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Posts posted by Marko.

  1. San Andreas Fire Department
    HQ Team
    15th June,2019

    Applicant, @gtu660

    Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to not proceed with you, unfortunately, you have been DENIED at this time. However that doesn't mean you cannot join SAFD, you can hang around with us, and if you're enough active and show off effort towards the group, you might get chance.

    alt text

    Kind regards,
    Los Santos District Chief,

    • Marko

  2. San Andreas Fire Department
    HQ Team

    15th June, 2019

    Applicant, @Glayd

    Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. You will be in fire academy for some period, during that time you have to prove that you're an really good firefighter. Keep in mind to post below all your activities, so we may see yours work and so on.

    We wish you the best of luck!

    alt text

    Kind regards,
    Los Santos District Chief,

    • Marko

  3. San Andreas Fire Department
    HQ Team

    15th June, 2019

    Applicant, @Reus

    Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. You will be in fire academy for some period, during that time you have to prove that you're an really good firefighter. Keep in mind to post below all your activities, so we may see yours work and so on.

    We wish you the best of luck!

    alt text

    Kind regards,
    Los Santos District Chief,

    • Marko

  4. Greetings, Dr.Madrazo

    San Andreas Medics Head-Quarter Team would like to congratulate you for ~[passing]~(green,lime) the application stage. You may now find a HQ Team member ( @JohnnyEnglish ) ingame for your entrance tests. We wish you the best of Luck.

    Chief of Medicine

    Stolen from JE, too lazy to type shit

  5. Dear SAFD Applicant, Mr. @Mohamed-Mostafa

    Can you edit your main post to be exactly like the following?

    It's all about copy, paste the red text in THAT LINK.

    If you have a problem with doing that, please PM on discord.

    Section 1 - Non-RP Information



    Old nickname/Other used names ingame:



    Current G/S

    How long have you been a member of your current g/s and what is your rank?

    Current groups:

    Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them:

    Will you have enough time to learn in the evening (at the course)?

    Tell us something about yourself:

    Section 2 - Questions

    Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department doesn't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people?

    Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month?

    Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department?

    Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course?

    Section 3 - Detailed Profile

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to join the SAFD?

    Why do you want to join the academy?

    What specialization would you like to learn within the academy?

    ^[alt text]

    Applicant's signature:


  6. Dear SAFD Applicant, Mr. @Reus.

    Can you edit your main post to be exactly like the following?

    It's all about copy, paste the red text in THAT LINK.

    If you have a problem with doing that, please PM on discord.

    Section 1 - Non-RP Information



    Old nickname/Other used names ingame:



    Current G/S

    How long have you been a member of your current g/s and what is your rank?

    Current groups:

    Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them:

    Will you have enough time to learn in the evening (at the course)?

    Tell us something about yourself:

    Section 2 - Questions

    Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department doesn't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people?

    Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month?

    Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department?

    Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course?

    Section 3 - Detailed Profile

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to join the SAFD?

    Why do you want to join the academy?

    What specialization would you like to learn within the academy?

    ^[alt text]

    Applicant's signature:


  7. Another Quick Note:
    Since it's kinda weird how some people still can't manage to do exactly as shown in the format, Heres an example of how your activity format should be:



    alt text
    Event #
    ScreenShots: (Please use a link)
    alt text




    alt text
    Roleplay #
    Screenshots: (Please use a link)
    alt text




    alt text
    Patrol #
    Amount of healed or Time of patrol:
    ScreenShots: (Please use a link)
    alt text


  8. SECTION 1

    Name: Abdrabbo

    In-game name: Marko/Dawkins

    Age: 21

    Sex: Male

    English proficiency: 9/10

    Native language: Arabic

    Other language(s): French/English & a bit (0.001%) Chinese

    Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: Yes, I do

    When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: SAES: November 21, 2013 / MTA: 2011 or 2012

    Total gameplay (hours): 2820 Hours

    Approx gameplay daily (hours): Whenever am tagged on discord or called to login, But I would say 5 hours+ daily since it's vacation atm

    Average FPS: 50+

    Average ping: 80-100

    Previous organizations and reasons for leaving:

    • MG / RDMC / Hooligans / HS:: Dead

    • MI6 / SAFP / TST:: MI6 dead and TST was closed, Went inactive and wanted to retire so I left SAFP and everything back at that time.

    • ALT / SWAT:: ALT - they thought I was stealing the company after 2 years of being the only one spawning and they almost got me banned for a retarded reason so I quit before it goes total shit.
      SWAT - Great squad, awesome people and a lot of great stuff to mention but that's it tbh, a lot of stuff changed inside and I really feel that I am not having the fun I had with old school people especially with people going in and out.

    Are you active user of Discord?: 24/7


    A. Define our role (FOX): FOX main role is as the motto says, Protecting and defending San Andreas against any threat as long as respecting and obeying the laws to provide justice. Under Law Enforcement, FOX shares the same mission with Homeland Security and Federal Agencies.

    B. Define marker arrest: Way of standing on the other side of the marker of a building aiming your tazer or holding your nightstick waiting for the suspect/wanted guy to leave so you can either taze him or hit with ur stick.

    C. Minimum arresting level: From 10 to above

    D. Point out and define 4 major server rules:

    • First rule and the most important one in F1 is Deathmatching (DM) which is killing each other without a reason anywhere anytime and as per our side in the server being a squad, Cops can't just kill any wanted criminal around him and vice versa, you must attempt to arrest at first. Also, using your vehicle to park on someone then getting outside watching him die is not allowed and retarded tbh.

    • Second rule is Bug Abusing, if you managed to find any bug, abusing it is a bad idea and you will be caught at last like transporter and cracking bugs. So just be a man and play like normal human being

    • Third rule is Multi Accounting, having more than one account in SAES and being a weirdo with 2 different characters or saying that was not me it's my brother or using 20 different accounts on netcaf is not allowed and bannable.

    • Forth rule is Staff/Admin Word, I actually learned that myself after a lot of weird stuff I did back in time especially with Tut that if you have an issue or got reported for a stupid act you did, you don't really need to argue with them or fight them giving bad attitude toward the admin unless you really have a point, at that time head to SAES HQ but if not, show them respect and behave.

    E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: RPing nowadays is actually a sign of professionalism and a way of enjoying your time around the server (if 2nd party can RP). Also, as FOX being Law Enforcement, RPing in that field is interesting before just hitting ur stick and tazing


    I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: Hey there, my name is Marko/Abdrabbo, MTA/SAES player for a hell of a long time. Don't really have hobbies, just enjoy playing online, hanging with friends and stuff (Fuck reading) trying to meet new people around.
    Studying Business Administration and planning to take courses on designing and database administration.
    What actually makes me stay in SAES is how I meet new people with a good personality (not all ofc) and sometimes to chat and mess around with people since my real life is boring

    II: Write your strengths and weaknesses:

    • Strengths: Organized - Motivated - Serious - Mature - Respectful - Leading - Disciplined - Welcoming - Loyal and Responsible.

    • Weaknesses: Taking too many risks - Being too critical of other peoples work - Working hard and not being rewarded or even noticed (Actually kills me) - Patient but not all the time - Wasting time and make everything at the last hour - Can't live without trolling (not stupid troll type)

    III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: Can't really think of another great squad with great members around the server and being active with a good amount of respected people and history. Like what else should I apply for? ICE?

    IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: 5 years serving in Law life, PC, a huge amount of experience gained in the field, Can lead, Can work in teamwork, can monitor and oversee, HQ in old level 5 squad and a DE Unit officer /DEMA vice so discipline and instructing is a thing I own right now. I am sure I can show and do great work for FOX if I am given the chance and opportunity to do that.

    V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: Hi

    Retard test: Post a picture of White house in Los Santos to be even considered to join Fox Operations X


    alt text


    Thanks for reading


  9. Quick Note:
    Check spoiler for how your application should look like, I don't need SAM Logo or Designs or anything in main application post. You can add whatever you want in your activity post below, Just leave the main post as it is.


    • Section A: Personal Information:


    Account name:


    Primary Language:

    Since when have you been playing on SAES:RPG:

    Current S/G/C and rank:

    Other RP groups you're in:

    Past groups you were involved in (Include reason for departure):

    Mention (with reason) about any past punishments you have received:

    ^[alt text]

    • Section B: General Questionnaire:

    Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words)

    What is the SAM motto?

    Who founded SAM?

    Who is the current leader?

    For how long have you been playing as a paramedic on the server?:

    Mention one rule that applies to the "Paramedic" spawn:

    Mention one rule that applies to SAM Paramedic:

    Can you ensure us certified periodic activity ?:

    ^[alt text]

    • Section C : Aptitudes:

    1. How would you respond to criticism by a superior?

    2. Why exactly are you applying today?

    3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

    4. Why should we accept you to our team?


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