don't think you are really interested in joining SAPA. Thats why you didn't put Effort in your Application and "forgot" the Reasons of your Kick! Result: Pending until 22.09.2019. I expect from you to improve your Application until then! @SAPA-Instructors: Seniors will handle that Case! buddler, Maj. Update 08.09.2019 Application deleted - Case Closed!
  3. Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm proud to announce that @GirlyPrimis gets the Chance to rejoin our Academy. Due to some Incidents in the Past, the HQ decided to give her the Rank of an Academy Cadet (SAPA****) to prove her Loyality and to show her moral Attitude towards SAPA. Ricarda, this will be a Chance to repair the Damage inflicted on your Reputation! Sincerely, buddler, Cpt.
  4. great idea, but we could also add a list of every spawn to /stats
  5. @Terry said in Server Update v1.5.1: @Ramby said in Server Update v1.5.1: Too bad I still have the problem where the load of your truck gets stuck on certain points "trucker bug". The updates are nice tho. Downgrading your GTA:SA to 1.0 fixes this bug as far as I know. Is it allowed to do so? Are there Tutorials for that?
  6. If you are Tunisian you automatically have this skin, nevermind as what you spawn!
  7. Sorry Dyam, i voted with no because why should a Squad/Gang with lots of cars etc. get a better Possibility to represent itself than a Squad/Gang which is in Need of Members. This will result in letting big Gangs/Squads grow and smaller ones die. I dont like that. Everyone or nobody! But the Idea is great to do it for every Squad/Gang!
  8. Roleplay type: Car Crash on a highway Description of roleplay: Due to unknown Reasons 2 Cars crashed into each other on the LV-LS Highway. The Vehicles began to burn. Later another car crashed into the Site and caught Fire aswell. The arriving Firefighters began to extinguish the Cars and prepared to Wrecks to get removed by an external company. Date (DD/MM/YY): 27/05/2019 Location: Highway Bridge south of LVX Participants: @buddler, @ZeKinG, @Bangas, @DJO, @xDarkMan Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/vyZ1Q5r
  9. Wrong format!, Keep designs but fix the others Re-read that Topic again please and fix it as soon as possible! Join our Discord Server to be updated with everything and be tagged for activities!
  10. Join our Discord Server to be updated with everything and be tagged for activities.
  11. If you want what @Combine said, better ask @iStar or @Ghost722nd. They are on the Reeperbahn daily!
  12. Join Global Trust today! For a better Economy in San Andreas!
  13. Maybe the effect of falling down like when getting tased will look nicer and is a bit more realistic. But the Idea at all is great!
  14. To see the spawned players on the civilian side increasing is a great idea. But i wouldnt do it by increasing the price for Fuel. Also the fuel consumption of the cars is high enought and the price is expensive as fuck. I just would increase the Income of all Jobs and maybe give them more funny stuff to do.
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