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Everything posted by Cruz.

  1. Address: Moody Mall Corp Account name: mslash Last seen: 3rd January 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/97hPiaP
  2. Address: "adios Airlines" Cheap Travel Tickets Account name: rottatoke Last seen: 26 December Screenshots: https://imgur.com/p43MWTO
  3. Idk why all suggestions have to be all about money don't u guys have enough? I do think we should look at things that can make in a general way the game better. The server isn't all about the money and being rich
  4. Car Spawn Near LV Hospital and Airport Starting bid --> 500k
  5. That is called a "Transporter", he already smuggles guns and drugs
  6. @Joe r/woooosh
  7. Address: 1 Chlamydia Road Account name: hamppe Last seen: 30th November 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1E7EEj2
  8. @note u can archive it
  9. @Note archive it then
  10. Address: Jazz Museum Shop Account name: ddG Last seen: 26th November 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VtlV7Tg
  11. Address: Secret Supplies Account name: ata2000 Last seen: 18th June 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mLF1Mjm
  12. @Pato about the wanted i actually agree with you and i hope there is a way to fix it
  13. @Pato i think it's normal to die when u hit a tree with a motorcycle in real life, i have seen very scary accidents
  14. @Teddy and why did u even insult me?
  15. @markus_ u can easily change the numbers
  16. Sold ingame for 2,5mi. @Note
  17. Starting bid: 450k
  18. ::: We all can modify this numbers, maybe everything u see isnt true :::
  19. -Section 1- Username: tubcol Real Name: Srgio Cruz In-game Nick : Cruz Nationality: Portuguese Country of residence: Portugal Age: 17 y English proficiency: 8/10 Other Languages: I can understand spanish but i don't know how to write complete sentences. -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: I want to join this group because i always loved the types of activities u guys do and also this group might be the most active in SAES. Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: I'm an active player, easygoing and a respectful person. Sometimes i'm a little bit persistent or stubborn. How long you been playing in SAES?: It's gonna be one year and a half in January. Current group membership(s): N/A -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: I'm a 17 years old teenager from Portugal. I'm a normal guy who grew up in a house with good parents and a brother. Since my childhood i was bullied until i was like 13 years old that when i realized i wasnt nobody toy to make fun of and around that age i also started playing MTA for the first time. I really enjoyed playing it and that's why i'm still playing it. Since i started playing in SAES of course i didn't know how to play but nowadays i think i'm a experienced player and with a lot to offer.
  20. Auction has ended. No one is the winner. @Note
  21. $3,000,000
  22. #611 Event Name: True or False LWS/G6/CEO: [FOX]Pilcrow Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(S): salver Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZvSU0nj
  23. #610 Event Name: Rhino Shooter LWS/G6/CEO: OC|>Mrwan[=OB=] Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(S): ARMARNI Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RoxfSNt
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