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Posts posted by Marko.

  1. Can only think of 2 ways to do so:

    1- Cops inside the jail will be invincible (won't take damage) from other cops, which means no matter what weapon and how much you shoot that cop he won't die.

    Ofc criminals won't pass that without saying cOp sIdE oP so should be added to them as well to be fair enough. Problem is that it can be so annoying watching trainees inside shooting and disturbing as they always do and still can be abused by wanted criminals from outside running in to avoid or something (can be nightsticked) but still risky trainees figure new ways ...

    2- Cops can still unintentionally kill each other but no wanted level increase and without talking about it too much I would be first to abuse that and say sorry misclick

  2. No


    Besides how you just said "SWAT Troopers and DE Agents" that gave me the whole idea without continuing reading, You have no idea wtf you saying.

    You said you have just returned after a long break, well welcome back but don't rush your decisions on a few BR/SRs you managed to witness.

    DE can be excluded from the topic, as we barely show up unless numerous CLOs present or if they using duals and such stuff, and usually we only respond to BR/JBs cuz I don't think anyone gives a damn about SRs (waste of time).

    Removing kill arrest and using the old traditional way of rushing in like chicken inside jail all at once to die at instance waving nightstick like retards? not a great idea. Criminals always outnumber cops in JBs, and it's not usually that easy to even kill arrest them, even if u kill them, they spawn back inside and start shooting so .. useless (Don't need to mention the small box cops stand in after the corridor gate with trainees hitting you and pushing you, nightmare)

    Think of drugs to cops as adrenaline and not speed drugs.
    Cops outnumbered, criminals using speed. Think of one possible alternate that cops can use at that very moment that can help us clear the jail.


    Take more time to experience SAES now (2019/2020) not when you used to play, things change, and you will never be able to balance cop/crim side.

    ("improving some RP elements") nice joke, welcome back

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