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Everything posted by Max.

  1. Event Type: Rhino Shooter Prize: 1.000.000 LWS/G6: @Filex Winner(S): @Beckham ScreenShot: ::: :::
  2. Event Type: Air Boxing Prize: 1.000.000 LWS/G6: @KARIM Winner(S): @Elegant ScreenShot: ::: :::
  3. SAFP and TST presents Event Type: Chicken Arrest Prize: 7.500.000 LWS/G6: @Filex Winner(S): @hope SAFP members: @Raf0 .... @iSsoUu .... @scooter .... @Glayd .... @Carl Screenshot: ::: :::
  4. Event Type: Chicken Arrest Prize: 1.000.000 LWS/G6: @Filex Winner(S): @EL-CHAPO ScreenShot: ::: :::
  5. Event Type: Chicken Arrest Prize: 1.000.000 LWS/G6: @Filex Winner(S): @Scorpyo ScreenShot: ::: https://imgur.com/qEOfMjv :::
  6. Event type : 1V1 Boxing Prize : 1.000.000 LWS/G6: @Brooks Winner(s): @PoP ScreenShot: ::: :::
  7. Date: 6/8/2019 Type of Activity: Stop Store Robbery with cops Screenshot: ::: https://imgur.com/8aBxYh7 https://imgur.com/lBi9ehL :::
  8. Date: 6/8/2019 Type Of Activity: Protect The Jail from criminlas Screenshot: ::: https://imgur.com/TuxAOiM https://imgur.com/ZZ3DAX4 :::
  9. Participant: @Jaster Story: Today i was driving my car and i saw a crim going from his house in the wrong side and i told him to stop his car to see that he have drugs in his car or not and i checked it and i saw drugs in his trunk and i jailed him 5min and i talked with him about this drugs. SS: ::: https://imgur.com/K0RRrTk https://imgur.com/leOypcC https://imgur.com/im1HiI0 https://imgur.com/BrsoO61 :::
  10. Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name: Max username: rana Real Name: Mohamed Age:15 Country: Egypt Languages: English & Arabic Gender: Male Nationality: Egyptian Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why?: Nope. Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why?: I haven*t been kicked before.I was in ICE and i left. Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA?: since 2013 How long have you been playing on SAES?: i started play SAES since 2014 How many hours do you play in a day?: 6-7 Hours How many times do you visit the forums in a day?: 3-4 times Per day Previous gangs/squads?: ICE. Are you in any groups?: No. Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: No Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths: Arrest criminals and Drive cars and patrol with people and Do RP Weaknesses: Lag. Describe Deathmatch: Deathmatching is Killing or shooting players with no any reason and DM cars Describe RolePlay: Roleplaying is acting in your characters role, both in actions and what you say. Some people simplify roleplaying and just act in character for their class. A cop acting like a cop and a criminal acting like a criminal. Describe TeamWork: Working together and help each other when their need you. Add a picture of your "stats" ::: https://imgur.com/hUxoywy ::: Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest?: Take an SS and send it to his HQ so he deal with him What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe?: I will bribe him but i like doing RP first then bribe him Someone DMs you: I will take SS and send it to the admin In the Report. An admin asks you something: I will answer him and i will do anything he want. Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? I will Answer him and do anything he want. Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who?: @Freezom Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who?: Nope. Where is our private forums?: in Territorial Support Group (TSG) Section. Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: The leader: John The ViceLeader: N-FUN Why do you want to join TST?: Because TST is a great squad and i like it.And they patrol together like a family.And they are active and they are kind. Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: Because im a good cop and i arrest good and im kind and im very active player.And i help players when they need me and i respect them and i follow the rules. Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): My name is Mohamed. Im 15 years old.I leave in Egypt.I joined SAES since 2014.and i love playing SAES and im very active player.And i do a lot of activities.And im a good Arrester. Additional information:N/A
  13. STAGE I. In-game nickname: ICE|Max|PVT In-game username: rana Age: 17 Languages spoken: English, Arabic Gender: Male Rate your english skills (1-10): 7/10 STAGE II. Tell us about yourself: My name is Max, i live Alexandria, Egypt and i like playing MTA, and i like arrest. and i like play as taxi driver Why should we accept you?: Because i'm agood player and im active every time Previous punishment(s): none Reason(s): N/A Rate your driving skills (1-10): 8-10
  14. Date :05 / 02 / 2019 Type Of Activity : Stop Jail with SAFP @kellerman And @Rocoso ! ScreenShot :
  15. Date : 04 / 02 / 2019 Type Of Activity : Patrol with my best Friend In NSWC @raefmlaih ScreenShot :
  16. ACTIVITY: DATE:2/03/2019 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: CLER JAIL FROM CRIMS WITH swat @Element and @flusha and @Sanek SCREEN SHOT : https://imgur.com/UvhvJQT https://imgur.com/k0oy8ja https://imgur.com/LF9trK4
  17. but its need ladder to go upstairs and but helicopter :D
  18. ACTIVITY: https://imgur.com/OkyOg2H DATE: 2/02/2019 TYPE OF ACTIVITY :CLEAR JB FROM CRIMINALS AND NO ANY COP WITH ME! Screen Shots : https://imgur.com/8Vqmz1V https://imgur.com/nrp1DLC https://imgur.com/729Vcgy https://imgur.com/PteYA8i
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