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SAES Creative
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Everything posted by Tut

  1. On their way as mrdeathboy_1 through mrdeathboy_4
  2. Coincidentally this month marks my 10 year anniversary with this community, and this place has been an invaluable experience and a highly supportive stepping stone for reaching for my interests and skills like many others have said. Truly a magical community that's made it through decades of hard work and perseverance, it really deserves all the best
  3. On its way (replacing troyano2012_2)
  4. Which of your current wraps would you like this one to replace @Troyano It reads like you want it to change an existing wrap. If you'd rather like a complete new wrap please let me know
  5. I'm going to close the suggestion with a few comments Currently only the Clan polls mods. We monitor feedback across the server and other platforms for any mods people would be interested in however. The Crown Vic mod will stay, unless the clan polls with enough votes in favor of removing it - but to that I will say it is unlikely to happen. As DROT said, we might be ok with replacing lesser used civilian vehicles if we were to poll a new police cruiser. The handling of the Crown Vic is something we're currently discussing, but the weight bonus for PIT maneuvres will stay. The code that enables servers to set new ID's is not entirely consistent, for which reason we deem it unreliable at this point, but we have been keeping a close eye on its development since 2017 and are very interested in its possibilities. For this reason, the Huey mod that we discussed internally also didn't pass as it would take away the iconic Maverick from the community. I also want to clarify that suggestions aren't decided by one single person, we usually review most internally with the clan and have development/creative which has a set of criterias for what can actually go on our server for quality and security reasons, help determine what works best for us. Also, of course we need to think about what does the server realistically need right now and, what is mostly just adding bloat/dead content
  6. On their way as officialjosuea_3, officialjosuea_4
  7. As the design is fundementally the same as the one that was removed, I'll be rejecting this one
  8. Sorry forgot to note that it's since been added (should be your username _2 or _1)
  9. In line with our recent discord announcement, this wrap is not being added. @Niklaus if you'd like to make changes that don't involve the current events, please edit your post, or reply
  10. On their way as mrriis_1 and mrriis_2
  11. Do you have permission to use their pictures in your wrap? Also please upload as 512x256
  12. Wraps are usually uploaded in batches, if nobody requests anything I'll probably add soon
  13. Are you sure you wouldn't want that image added as a standard wrap, that'll mean it can be added to any vehicle and look almost the same across all of them while only being charged 50% that of a custom wrap
  14. On its way as jesser01_2 instead of jesser01_3 due to your second issue awaiting your reply
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