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Everything posted by Max.

  1. @Manny I do ! But sometimes cops be busy with other things and there are alot of them are afk
  2. @Assassin lol, try to be a cop and tell me what do you feel when you are alone vs 10 crims
  3. @Faysal we don't clear jail easily like you think bro, we take like 1 hour to clear it. Criminals are more than cops by 200. You are mark killing at JB, ok why not but others camp outside to dont enter to the other interior of jail to arrest. That's hard as a cop.
  4. @Raf0 stop talking and refusing suggestions and you don't understand it that's all.
  5. @Raf0 oh, i didn't notice in the topic that the vote not for kids (17+) just vote and shut up
  6. @sila And you don't give us a chance to move or do anything , 200 vs 50, cop side will die soon because of all that
  7. @alex0107 No we don't do that. And you don't give us a chance to defend or move that's why we become weak
  8. Hello there, Sure alot of players will tell me why you did this topic? Because criminals are mark killing at Jail and we can't defend or do anything. They can't do that Because they don't give us a chance to defend or kill and it happens alot of times and cop side become so weak. So, I did this topic for that, You can vote as you want i just want to hear your opinion. Im sure that all criminals will vote for No
  9. If you do that then cop side will die forever I mean cop side like 50 and criminals are 200+, So i can't agree
  10. Good bye Mate.
  11. Happy Birthday
  12. Happy Birthday
  13. Happy Birthday
  14. Event #10 Event Type: Chicken Arrest LWS/G6: @Element Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(S): @Bodo420 ScreenShot: [s=] [/s]
  15. Event #9 Event Type: NEW---Protect the VIP event! LWS/G6: @redlive122 Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(S): @Link ScreenShot: [s=] [/s]
  16. Event #8 Event Type: NEW---Would you rather event ! LWS/G6: @redlive122 Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(S): @Skeba ScreenShot: [s=] [/s]
  17. Event #7 Event Type: 2v2 Sniper TDM LWS/G6: @Filippo Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(S): @Hotfire & @hRL ScreenShot: [s=] [/s]
  18. Event #6 Event Type: Chicken Arrest LWS/G6: @Colobria Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(S): @Razak ScreenShot: [s=] [/s]
  19. *ACTIVITY #*47 Description: Patrol Around SA Participants: @Pika , , @CheeseBotMk2 . @ViTOoOo & @Maxyou12 Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/KKRK99Q :::
  20. Good luck everyone :pray:
  21. In-game Name: Max Account Name: rana Which boxer would you like to bet on: Max How much you want to bet: 1.000.000
  22. *ACTIVITY #*33 Description: Patrol Around SA Participants: @Pika , @Flippy10 , @CheeseBotMk2 . @snoopys & @Maxyou12 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AVB5Fiq
  23. Happy Birthday !! :cake:
  24. I. Personal Info In-game Name: Max Username / Account-name: rana Age: 17 Gender: Male Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): B4 Nationality: Egyptian Languages Spoken: English, Arabic and abit Turkish Average Ping: 80 Average FPS: 60 Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello, My name is Mohamed i live in Egypt>Alexandria, I'm 17 years old. I joined saes since 2013. I'm active player and i do my tasks, and i like helping players, I'm good arrester and i follow the rules and i use it every time , I'm good driver and im good shooter, When i started to play the game i applied for ice and i stayed ice for 5 months then i left, and i joined unofficial squad [NSWC], then i left and i joined TST and i was Major but TST Died, so i joined Five-0 and i was good helper there and all loved me But Five-0 Died when i was Major then Five-0|Terry|L, Invited me to FBI and i loved FBI too much but i wanted to change my career, because i was bored, so i joined ICE again to help new leader PoLaT, then we created a new squad [Military Intelgrence Team], But i wanted to leave it because a banned player want to fuck it. And i'm applying for swat again because i wanted to join it from along time :D . II. In-Game Experience When did you join the server: Since 2013 How much do you play each day: 6 hours Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: ICE, TST, Five-0, FBI Name the reason(s) for leaving: -ICE: To try another squad. -TST: Closed. Five-0: Closed. FBI: I got bored and i want to change my career. Current group memberships: If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?: Sure I will. Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): .Ban: Maybe i got 1 ban when i joined the game in this time i was noob :P .Kicks: I didn't get any kick before. .Punishments: I didn't get any punishments before. Name the reasons why you received these punishments: N/A III. Personal skills and knowledge Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences. Your strengths: Arresting all criminals, Driving cars and helicopters & Shooting. Your weaknesses: Driving shamal & sometimes i have lag in network and players tell me [Fix your fucking lag] And i tried a lot to fix it as fast as possible to fix it and i fixed it. Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Well, all players know that SWAT is the best squad in SAES , And it's a great squad all players love it, and they are making actions and tactics and i love that, I want to join to help them and be active member and i have 1 friend in it :| . and the members are very active and i like active members and all SWAT members follow rules and they are the most respectful players. and all know that SWAT FTW, And i applied in swat before and i got denied but this time i will not give up ! Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: Because i'm active and respectful, patient and i help players and I make a lot of activities, RPS and i invent a lot of new events for SWAT. I'm poor player so i will try hard and make an effort to collect money and do a lot of events.And im Elite player for SWAT ::: Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): In 22 May 2020, When i was driving my police car to come to meeting between our major and cops, then when i went there i was listening to the Major when he was telling "Use the new weapons and it will make your job more easier" and when he was talking more and more we hear a noice ! and a cop was telling CRIMINAL!! then they killed the major by a head shot and they killed a lot of cops, and they ran to steal the banks, I was thinking in my base what to do !, but first i spawned a lot of cops to come and prepare to make the justice in the town and take the revenge of our dead Major, And we tried to fight them in first try when we prepared the cars we went there but the criminals were 50 and we were 100 but they defeated a lot of cops although they were 50 and we were 100 and we knew the secret, they had new weapons with special tactics, and we forgot the words that the major told..After 2 days when we was preparing new weapons, we put a plan when we were 200 cop 50 cop was outside and other 50 on top to snip them ..and others in the bank, The Action started !. they were stealing a lot of money and our weapons were better than them. then we came and we arrested 50/400 then others tried to run but they got sniped by 50 cops [100/400] then the other 300 crim was in and we used our weapons and our elite brains, to kill 200 criminal, but others tried to run from us and we used our cars to follow them and we fucked their tires but they blocked us, then we fixed our way to go then we followed them after all these time and we got them, their boss tell me [I WILL KILL YOU SWAT AND I WILL KILL YOU TOO MAX!!] And i told him have fun in the prison :) . SWAT took revenge of the major and rescued people from dangers and we secure our town now. :::
  25. Happy birthday
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