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Everything posted by Niklaus

  1. @Versace Happy birthday habibi :honk: ::: @Velo nik you I was going to post it :::
  2. @MrSolrac Nice trainer :honk:
  3. Good luck, but don't forget that Kamikaze = gay :honk:
  4. ^[] Camels assisting O in SF BR (31/7/2021) link text ::: ::: ^[]
  5. ^[] Camels assisting ThC in SF BR (31/7/2021) ::: ::: ^[]
  6. Too lazy to read but since @rykila said yes then +1 :honk:
  7. ^[] Camels assisting CripZ in LV BR (26/7/2021) ::: ::: ^[]
  8. ^[] Camels robbing Tierra Robada Bank (8/8) (24/7/2021) ::: ::: ^[]
  9. ^[] Camels assisting O in LV BR (24/7/2021) ::: ::: ^[]
  10. ^[] Camels assisting CripZ in LV BR (23/7/2021) ::: ::: ^[]
  11. ^[] Camels assisting CripZ in SF BR (23/7/2021) ::: ::: ^[]
  12. :crying_face: :loudly_crying_face:
  13. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 305GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Feb 19, 2021. Why do you need this change? Because I stopped using most of these vehicles. Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21007/donation-niklaus-amount-10-00-gbp/1 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21344/donation-niklaus-amount-15-00-gbp/1 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21231/donation-niklaus-amount-15-00-gbp/1 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25431/donation-niklaus-amount-10-00-gbp/1 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21539/donation-niklaus-amount-10-00-gbp/1 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22729/donation-niklaus-amount-20-00-gbp/1 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22683/donation-niklaus-amount-60-00-gbp/1 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25165/niklaus-s-reward-change/1 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Kart. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 2: Cheetah with Gaymen wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 3: Cheetah with Gaymen wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 4: Police LV. Location: My LVX Property. Vehicle 5: Ugly Cargobob. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 6: Cheetah with Gaymen wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 7: Cheetah with Gaymen wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 8: Cheetah with Gaymen wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 9: Cheetah with Gaymen wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 10: Cheetah with Gaymen wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 11: Cheetah with Gaymen wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 12: Cheetah with Gaymen wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 13: Cheetah with Gaymen wrap. Location: B~B Base. ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Jester. Location: My LVX Property. Username: xxmrtrollstylexx Vehicle 2: Jester. Location: Cannabis Shop in LS. Username: xxmrtrollstylexx Vehicle 3: Jester. Location: Luxuary Flat Apartment #1 in SF. Username: xxmrtrollstylexx Vehicle 4: Jester. Location: Barancas Road Store 8 in TR. Username: xxmrtrollstylexx Vehicle 5: Jester. Location: Drivers Driving Co in RC. Username: xxmrtrollstylexx Vehicle 6: Custom Shamal Wrap. Location: My shamal in SF AP. Username: xxmrtrollstylexx Vehicle 6: Stratum with Wrap2 wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 7: Stratum with Wrap2 wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 8: Stratum with Wrap2 wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 9: Stratum with Wrap2 wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 10: Stratum with Wrap2 wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 11: Stratum with Wrap2 wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 12: Stratum with Wrap2 wrap. Location: B~B Base. Vehicle 13: Stratum with Wrap2 wrap. Location: B~B Base.
  14. Happy birthday, @Yoko
  15. ^[] Type Of Activity: Trucking. Date: 09/07/2021 Participations: @Niklaus Screenshots: ::: ::: ^[]
  16. ^[] Type Of Activity: Delivering Crude. Date: 09/07/2021 Participations: @Niklaus Screenshots: ::: ::: ^[]
  17. ^[] Type Of Activity: Delivering goods. Date: 09/07/2021 Participations: @Niklaus Screenshots: ::: ::: ^[]
  19. ^[] Camels assisting O in LV BR (25/6/2021) ::: ::: ^[]
  20. Camels Turfing San Fierro (19/6/2021) Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  21. This is an automated post TXN ID: 0E4669852L407910V Donation Amount: 15.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: DFT-30 Vehicle Colour: Hippie generic wrap. Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself. Usernames to lock: xxmrtrollstylexx Where you want it placed: Behind my LVX Prop. For any help with rewards, please check this topic. @Brophy Confirm.
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