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Posts posted by Schwarz

  1. I. Personal Info
    :arrow_forward: In-game Name: Schwarz
    :arrow_forward: Username / Account-name: baristezgel2
    :arrow_forward: Age: 23
    :arrow_forward: Gender: Male
    :arrow_forward: Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): B2
    :arrow_forward: Nationality: Turkey
    :arrow_forward: Languages Spoken: Turkish and English Little German
    :arrow_forward: Average Ping: 60-80
    :arrow_forward: Average FPS: 50 - 40
    :arrow_forward: Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): I'm a 23 year old man from Turkey, I've been playing on SAES RPG: for about 5 years. I live in Istanbul ( which is not the capital of Turkey it is Ankara ! ). I served my time in the army about 4-5 months ago and now I'm back. I'm an easygoing person and I can get along with anyone if they're kind enough. I love reading books and going to the gym in my spare time. And OH! I have cats, I love cats! Nothing much to say, I'm a normal person like everyone else.
    II. In-Game Experience
    :arrow_forward:When did you join the server: Since 2015
    :arrow_forward: How much do you play each day: 5 - 6 hours
    :arrow_forward: Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: CDC,TT,B~Bx2,FOX,FBI
    :arrow_forward: Name the reason(s) for leaving:
    CDC: It was inactive and they weren't doing any activities as a gang, so i got bored and left.,
    TT: I got banned from SAES for 3 days, that got me kicked from the gang.
    B~Bx2: I wasn't having fun by playing as a criminal so I decided to play as a cop.
    FOX: I had problems with some of the HQs, didn't want to stay anymore.
    FBI: There were things that didn't make me feel comfortable no matter how hard i tried, so i had to leave.
    :arrow_forward: Current group memberships: N/A
    :arrow_forward: If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? Yes
    :arrow_forward: Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): I was banned a long while back by SAES>BONE because I was brand new in the server, didn't know the rules and whatnot. Noobie times...
    :arrow_forward: Name the reasons why you received these punishments: As i stated above, I've been banned once for ramming someone with vehicle.
    III. Personal skills and knowledge
    :warning: Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.

    :arrow_forward: Your strengths: I think I am a decent officer, despite being part of criminal organisations before. I can also adapt to people. And finally, I can execute orders without any doubt.
    :arrow_forward: Your weaknesses: Unfortunately i am not that good at using planes and vehicles, however this is due to my low fps, I could be better at this if i had a decent pc.
    :arrow_forward: Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Because everyone knows that SWAT is one of the oldest squads in the server and anyone would like to be in it. I want to join SWAT because I deem it to be the most fitting squad for me. A group of elites and veterans. I would like to see myself become a part of the finest of SAES and RP along with them.
    :arrow_forward: Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: First of all I'm active, If we get real, activity is one of the most important criteria for any gang/squad in the server. I can provide SWAT with man-power any day, any time. Other than that, I' think I'd be a good fit for SWAT because I actually love playing as a cop. I can help out with any kind of operation SWAT conducts and give my %110 to it. I'll help out other members to the best of my ability because I consider myself a class A team-worker. On the other side, I'm a easy going person and I think I'm a pretty fun guy. Most of the people that paly the game with me, they love teaming up with me and I love teaming up with them. SWAT is one of the oldest and most reputated squad in the server and I'd love to see myself become a part of it. I really think that I can fit in as a part of the team and be productive.
    Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):


    There's an agressive group, containing around 30-45 individuals. They start walking to the City Hall from Idlewood and they're angry. They were protesting about the legalization of weed in a peacefull manner until 3-4 members of an undergorund crime organization provoked them from the inside by feeding them lies and the situation got hostile. They have knifes, molotovs and any kind of non-fireable weapon to support their cause. Team DAVID gets called in for riot control and the man in charge is myself Senior Operative Schwarz. I part the squad in 5 groups consisting of 4 man. We deploy in full riot gear and utilize the SWAT riot control vehicles such as the FBI water truck. We close off strategic points using the help of normal patrol units and lead the large group into an open area away from public reach. After we do that, we give out peaceful warnings to the group to disperse and lay their weapons on the ground but they do not seem to co-operate. We're forced to take action, 4 of the teams take each side and block the premises, ready to roll in. We bring a SWAT chopper to hover over the group. The last team dispenses out smoke screens and tear gasses off the chopper to decrease visibility. Ground teams mask up and march into the crowd; tasing, batoning nd peper spraying the group equipped with thermal vision headsets along with gas masks. the situation is under control after a heavy fight that lasts about 45 minutes. 27 of a total 40 activists get taken into custody. The remainder of individuals get tracked down by patrol units and are brought in custody. The situation escalated in an unexpected manner but DAVID managed to defuse the situation without having any casualties from both parties.


  2. Applicant Main Information :

    Nickname: Schwarz
    Username: baristezgel2
    Age: 23
    Nationality: Turkey
    Languages you can speak: Turkish and English

    Player SAES Career Information :

    How long have you been playing on SAES? : Since 5 years
    Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : CDC, TT, B~B, FOX, FBI

    If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them :

    • CDC: It was inactive and they weren't doing any activities as a gang, so i got bored and left.

    • TT: I got banned from SAES for 3 days, that got me kicked from the gang.

    • B~B: I wasn't having fun by playing as a criminal so I decided to play as a cop.

    • FOX: I had problems with some of the HQs, didn't want to stay anymore.

    • FBI: I got bored from cop side, so here i am trying my chance to join back my old family.
      Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : As i stated above, I've been banned once for ramming someone with vehicle.
      What groups are you currently part of? : I am not a part of any group for now

    Personality Information :

    What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I'm an active player who tries to participate in every thing related to the gang i'm in as a result of my activity I can help the gang evolve. Also I'm good at flying aircrafts and I'm a good shooter.
    Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: They are managed to assasinate people for cash. They are based in San Fierro but They are managed to do their mission in whole San Andreas. They also managed to repair weapons or supposed to upgrade them such as adding them muffler, or adding scopes to weapons etc...
    Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : Because I was already a part of this family before, and i know how it feels to be a member of this gang, what it requires etc. It's fun without any doubt to play as a part of this gang, these are the reasons.
    Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : @nyx_ recommended me to join. and I have some friends inside the gang; @Style @Kaioshin @MatizZ @nicky
    Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Nothing.

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