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Everything posted by Laza

  1. Have a goos one bro
  2. Hello dear applicant @GamerZ450 - Please keep your activity, you'll be contacted within 5-7 days max with your last result. SAFD HQ Management
  3. Username: Laza Age: Twenty-three. Country: Country of residence is Serbia. Languages spoken: Speaking fluently English Serbian as my native language. From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): During my gameplay on this community, even in school, I have really improved my english, so I'd rate myself a eight out of ten. How long have you been playing on SAES: I have started playing on this RPG server, since the end of 2011, and the beginning of 2012, although I have registered my profile later. Can be found as well on archive forums. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: The gang itself is one of the oldest gangs on this community, since it's created, so far. It has inside pretty old vetereans as players, which is actually one of the rarest things to see. Arms Assassins is a gang that focuses on selling the best weapons in San Andreas. Their known to have the biggest and best guns. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): Well, my first squad were SAPA, used to be an sergeant there more than 3-4 months, then been trying to join a SWAT, actually I failed, and after that I joined FBI, used to be a SAC before, then from FBI, honestly I don't remember how long I were there, been in FBI twice, last time used to be a HQ, that was when I closed my personal squad, which were STF, level 4. Force One, were long ago, I don't honestly remember, it died. FOX used to be a HQ staff there like long ago, got in problem with the leader, and I got a kick, had a chance to return but, didn't honestly accepted. About STF, I closed it since our activity dropped, led it for long time, we were level 4. About the Outfit, enjoyed there actually, but couldn't find myself inside. Nanobob, called me, he did opened SoA, after that I've joined Nanobobs organization - Sons of Anarchy which died after. So after that I used to have a conversation with Anas and Element since I were already SWAT before and I left, so it was about giving me a last chance into SWAT, where I joined back in 2021, I were apart of SWAT for more than year, then Dufabo opened TST, used to join his squad in order to help, unfortunately the squad has died, wasn't even a month in the squad, as it died. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I was banned once for multiaccounting, and for some bug in-game. All sorted out since then. Name 3 Bankrob rules: Not allowed starting bank-robbery alone. You are not allowed to jump off the roof and suicide after a bank-robbery is done, that would be an avoid. As a gang member, you are not allowed to attempt, to ruin bank rob spawning as a cop. Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: You can't assist them by defending outside of the bank. Don't start public bank-robbery. Don't leak bank-robbery. Name 3 Turf rules: Not allowed to spawn as cop to arrest the other gang members, while you're apart of gang. Not allowed spawning at the properties. You cannot kill outside the zone, unless one of the parties is inside the zone. What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is when someone plays his own roles, in short sentence, acting like you would do in real life. What is Deathmatching?: Deathmatching is when someone comes near you, and starts shooting you without any proper reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: First time he would be warned and I would try to teach him the rules, second time if he continues, I will take screenshot, report the guy. Afterwards, hopefully staff or admin who take the case, will explain him what he did. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I would just continue where I started moving, or I'll keep my stay without touching them. I don't have any reasons to start something, since they're not trying to get myself. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: During my time since the last time doing application, I have made connections with few more players, such as Gui, Ammar, Anas, Proph, and some other players. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): So far, that'd be soon around a month since I'm hopefully trying to join up the gang. I'm so far aware of my steps back-then. I'm hopefully trying to get in contact with everyone inside the gang, unfortunately I'm working daily, I'm able to hop on probably after 18:00 PM server-time, due to job, but I believe, I'm arriving on time whenever there is something important. I'm actually searching some old place which is living still around this community, to find some peace. On another note, I believe I have shown somehow in-game, and let members know that I'm persistent this time. I'm aware that during my whole career you would see me walking around with police badge, but being apart of cop side for such a long time, I think it's enough, having some rest is always welcome. And yeah, as for last I would repeat as I have said last time, I haven't chosen this organisation because it's only having a tag AA, I'm aware that's one of the oldest organisations which is living on the server for a long time already, and has high reputation, so far during my whole career, and the time spent on SAES, I believe that I could deserve a place inside as a veteran. I'm giving a word, that I won't let anyone down. I'm still going to prove, and there is no any doubts.
  4. Username: My username is Laza. Age: 23. Country: Country of residence is Serbia. Languages spoken: Speaking fluently English and Serbian as my native language. From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): During my gameplay on this community, even in school, I have really improved my english, so I'd rate myself a eight out of ten. How long have you been playing on SAES: I have started playing on this RPG server, since the end of 2011, and the beginning of 2012, although I have registered my profile later. Can be found as well on archive forums. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: The gang itself is one of the oldest gangs on this community, since it's created, so far. It has inside pretty old vetereans as players, which is actually one of the rarest things to see. Arms Assassins is a gang that focuses on selling the best weapons in San Andreas. Their known to have the biggest and best guns. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): Well, my first squad were SAPA, used to be an sergeant there more than 3-4 months, then been trying to join a SWAT, actually I failed, and after that I joined FBI, used to be a SAC before, then from FBI, honestly I don't remember how long I were there, been in FBI twice, last time used to be a HQ, that was when I closed my personal squad, which were STF, level 4. Force One, were long ago, I don't honestly remember, it died. FOX used to be a HQ staff there like long ago, got in problem with the leader, and I got a kick, had a chance to return but, didn't honestly accepted. About STF, I closed it since our activity dropped, led it for long time, we were level 4. About the Outfit, enjoyed there actually, but couldn't find myself inside. Nanobob, called me, he did opened SoA, after that I've joined Nanobobs organization - Sons of Anarchy which died after. So after that I used to have a conversation with Anas and Element since I were already SWAT before and I left, so it was about giving me a last chance into SWAT, where I joined back in 2021, I were apart of SWAT for more than year, then Dufabo opened TST, used to join his squad in order to help, unfortunately the squad has died, wasn't even a month in the squad, as it died yesterday. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I was banned once for multiaccounting, and for some bug in-game. All sorted out since then. Name 3 Bankrob rules: Not allowed starting bank-robbery alone. You are not allowed to jump off the roof and suicide after a bank-robbery is done, that would be an avoid. As a gang member, you are not allowed to attempt, to ruin bank rob spawning as a cop. Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: You can't assist them by defending outside of the bank. Don't start public bank-robbery. Don't leak bank-robbery. Name 3 Turf rules: Not allowed to spawn as cop to arrest the other gang members, while you're apart of gang. Not allowed spawning at the properties. You cannot kill outside the zone, unless one of the parties is inside the zone. What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is when someone plays his own roles, in short sentence, acting like you would do in real life. For example: [AA]Guy is driving around, whilst there is Interceptor who's checking speed. Afterwards, he uses to pull-over [AA]Guy, asking him for documents, ID, driving licence and so on, as well, depends on the speed, if he wishes he would write him a tax to pay, while using (/me - /do ), anims and so on. Just some short explanation. What is Deathmatching?: Deathmatching is when someone comes near you, and starts shooting you without any proper reason. For example: [AA]Guy is chilling at MC Top, there's a party, a random cop drives to there, starts park-killing (pushing AA guy with a car), opens a fire to the guy, kills him. That's against the rules, and should be screenshoted, and reported immediately. As well, if the guy is new, the staff or admin who take the case, will explain him. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: As I have explained above. As well, first time he would be warned and I would try to teach him the rules, second time if he continues, I will take screenshot, report the guy. Afterwards, hopefully staff or admin who take the case, will explain him what he did. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I would just continue where I started moving, or I'll keep my stay without touching them. I don't have any reasons to start something, since they're not trying to get myself. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: I have hanged around with couple of members, from the old players I do know Anas, he used to be my team-mate, as well I do know many more members, such as Lica, Nicusi and so on. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): I were really in mood to write today bit more, and trying to explain that I'm not someone who is same guy as before, actually people growing up, I have growed with this community together, there was up-downs, many people had same problem, and in the end they succeded and archived what they wanted. I have actually archived everything. I am happy whenever I hold the button "PLAY" as I know I'll find someone who I know in-game, so we can chill together. I'm someone who is pretty old guy here. On another note, I have been mostly the police officer during my career, that's why you couldn't see me playing as criminal or so. Most of my closest friends decided to retire, someone left completely, and actually none of them I can't find anymore in police side. I'm loving it, that's the place where I spent all my time. But for now, I have decided completely to change it, I would love to have this time a chance to join something new, most of you knows that I used to apply before for AA, and never had a chance, I'm aware of the problems and so on, but actually I'm not looking to change it anymore, would finally and last time find my place whenever I join the game, I could enjoy. I have chosen this organisation, not because it's AA and because of base etc, I have chosen it because it's one of the oldest organisations on SAES, I think I see myself inside as someone who is veteran. If that's needed to prove, I'm having actually no problems with that, I'm having now some free time till 20th June, after that I'm starting to work, every evening you may see my online, but if something happens, I'm daily logging on discord, that's actually with me, on phone.
  5. Thread has been updated. The Strike Team closed.
  6. Your ingame username: My in-game username is (l4ki1). Your ingame alias: Known as Laza for the most of my time spent on SAES. Your year of birth: I'm born 19th October, since 1998. Your gender: I'm a male. Nationality: My nationalities is Serbian. Country of residence: Serbia. How long you have been playing SAES: I'm apart of SAES Community since the end of 2011, and the beginning of 2012. Qualities you can offer: Well, most of the people are matured here, most talented people with big knowledge within the game, and something else next to it. But, I can guarantee I'm one of them, recently my activity is not the biggest, as I'm trying to find something to focus in this game, as I have archived everything I wanted, but the only thing is remaining and that's a staff place. I have attended at a few recruitments already, but unfortunately, didn't had enough luck, there is no doubts, if I'm given a chance, my activity will be definitely much bigger, as that's actually something what's needed. On another note, I'm pretty much experienced with helping someone, having pretty enough knowledge, as my time while I was younger was spent on this community. I gained some great support & helping abilities during that extended period. So as for last, I can say I'm a respectful guy who has an respect for the people above me and I'm trustworthy for serious duties. Your weaknesses: So far as I know, nothing important that makes me not suitable to be a part of staff team. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do have discord installed on PC and mobile as well. There you may find me 24/7. Reason for application: There is a couple of main reasons, before I start saying something, would like to mention that SAES is not just a game, that's a community where I found really good friends, with who I'm chatting since a long time, that's one of the important reasons which still kept me playing this server. Maybe recently my activity has dropped, that's just because I'm looking to focus on something which makes me really interested, a few times already I have participated in recruitments, never had a luck, maybe I was closer, but I can guarantee that I can help the server as much I can, as I'm an trustworthy player, and someone who has an (veteran) title. I want to take a step further and move to a new experience, to a new job how could I say.I have observed what other admins and community staff do and it is my ambition for a long time to be in the same respected role, I think I have the same fair judgment and ability to treat people. With all respect, thanks for letting me applying. Server Memberships: My memberships are - ~[Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)]~(blue,blue,blue) Officer ~[Desert Eagles]~(green) Warrant Officer (Honorary) ~[San Andreas Fire Department]~(red) Commissioner ~[Cuban Cars]~(maroon,sienna) Impounder Additional information: My real name is Lazar, I'm known as Laza within this game, I'm Serbian nationalities, living in Serbia and as you can see, I can talk fluently English as a second language. I'm having twenty-three years old. As from school, finished an Financial Administrator, and afterwards, went into the army. My so far real life goal is to reach the police, as I have pretty enough experience which I brought in army. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Can't really remember. Previous (legitimate) bans: I was banned once for multiaccounting, and for some bug in-game. All sorted out since then.
  7. What's your activity status now? @Akineton SAFD Commissioner
  8. ^[] ^[] S.W.A.T Activity: Patroling around the map, stopping store-robberies. Date: 23rd January, 2022. Screenshots: Patroling around the map: [s=Images] [/s] Stopping store-robberies: [s=Images] [/s] ^[]
  9. @Skes I saw that there is more changes, much better than it was, not the best but solid. Therefor, due to activity shown, I will give you the chance: ^[] Meet me or any other HQ+ in-game for your tests.
  10. Good activity shown, please edit your application, I want to see abit more effort shown there, you have 48 hours from this post. @Skes
  11. ^[] ^[] S.W.A.T Activity: Patroling around San Fierro, and stopping store-robberies. Date: 05/01/2022. Screenshots: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/zW3AKD0 [/s]
  12. Happy a new year community!
  13. Application denied, total of month passed.
  14. ^[] ^[] S.W.A.T Activity: Total of 9 members online at the same moment! Date: 02/01/2022. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  15. Participants: Myself only. District: Las Venturas and mostly San Fierro due turfing. Shift period: Around 45 minutes. Number of vehicles: 20+ vehicles. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sscllzH
  16. Try to make your application abit more structured, too much bold. As well, keep your activity, soon we'll be back at your application. -SAFD Commissioner
  17. @Shikomaru You have 48 hours to edit your application, otherwise consider yourself denied.
  18. There wasn't any activity shown for a month already.
  19. - Participants: Myself only. - District: Under Las Venturas. - Shift period: Total of half hour. - Number of vehicles extinguished: 5 - Screenshots: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/IhAYLbz [/s]
  20. Have a good one bruh!
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