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Everything posted by Richard

  1. GXT Members: [GXT*]Richard Time Taken: 35 minutes Deliveries: Refuelling stations around SAES and filling up the refinery again Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. GXT Members: [GXT*]Richard & [GXT]Matthews<CEO> Time Taken: 53 minutes Deliveries: Refuelling stations around SAES and filling up the refinery again Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. GXT Members: [GXT*]Richard Time Taken: 40 minutes Deliveries: Refuelling stations around SAES and filling up the refinery again Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Document Date: The 14th of April, 2020 People Involved: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, Royal|Ikillyou, Royal|Guard, Ryler Rylan_Woods Rylan Woods is one of the Managers in a company named Global Express Trucking Co. He was called to the Sanandras from the UK for a financial business that was approved by her majesty. The Royals serve her majesty and the Great Britain at all circumstances. Their main purpose is to do so. They were comissioned by her majesty to escort the Manager. Detailed Information: Name: Rylan Woods Age: 35 Place of Birth: England, Birmingham Additional Information: He was wearing a golden Rolex watch and had a grey pen in his upper pocket. Ryan_Wilson Ryan_Wilson is the head of The Royals, the head of the Intelligence and Undercover units. He was deployed in this escort on her majesty's purpose as he is way too experienced and reliable. Ryan has taken his team of full time trained and experienced agents and took the responsibility with the honour of serving her majesty and Great Britain Detailed Information: Name: Ryan Wilson Age: 32 Place of Birth: CLASSIFIED Additional Information: CLASSIFIED Detailed information regarding the escort: Ryan_Woods was welcomed by the Agents of The Royals at Las Venturas airport and escorted & protected all way along the White House. He was safely brought to the White House for the financial meeting that he had to get done with some individuals in the White House.
  5. Date: 12.04.2020 Defended bank: Red County bank, 1/8 Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  6. BEFORE Local: [AA]Dexter: Nobody can even pass this defense (CripZ BR) AFTER
  7. Date: 11.04.2020 Defended bank: Red County bank, 0/8 Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  8. Participants: Myself District: LV-LS Shift period: Night Shift [11/04/2020]-42mins Number of vehicles: 36 Screenshots: ::: (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398519310798290944/698614695418134558/mta-screen_2020-04-11_21-48-28.png) :::
  9. Date: 11.04.2020 Defended bank: San Fierro bank, 4/8 Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  10. Date: 11.04.2020 Defended bank: Los Santos bank, 0/8 Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  11. Date: 11.04.2020 Defended bank: Red County bank, 6/8 Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  12. Involved agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, Royal|Snake., Royal|Grizzlyyy Type of the activity: Mixed patrolling and activity around SA. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  13. Your ingame username: richardthekiller Your ingame alias: Richard Your year of birth: 2002 Your gender: M Nationality: Turkish Country of residence: Turkey How long you have been playing SAES: Since the end of 2010. Qualities you can offer: I'd be more than glad helping people out with whatever they need related my qualifications. I'd treat everyone fairly and honest. I do indeed believe that I have what it takes for the position. I've been playing the server for a significant amount of time and I believe that I know how the thrill goes here. I'd like to take a further step and take the risk, who would succeed something without even trying? Your weaknesses: I sometimes get provoked quickly but I could say that I've reached a significant distance of way on fixing it, there is no need to lie, I still have some doubts on being a thick-skinned person. My close family members and friends have been calling me a stubborn and ambitious, I also give them a right there but this ambition isn't at a level that declares a risk. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): I'd like to prefer SAHA position. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes. Reason for application: I've seen the missing position in the Housing Agency and thought that I'd surely fit. To be honest, the reason that I'm applying today is all about obtaining a different role within the server and help-out people with their Housing stuff. I would like to pick a unique responsibility and I'm pretty sure that I'm up to carry on this responsibility. Server Memberships: The Royals San Andreas Fire Department Global Express Trucking Co. Additional information: I think the stated information in the application would be more than enough, I'd be more than glad if you would know anything else about me. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I've got muted several times like a year ago or so and I can call that I was once admin-jailed for marker arresting. My log is pure clear for the last three months. Previous (legitimate) bans: I've got banned by Shaun once for wearing SAES> tags unintentionally, I was having fun with SAES>Maryondo on Teamspeak3 and he told me to wear the tags. I logged off afterwards I re-logged in after a few hours, I simply got banned by Shaun immediately without finding the opportunity to explain the situation, the problem was thankfully sorted by Maryondo. I can call that I was banned by Apollo for multi-accounting, other than that I'm full clean. Do you eat pork: Yes.
  14. @AntaR We have discussed about you and we have come to the conclusion to reject your application at the time being. You can try your chance again in two weeks. ~[Denied]~(red) for the record. A quick reminder for future applicants: Application format has slightly been updated, make sure to pick the form from the first page. The Royals - Top Brass
  15. @Tomato Applying to multiple organizations at once isn't an acceptable behaviour, neither did we. Also removing your post after getting denied is pathetic, you may not re-apply in the future. ~[Denied]~(red) for the record. The Royals - Top Brass
  16. Type of the event: Race Event ( Mower ) Date of the event: 08 / 04 / 2020 Hoster of the event: Royal|Matthews Prize of the event: 1.000.000$ Winner of the event: CripZ>Hero Screens of the event: ::: :::
  17. Involved agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, Royal|Snake. Royal|Grizzlyyy, Royal|Ikillyou Type of the activity: Mixed patrolling and activity during a BR. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  18. ^[] ^[This thread is meant for activities that are made by the agents of The Royals.]
  19. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 11 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? More than a month ago Why do you need this change? I don't have anything to do with my previous donation anymore Links to your donation topics: My donation was approved both by Brophy and RonSeal Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15654/richard-s-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: RC Cam Location: FOX Base Interior: null ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Police Cruiser Location: LVPD Username: richardthekiller Interior: null
  20. Participants: Myself District: LV-LS Shift period: Night Shift [01/05/2020]-27mins Number of vehicles: 27 Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Happy birthday bud ;D
  22. Name: Richard Link to your topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1234/richard-s-lws-events What do you need from us?: I need my topic to be unlocked, it was, back then, locked because I went inactive for a remarkable amount of time. I'd like to resume my events from where I began, thank you a ton by now!
  23. Happy birthday blazZeY have a nice one bro
  24. FOX crew: Richard, Ha$$oni, Matthews, Arsenic Date and time of the patrol: 03-22-2020, 20.20+ Fox Operations X has shown a great activity during the day. Screenshots: ::: :::
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