-Section 1- Username: tubcol Real Name: Srgio Cruz In-game Nick : Cruz Nationality: Portuguese Country of residence: Portugal Age: 17 y English proficiency: 8/10 Other Languages: I can understand spanish but i don't know how to write complete sentences. -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: I want to join this group because i always loved the types of activities u guys do and also this group might be the most active in SAES. Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: I'm an active player, easygoing and a respectful person. Sometimes i'm a little bit persistent or stubborn. How long you been playing in SAES?: It's gonna be one year and a half in January. Current group membership(s): N/A -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: I'm a 17 years old teenager from Portugal. I'm a normal guy who grew up in a house with good parents and a brother. Since my childhood i was bullied until i was like 13 years old that when i realized i wasnt nobody toy to make fun of and around that age i also started playing MTA for the first time. I really enjoyed playing it and that's why i'm still playing it. Since i started playing in SAES of course i didn't know how to play but nowadays i think i'm a experienced player and with a lot to offer.