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Everything posted by Laza

  1. @TimaXxX Good evening cadet, I'm sorry to mention, but you didn't passed application stage, which means you're rejected. If you're interested in joining San Andreas Fire Department, you may re-apply after two weeks from this post. Yours, SAFD HQ Management
  2. @MetalHead Good evening cadet, I'll be coming to you with nicely news, you have passed application stage, therefor it means you're accepted within the group. Please meet me or any other HQ+ in-game for your last interview. Yours, SAFD HQ Management
  3. Merry Christmas!
  4. Recruitment status: OPEN
  5. Thanks my love
  6. Since I've used a poll, I'd like to justify. Increasing property seems no point to me, why? There's a limit so people could have in each city/country one property, which seems to be fair towards anyone. So there's no point of having lots of properties, since you got no point of using them.
  7. Event type: Last Man Standing Prize: 1,000,000 LWS: Myself Winner: @SUCUKLU Screenshots: [s] https://i.imgur.com/YcGoxR2.png [/s] Event type: Knock me off NRG-500 Prize: 1,000,000 LWS: Myself Winner: @Abdou Screenshots: [s] https://i.imgur.com/Z0qt05W.png https://i.imgur.com/xz0pFBI.png [/s] Event type: Lucky Chicken Prize: 1,000,000 LWS: Myself Winner: @SpeeD1Tn Screenshots: [s] [/s] Event type: Parachute on my BUS Prize: 1,000,000 (2 winners) LWS: Myself Winner: @SpeeD1Tn got both rounds Screenshots: [s] [/s] Event type: Reach my position with NRG-500 Prize: 1,000,000 LWS: Myself Winner: @SpeeD1Tn Screenshots: [s] [/s]
  8. ~[[LWS STAFF]]~(#7bff00,red) - #20 Type of event: Last Man Standing Location: G6 Area Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @tokiits Hosted by: Daddy & CDC Screenshots: [s] https://imgur.com/a/fwC2fy7 [/s]
  9. ~[[LWS STAFF]]~(#7bff00,red) - #19 Type of event: Carshow Event (ONLY 1 Winner) Location: G6 Area Prize: 1,500,000 Winner(s): @Steve Hosted by: Arms Assassins Screenshots: [s] https://imgur.com/a/NYQJDZI [/s]
  10. ~[[LWS STAFF]]~(#7bff00,red) - #18 Type of event: Boxing Event (All vs All) Location: G6 Area Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @django Hosted by: Arms Assassins Screenshots: [s] https://imgur.com/a/VeUYqKg [/s]
  11. ~[[LWS STAFF]]~(#7bff00,red) - #17 Type of event: 1v1 Combat Shotgun Location: G6 Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @Doomm Hosted by: Arms Assassins Screenshots: [s] https://imgur.com/a/2hKhpot [/s]
  12. ~[[LWS STAFF]]~(#7bff00,red) - #16 Type of event: 1v1 Deagle Location: G6 Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @Aoxy Hosted by: Nishki Screenshots: [s] https://imgur.com/a/bYCZuTM [/s]
  13. ~[[LWS STAFF]]~(#7bff00,red) - #15 Type of event: Fallout Location: G6 Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @Aoxy Hosted by: Nishki Screenshots: [s] https://imgur.com/a/t7FV2Rd [/s]
  14. ~[[LWS STAFF]]~(#7bff00,red) - #14 Type of event: Carshow Location: G6 Area Prize: 1,000,000 1st - 500k 2nd and 250k 3rd Winner(s): @LandShark @CeSaR @KinGSmoke Hosted by: AA Screenshots: [s] https://imgur.com/a/YDDzN43 [/s]
  15. ~[[LWS STAFF]]~(#7bff00,red) - #13 Type of event: Lucky Nader Location: LV Cross Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @Yazzan Hosted by: AA Screenshots: [s] https://imgur.com/a/3IlDgUc [/s]
  16. ~[[LWS STAFF]]~(#7bff00,red) - #12 Type of event: Find S.W.A.T. member Location: He's been hidden at LS Marina Beach Prize: 7,500,000 Winner(s): @Versace Hosted by: SWAT Screenshots: [s] https://imgur.com/a/ldGgJph [/s]
  17. ~[[LWS STAFF]]~(#7bff00,red) - #11 Type of event: Lucky Nader Location: Lv cross Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @Hammer Hosted by: AA Screenshots: [s] https://imgur.com/a/jfaYce8 [/s]
  18. This is the first step of joining the San Andreas Fire Department Application system have been moved to discord. Copy the application format below **Section 1 - Non-RP Information** - **Nickname:** **Username:** Old nickname/Other nicknames used in-game:** **Age:** **Gender:** **Current Gang/Squad: **Previous Gangs/Squads (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out):** **How long have you been a member of your current Gang/Squad and what is your current rank?** **Current groups:** **Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out):** **Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you receive them:** **Tell us something about yourself:** --- **Section 2 - Questions** - **Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department?** **What is your goal within the Fire Department?** **Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in the media archive regularly?** --- Section 3 - Detailed Profile - **What are your strengths?** **What are your weaknesses?** **Why do you want to join the SAFD?** **What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department?** --- **Applicant's signature:** **Date:** --- For your activities, you can use the following formats: Roleplay type: Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): Location: Participants: Screenshots: Participants: District: Shift period: Number of vehicles extinguished: Screenshots: When posting your activities, you do not need to take a screenshot of every single vehicle you extinguish. All you need to do is to take a screenshot of the 'Vehicles Extinguished' stat BEFORE you start your patrol, and AFTER you complete your patrol. Your activities should look like this: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/185/sa-fire-department-media-archive/1204 Joining the San Andreas Fire Department: 1. STEP There is a formal proceed of joining the San Andreas Fire Department. There is an application part, when you're asking to join the fire department with the right format, in this part you need to fill the documents about you. If you pass the application part, then you will be proceeded to the 2nd step. 2. STEP Next part is scanning processes (fire department tests). -The first step is to check your psychical and technical skills which means, SAFD HQ will be testing you at roleplaying. -After the roleplaying, you'll be moved to the Radio usage, where you'll have to know all the codes and you will have to know how to properly report information and details in radio. -Last part is an interview, where you'll be asked several questions about you. Failing the Fire Department tests will give you an extra 1 week, in order to be re-tested. Failing re-test results in a denied from Fire Department. Passing the Fire Department tests will give you an official firefighter diploma of San Andreas Fire Department. Which also means, you have joined San Andreas Fire Department officialy. You may find the documents at the following link: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13513/safd-how-to-apply ^[] Written by, SAFD HQ.
  19. ^[] SAFD Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/WQABPSk About San Andreas Fire Department: The San Andreas Fire Department is an emergency organisation existing of 3 county districts in Los Santos, Las Venturas and San Fierro. We also have one more station in other town which is Bone County, everything has started at Bone County station. We're assigned by the San Andreas Government to take care of the civilian's safety and well being in terms of non-living treats. Long story short, we fight what you fear! Do you have any questions about SAFD? SA Fire Department :: Information Support [FAQ] (CLICK) Where can I apply for SAFD? SAFD Application Section (CLICK) Where is SAFD Media Archive located? SA Fire Department :: Media Archive (CLICK) SAFD HQ TEAM: Chief - Laza Assistant Chief - Yannick Supervisor - Spanish Written by, SAFD HQ Management.
  20. Chief <Ch> This is the highest possible rank in the San Andreas Fire Department. Chief is known as a head of the Fire Department. Manages and controls everything. Assistant Chief <Ac> This is the 2nd highest possible rank in the San Andreas Fire Department. Assistant Chief is known as a vice leader of Fire Department. Manages and controls everything, when Chief is not present. Supervisor This is the 3rd highest possible rank in the San Andreas Fire Department. Supervisor is known as an assistant to the vice leader of Fire Department. He helps Deputy Fire Commissioner in managing paperwork, field stuff and more. Battalion Chief The Battalion Chief is usually the highest-ranking officer on duty/scene/roleplay. That means, they are in charge, whenever they are present. Captain The Captain is usually the highest-ranking officer at the scene/roleplay (if Battalion Chief is not there), and will direct operations as needed. They receive reports from any lieutenants, and must make administrative decisions. Beside of that, they deal with recruiting and instructing new firefighters. Captains hosts trainings and operations for other firefighters. In the absence of the Battalion Chief, the Captain may assume the role of an Incident Commander. Lieutenant The Lieutenant is responsible for the emergency response of a specific company (fire engines, ladder trucks, ambulances, chief vehicles, boats, helicopters), including the management of resources and personnel. Because of their important role in directing firefighters, lieutenants must possess knowledge of scene operations and try to be more educated than their subordinates. In the absence of the Captain, the Lieutenant may assume the role of Acting Captain. Engineer The driver engineer is responsible for driving the apparatus. They are also responsible for maintaining and operating the fire pump and aerial ladder, aswell as boats, helicopters. This is a very technical position that comes with a lot of responsibility. A driver engineer must make frequent checks on the vehicle, to make sure it remains in working order. All equipment must be cleaned and maintained after every call, and at the very least reviewed each morning before the shift. In the absence of the Lieutenant, the driver Engineer may work as Acting Lieutenant. SAFD EMT The EMT part of this title refers to emergency medical technician, and most firefighters have a basic EMT certification. Firefighter EMT's need to be physically fit for this occupation. SAFD EMTs responds to medical emergencies and other callouts as medics and they act their role all the time. Firefighter This rank requires official certification to become firefighter. Firefighter basically deals with fires, responding to all kinds of an accidents. They are the heart of Fire Department. Probationary Firefighter Probationary firefighters are the ones, who recently joined a Fire Department. They will be going through rough trainings and interventions in order to become full firefighter. Honorary Members Those are the people, who have served in this fire department for a long time with an honour. You may also find here the oldest players, retired chiefs, officers. Written by, SAFD HQ Management.
  21. A quick reminder, recruitment starts in half hour, good luck to all candidates!
  22. ~[[LWS STAFF]]~(#7bff00,red) - #10 Type of event: Chicken Shooter Location: BC Chicken Shooter Area Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @maximzor Hosted by: OB Screenshots: [s] https://imgur.com/a/Duq4LsL [/s]
  23. ^[] ^[SAFD - We fight what you fear!] ^[Good afternoon everyone. I would like to announce after a long time, we will be organising live recruitment] ^[It used to be organised by a couple old members which I wanted to mention them bellow, they used to be in HQ team before and they are still honored members by SAFD, and you may find them at our public topic.] [s] [/s] THE RECRUITMENT WILL TAKE PLACE NEXT WEEKEND. (SATURDAY 20th AUGUST ). THE RECRUITMENT WILL BEGIN AT 18:00 (server-time) AND IT WILL BE DONE IN 2nd DIMENSION. Admin/staff messages will be made a few minutes before the recruitments to give you further instructions, if that's going to be needed. WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO? You should come to the recruitment spawned as a FIREFIGHTER without any weapon, other classes will be banned. The location where we're going to gather will be at our old main base @ BCFD, and from there you will start. HOW THE RECRUITMENT WORKS? Once you warp there, you will go to the line and wait for the instructions. After the time comes, you will be added to the team with who you're going to the exact location and proceed roleplaying. You will be told by your team leader. Team leaders will be mostly SAFD HQ members and maybe a battalion chief, depends where you're going to be added, I'm the one who is going to allocate the members, so that will be done once we start. The roleplay locations will be exactly in main cities, LV - LS - SF. It will take around 20-30 minutes, depends on how it goes, after the roleplay is done, you have to return back to BCFD. Act like a real firefighter, use common sense, /me & /do & animations and so on, we're going to pick the best firefighters! IMPORTANT NOTE - If you're planning to increase your chance in joining, you're supposed to hang-around with SAFD members, and show off yours interest. Good luck to all cadets, we hope to see you there in large numbers! ^[If something happens unexpected, you will be notified, we hope it won't.] SAFD HQ Management Fire Comissioner - @Laza Deputy Fire Commissioner - @Yannick Supervisor - @LAPD_Spanish_VEN
  24. Hello, Here can you find the current recruitment status of the San Andreas Fire Department! Good luck on your future and your way within the fire department. Recruitment Status is: OPENED To apply for SAFD, go to the following topic: PRESS HERE
  25. @PinkyyyTinkyyy Meet me or any other HQ+ in-game for yours interview. SAFD HQ Management
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