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Everything posted by Cruz.

  1. RoleplayNo.#6 Cuban Cars Members: @Westbrook @Asexyno n0vis0ry @Trevor Participants: @Cruz @Beckham @Versace @Ocelot Story: I got call on my phone that CC opened their garage once again for trainings. I was in Los Santos so I got inside my tow truck and went to San Fierro. Due to bad traffic I arrived late to the training. Fortunately, I arrived in time to atleast change a tire. In the end Mr.Asexyno was pleased with my work. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/hpygSyA
  2. GXT Members: [GXT]Cruz<T> Time Taken: 30 minutes Deliveries: Delivering all around SAES Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jmOpRiw
  3. Portuguese fella
  4. Patrol No.#10 Cuban Cars Members: @SkulioN Participants: @Cruz Amount of time patrolling: 40 minutes ScreenShots: Cruz's CC Activities
  5. Patrol No.#9 Cuban Cars Members: @Filippo Participants: @Cruz Amount of time patrolling: ~ 15 minutes ScreenShots: Cruz's CC Activities
  6. RoleplayNo.#5 Cuban Cars Members: SAES>Jason Participants: @Cruz @Versace Story: Me and Mr.Versace met with Mr.Jason at CC garage for a quick lesson. Today we had to fix a pickup truck. It was nothing serious, just a few tires and a leak under the car. The car was also smoking a bit but that was due to the leaking under it. Mr.Versace replaced the oil compartment while I replaced the front bumper. When we were both done we took care of the tires and we also gave the car a new fresh coat of paint. The customer checked our work aswell and he did enjoy it. We didn't settle in any kind of payment since we also used the car to learn new stuff ScreenShots: Cruz's CC Roleplays
  7. RoleplayNo.#4 Cuban Cars Members: @Westbrook @Asexyno @SkulioN @K2rhym @Velona N0visory Participants: @Cruz @Beckham @fenter @ViTOoOo @Marso @Rowdy35 @baphomet Story: Once again Cuban Cars opened their garage for new mechanics to learn. We had a lot of customers who brought their own cars to fix. Personally, I worked in a few of them but the problems were nothing serious. It was some broken windows, fuel tube destroyed, some tires and a exhaust replacement. We had a good time while rping with a lot of CC members. Hope to see this kinda of roleplay in the future. ScreenShots: Cruz's CC Roleplays
  8. GXT Members: [GXT]Cruz<T> Time Taken: 30 minutes Deliveries: Delivering all around SAES (with @MaZen20 and @Ram ) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CDx0Z6R
  9. RoleplayNo.#3 Cuban Cars Members: N/A Participants: @Razak Story: It was just a normal day in the city of Los Santos when I got a call from a guy who got stranded on the side of the road. When I approached him and asked what was his problem he says that he saw smoke coming out of the hood. I opened the hood and noticed that it was extremely hot. The radiator was broken so we had to wait for it to cool down to replace it. After replacing it I added antifreeze to fill up the entire circuit. He also told me that he ran out of gas so I filled the rest of the tank and I also measured the oil level that was quite low so I also filled it up as indicated by the car maker. The problems were nothing big so I managed to get the guy on the road quickly after we discussed the payment. ScreenShots: Cruz's CC Roleplays
  10. GXT Members: [GXT]Cruz<T> Time Taken: 30 minutes Deliveries: Delivering all around SAES (with @midot19 and @MaZen20) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ccH04IR
  11. Patrol #1299 Personal Patrol #29 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1 hour ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/yBdmeqv
  12. Patrol No.#8 Cuban Cars Members: @SkulioN Participants: @Cruz @ViTOoOo @the-klaw Amount of time patrolling: 30 minutes ScreenShots: Cruz's CC Activities
  13. Patrol No.#7 Cuban Cars Members: @Trevor Participants: @Cruz Amount of time patrolling: ~ 35 minutes ScreenShots: Cruz's CC Activities
  14. GXT Members: [GXT]Cruz<T> Time Taken: 30 minutes Deliveries: Delivering all around SAES Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LDY1XWX
  15. Patrol #1298 Personal Patrol #28 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1 hour ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/CqiclXl
  16. RoleplayNo.#2 Cuban Cars Members: @Trevor Participants: @Cruz @Beckham @baphomet @the-klaw Story: Today I got a notification on my pager that Cuban Cars had an ongoing training for all the mechanics willing to learn. So I drove my tow truck all the way from Las Venturas to San Fierro. The mecanico responsible for us and the training was Trevor. Obviously I also found mechanics there named Beckham, Baphomet and Leonard. All of us were thrilled to learn news things from a clearly more experienced mecanico. The training was about where all four of us had to search and fix probable problems that the car had. Mecanico Trevor told us that we had to be fast in searching but also fixing all the problems therefore all four of us were hands-on the car immediately. Once I started looking at the car I instantly noticed that the car needed a lot of cosmetic work. The first thing I did was to pop the hood and check the engine superficially and there I noticed that was a broken tube that went from the radiator to the rest of the system so I replaced it. After that, I got under the car to see if there was any problem there. Mechanic Leonard went to check the steering and asked my help to see if there was any thing missing on the front axle since he couldn't turn the wheels. Once under the car I noticed that some screws were missing and I replaced them aswell. Since I was in the front of the car I went inside the car to see if the front lights turned on but they didn't so I replaced both left and right front lights. Mechanic Leonard asked my help again to open the left back door because the door lock was stuck. I got inside the car from the other side and I pushed as hard as I could to open it so he could fix it. I went to the trunk and I didn't find a spare wheel so I took the initiative and placed the missing one. So, the last thing to do was to do the cosmetic work and for this reason I replaced some broken windows. After everything done I noticed there was a nut missing in a wheel that was placed on the ground so I just screw the nut. After everything was done and plenty of time still missing Mecanico Trevor took a last look at our work and congratulated us all for being so fast. ScreenShots: Cruz's CC Roleplays
  17. RoleplayNo.#1 Cuban Cars Members: N/A Participants: @Cruz @Ram Story: Today, I got a call on my cellphone from a good friend of mine who had an accident and he told that he hit an electricity pole. When I got to the scene I immediately started looking at the car but unfortunately the damage was so much that I had to use my tow truck to move the car to the nearest repair shop. When we arrived at the repair shop, I started looking in the car for anything that could be destroyed like cables, tubes or even the axles. Luckily for him it was just cosmetic work and a water tube that connected the radiator to the water tank that was destroyed. After everything was fixed we talked about the total price and closed the deal. He drove away and I got back to work ScreenShots: Cruz's CC Roleplays
  18. Patrol No.#6 Cuban Cars Members: @Filippo Participants: @Cruz @Beckham Amount of time patrolling: ~1 hour ScreenShots: Cruz's CC Activities
  19. GXT Members: [GXT]Cruz<T> Time Taken: 30 minutes Deliveries: Delivering all around SAES Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9pULrmK
  20. Patrol #1294 Personal Patrol #27 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1 hour ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/3cjLrcH
  21. Patrol No.#5 Cuban Cars Members: @SkulioN Participants: @Cruz Amount of time patrolling: 1 hour ScreenShots: Cruz's CC Activities
  22. GXT Members: [GXT]Cruz<T> Time Taken: ~ 25 minutes Deliveries: Refuelling some stations Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/N04CLEn
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