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Posts posted by Schwarz

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    Nickname: Schwarz
    Username: baristezgel2
    Age (D/M/Y): 25/07/1997
    Nationality: Turkey
    Gender: Male
    Current gang/squad: S.W.A.T.
    Current group membership(s): SAFD
    Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): SAPA(Because i was playing as criminal)
    Have you been punishment in the last 2 months? If yes, why?: Yes (killing 2 occupants with attempting an arrest)


    Why would you like to join our company?: It makes me bored after playing same role for a while, i believe i can enjoy the game a lot more if i get a chance in this group.
    Can you offer anything special to the company?: Loyalty and anything as much as i can for the group
    Which division do you prefer? Trucking or Mechanical? (State the reason as well): I feel closer to trucking role because i don't understand mechanic stuff a lot, and i find myself a good driver so i prefer trucking.


    Your strenghts/weaknesses: I can say i am doing my best to be respectful and helpful as my strength and i am patient, but as weakness i can't stand against injustice.
    What does roleplay stand for?: It is the case that the person is not essentially this person, but acting like he is.
    Do you have any experience in roleplaying? Yeah, like i said i am a member of SAFD so i know the basics, and i am trying to improve myself everyday.
    Are you capable of obeying orders? Yes i am.
    What do you do if someone insults you in main chat?: I am usually trying to ignore, but if that person keeps doing it i would report.
    What do you do if someone deathmatches you?: I would ask him why he did it in the first place, if he insults me, i would report him.
    Additional Information: Thanks for reading.

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