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Everything posted by Cruz.

  1. Antidote
  2. Starting bid: 300k
  3. Car spawn + Near the beach + Near to Arms Dealer spawn + Infront of SR Briefcase drop out Starting bid: ::: :::
  4. @Crash it has been sold. Archive it
  5. Lunatic
  6. Good luck guys
  7. @Crash u can lock it
  8. @AntiRug u won, find me in-game
  9. Near a store so u can get easily their by foot + Near to LS Airport Starting bid: 300k ::: :::
  10. Can't u fucking stop with this shit already
  11. @Thing said in PolicySquad Recruitment [Not official gang we need first level 1]: This topic is 8 months old you tits... wow really? nooooo
  12. Near LV Hospital and LV Airport Starting bid: 500k ::: :::
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